It's Time to Celebrate Liberty and Freedom in a Wisconsin Tavern...Stay at Home Order Ruled Illegal by WI Supreme Court

Do you really want a handful of putin-backed un-American sewer filth to take over the United States? Kick these thugs out, for the sake of all the decent people of this country.
These are American farm boys excercizing their 2nd Amendment rights. We need more farm boys like that at these protests.

I can't think that all American farm boys are filthy scum, so don't try to give them all a bad name. There is nothing wrong with living on a farm. There is something wrong with endangering and insulting one's neighbors. No one needs to go around armed with these guns, and decent people don't.

Ruby ridge
Mask maker says he’s a Republican and ‘embarrassed’ by administration’s response to pandemic

Under questioning, Michael Bowen, an executive at a surgical mask manufacturer in Texas, testified Thursday that if the Department of Health and Human Services had taken him up on his offer, he could have been producing an additional 7 million N95 respirators a month by now.
House Republicans pressed Bowen on why he hasn’t gone ahead and done so. Bowen said that his Fort Worth-area plant has already expanded as much as it can. He’s increased production to 2 million a month, up from 75,000, and will soon double that to 4 million masks a month.
Going further and restarting the four lines would require hiring more than 100 people, he said, and the government won’t commit to buying masks from the mothballed lines beyond the end of the year. Bowen said that without a contract of at least a year, he fears a repeat of what happened after H1N1 flu, when he hired dozens of people, trained them, and then had to fire them months later, nearly bankrupting his small business.
That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
Wrong. Where does the Constitution say the government is responsible for public safety?
That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
Wrong. Where does the Constitution say the government is responsible for public safety?
Provide for the General Welfare
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
The problem we are having now is idiotic liberals don't realize how important it is to have a good economy. The restaurants and bars need to be open.
I can't think that all American farm boys are filthy scum, so don't try to give them all a bad name. There is nothing wrong with living on a farm. There is something wrong with endangering and insulting one's neighbors. No one needs to go around armed with these guns, and decent people don't.
First off, fuck you. Decent people don't make stupid comments based on pure ignorance.

You sit comfortably in your home with a blanket of protection shielding you from most would-be burglars because of those, to whom you look down your nose, have armed themselves. Many times, you walk down the street feeling safe because would-be muggers are afraid you might be one of us----armed.

Put up or shut up. From this day forward, wear a sign on your chest that says you are not armed.

Put up a sign in your front yard that says your house is gun free.

Post a picture of that sign here, along with your home address, so we can let the world know that you are just fine being unarmed.

Or, you can simply shut the fuck up. You chose.

That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
Wrong. Where does the Constitution say the government is responsible for public safety?
Provide for the General Welfare
Stay home, the rest of us want to party like it's 1999
Provide for the General Welfare
Ah, yes. The sanctuary of the statist.

So, it's okay to just throw everyone in solitary confinement permanently, right? General Welfare and all, right?

The U.S. (and world for that matter) is way overpopulated. General Welfare -- let's euthanize 1/2 the population.

What else can we do to make the General Welfare Clause mean that the FedGov can do ANYTHING it wants? Fuck individual liberty, right?

That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
Wrong. Where does the Constitution say the government is responsible for public safety?
Provide for the General Welfare

Little tin pot authoritarians throwing down decrees of what the people can't do isnt providing for the general welfare.
Well, if you guys want to see who is right, Trump or Fauci and the governors, all we gotta do is wait 2 weeks and see if there is a significant spike in the places that opened up.

And, to tell you the truth, I don't know why they are opening up now. Trump's guidelines say they shouldn't be open yet since the cases are still increasing.
The backlash against these power hungry Socialists has just started. California will erupt before long. Funny how the free wheeling libtardos of society who think they can do anything they want at any time are now demanding of themselves to stay locked up. Just send the dope and booze, pay my bills, and send me cash, they're all good.
We will see protests in all these states like we see in Michigan. The people have had enough. Patriots are demanding to have their country back.

Patriots? No. Thugs. Thugs that make death threats and threaten violence.
That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.
Government is responsible for public safety regardless of how idiotic a person may be
Government may protect already existing safety standards but they cannot unilaterally impose new ones without legislative acts and votes in advanxe
If government really controlled public safety then cars would go 30mph, cigarettes and alcohol would be nonexistent
That will show them

I can get the virus if I want
Virus= Freedom

The decision is in the hands of the it should be. It's their decision and calculation, not the govt. I'm sure this decision is troubling and disturbing for you since it allows them the freedom to make their own decision.

Wasn't the governor elected by the people? I don't think that there was even an intervening step like the electoral college.

You can get the virus if you want to. Your choice, and your money that will be spent to treat you. But don't spread it to anyone in your household or someone you are around in public.
Selfish people will find a way to be selfish no matter what. Do you think the police are going to be able to enforce these restrictions anyway? Not bloody likely!
Mask maker says he’s a Republican and ‘embarrassed’ by administration’s response to pandemic

Under questioning, Michael Bowen, an executive at a surgical mask manufacturer in Texas, testified Thursday that if the Department of Health and Human Services had taken him up on his offer, he could have been producing an additional 7 million N95 respirators a month by now.
House Republicans pressed Bowen on why he hasn’t gone ahead and done so. Bowen said that his Fort Worth-area plant has already expanded as much as it can. He’s increased production to 2 million a month, up from 75,000, and will soon double that to 4 million masks a month.
Going further and restarting the four lines would require hiring more than 100 people, he said, and the government won’t commit to buying masks from the mothballed lines beyond the end of the year. Bowen said that without a contract of at least a year, he fears a repeat of what happened after H1N1 flu, when he hired dozens of people, trained them, and then had to fire them months later, nearly bankrupting his small business.
That post has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, which is the court in WI ending the shutdown.

Troll elsewhere deanrd.

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