It's The Same Pattern.Pollsters Give Dem's 10/15 Point Leads In Summer.But Now, Many Of Them Tied?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:1peleas: Didn't we go thru this in 2016? Hillary was always about 15 points ahead of Trump from the start,, and then all of a sudden, as we near November, the pollsters narrow down her lead to 2 points? And who won via huge landslide in 2016?
And here we are again, Didn't we have up to a 17% lead for Dem's in the house a long time ago? and now its tied again? What about important races? Why do some Senate/Governor/House seats start off with the Dem's way ahead, and then, about 10 days before Nov. 6, all of a sudden it's a tossup?
:desk: :cul2: :iyfyus.jpg:
i wonder how many points wandering fingers Joe already has over Trump.
Polls should be outlawed from October 1st on. They sway too many choices, and as we saw in 2016, they aren't necessarily accurate.

The only "poll" that matters gets counted tomorrow night.
CNN has already projected that the Biden/Warren ticket has won the 2020 erection
That's why I don't believe in polls.

Hell all the polls, pundits and talking heads predicted Hitlery would be our next POTUS.

We all know how that turned out.

Anyone who takes polls seriously ain't to bright.
That's why I don't believe in polls.

Hell all the polls, pundits and talking heads predicted Hitlery would be our next POTUS.

We all know how that turned out.

Anyone who takes polls seriously ain't to bright.
i was so looking forward to a Jeb Bush/Monica Lewinsky ticket in 2015
I keep thinking that union guys lie to pollsters and then vote for Trump. Then the MSM tries to gin up the women voter thing, and that may or may not pan out. Even many more blacks than usual are voting for Trump. So polls are only as good as their data, and if the data is bogus, the polls are bogus.
The media conducts a "pep rally" for the dems for 18 months
and then slowly edges back on their predictions trying to maintain
some sort of credibility.

They try to influence, hold back on good news, and resort to lying with
retractions made three days later, in fine print, on page 20.

Cable and the Internet has made more Americans more aware of what's
really happening.

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