It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Interesting. I suppose it could be said then that the god of the Christians is not the god of the OT. One is mono, I understand, and the other is triune?
"Then" doesn't seem appropriate in this discussion. The fact of there being a linguistic difference between Arabic and other languages does not imply a theological difference between Old and New Testament adherents.
Christians hold that "God" constitutes three elements humans can identify. "I Am" is not reduced in any way. The trinity is an intellectual stumbling block and not necessary to coming to personal revelation.
In what way?
Just for starters, "Allah" is a name. YHWH is a symbol and usually regarded as a verb form. "Allah" does not translate as "I Am" or "I Will Be What I Will Be", which is more or less what YHWH means in English.
Just for starters, "Allah" is a name. YHWH is a symbol and usually regarded as a verb form. "Allah" does not translate as "I Am" or "I Will Be What I Will Be", which is more or less what YHWH means in English.
Fair enough. Use 'El' instead of YHWH.
The trinity is an intellectual stumbling block and not necessary to coming to personal revelation.
So, not an intrinsic part of Christianity and the exact nature of the entity under discussion is not important? Rather, that the Semitic religions have that entity in common?
Just for starters, "Allah" is a name. YHWH is a symbol and usually regarded as a verb form. "Allah" does not translate as "I Am" or "I Will Be What I Will Be", which is more or less what YHWH means in English.
Allah is Arabic for God like Gott is German for God. Arabic speaking Christians in the middle east say Allah.
What do you get out of disparaging other faiths? You don't know anything about domestic law or legal theory either.
What are you talking about? "Disparaging"? Stating facts is not disparagement.
Being hypersensitive to views other than one's own is a psychological problem, not a logical one.
He only ascribes to the Roman Catholic Church. None of that matters. My church split from the Roman Catholic Church because they saw it was corrupt and worshipped several humans in their practice instead of God and did not agree with the Pope being the head of the church.
He sounds more like the Opus Dei part of the RCC.

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