It's time for mandatory vaccination

Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.

This is what a small child would say. Did you stomp your feet while you were typing it, little boy?

How about "GFY"?
How does that work out for the IRS when they want you to pay your taxes.
If enough of us refused to pay, what could they do about it?

(I'm hoping to find that out real soon, actually.)
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Someone tells you you can't do something, tell them to fuck off.
If they try to physically stop you, shoot them dead in the street and go back to doing whatever it was.

(This is a fun game...... let's get started playing it for real.)
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering
I go out of my way not to attend public events or spend any more time among the masses than absolutely necessary.

Please feel free to come with the jackbooted thugs to give me my mandatory COVID vaccine. Bring body armor.
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.
Know what would be easier? Putting a tattoo on everyone who hasn't been vaccinated. That way they could be identified right away. Considering the grave danger they pose to all life on earth, maybe they should also be put into special areas to keep them away from everyone else. If necessary, we could build some sort of fence all around this area.

How's that sound, you fucking nazi? Scumbag democrats never change.
You could change that from "get vaccinated" to "pay taxes" and see how insane you sound.
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
and thats called COMMUNISM
Is it communism to require ID when buying booze?

You fake conservatives aren't very smart.
What's the rational argument against it?

And no, "because I don't want to" is not a rational argument. 20 year olds don't want to show ID to buy beer, either.
Becauseall covid vaccines are not fully approved by the FDA, The Vaccines are onyapproved as experimental/emergency use only
So your position is that as soon as it's fully approved we should require mandatory vaccinations?

Or are you going to dance sideways again?
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.
Agreed..... won't change my life at all.... but you have a point. Kids should be homeschooled....adults should avoid ball games and weddings,....should wear a mask in problem I'm all for it....I'll never...ever ever be vaccinated for covid 19 but I will do those things for the sake of others' peace of mind.

Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Darn that pesky Constitution
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.
Know what would be easier? Putting a tattoo on everyone who hasn't been vaccinated. That way they could be identified right away. Considering the grave danger they pose to all life on earth, maybe they should also be put into special areas to keep them away from everyone else. If necessary, we could build some sort of fence all around this area.

How's that sound, you fucking nazi? Scumbag democrats never change.
You could change that from "get vaccinated" to "pay taxes" and see how insane you sound.
False equivalency = fail
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Sounding alot like a paranoid hyperchondriac bitch, calm down and take a deep breathe
They are re-instituting mask mandates. Because too many morons aren't getting vaccinated, causing the virus to mutate. Some people are getting sick. Some people, like the three NY Yankees pitchers yesterday and like Bill Maher two months ago, have gotten Covid but are not having symptoms. Yet.

Tell the 5,000+ new cases in Florida yesterday that they are all being hypochondriacs.
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
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You can be a moron all day long for all I care. You add nothing and post boring unintelligent nonsense. You think posting a photo of Trump's boyfriend means something?
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.
Know what would be easier? Putting a tattoo on everyone who hasn't been vaccinated. That way they could be identified right away. Considering the grave danger they pose to all life on earth, maybe they should also be put into special areas to keep them away from everyone else. If necessary, we could build some sort of fence all around this area.

How's that sound, you fucking nazi? Scumbag democrats never change.
Annnnd reparations! The non vaccinated must pay reparations to those families who lost loved ones to the grim covideer! Those BASTARDS! THEY KILLED AUNT JENNY!


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