It's Over! Kamala Harris Plummets to 1% with Black Democrats After Tulsi Gabbard Takedown

It's funny how we have so many experts on black people here. Kamala Harris is at 1 percent, but blacks are all abandoning the democratic party and supporting Trump. But what this shows is that blacks did not vote for Obama only because he's black.0969054166.

Do you even think before you type?

" But most of our "experts" on black people voted for Trump only because he was white."

They voted for Trump because he wasn't "her".
No, the so-called white working class voted for trump because he was white. Hillary got more votes.

Liar. Tell us lil guy, how MANY presidents have been elected in the by a popular vote?

40 out of 45 Presidents won the popular vote. That's a whole lot more othan have been elected by the EC. John Quincy Adams (23), Rutherford Hayes (32), Benjamin Harrison (43), George W. Bush (30), and Donald Trump (44). The numbers after their names are their ranking by political scientists on the list of the greatest Presidents of all time. All are in the bottom half of the list, and all but Adams are in the bottom third. Trump is dead last (only 44 are ranked).

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

The white working class voted for Trump because they've been screwed over by both parties since Reagan was elected and Trump said he would take care of them. He didn't, he hasn't, and he won't. They won't be voting for him again.

Was that the question honey?
How MANY Presidents have been elected by the popular vote?

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