It's Time to Erase the False Equivalence

More dumb whiteness. Can't face the truth the OP presents so you troll off topic.

My quote was a perfect example of the definition in the OP.

prejudice is a direct result of generalizations and oversimplifications made about an entire group of people based on incomplete or mistaken information.

This illustrates another fallacy: the bad faith effort by conservatives to conflate racism with ‘being racist’ – when in fact they’re not the same.
So some who is racist does not practice racism? You fail at being the fallacy police.
Way back in 1954 a man named Gordon Alpert Developed a theory of prejudice based on what is called contact hypothesis. His premise was this-

prejudice is a direct result of generalizations and oversimplifications made about an entire group of people based on incomplete or mistaken information.

In America we have information that shows 400 years of white racism. Therefore, trying to make blacks racists by comparing us to whites is actually a false equivalence.

Wrong again. You are grouping all white people by saying 400 years of white racism. The comparisons should be made in the here and now. You can’t compare how dead people behaved against how people alive today behave.
Odd how IM2 is deathly silent on Biden's obvious, serial and genetic racism
Very good point! lil’ im.2 maybe doesn’t recognize that Brandon is a racist motherfucker? Alternatively, even Lil’ im.2 does recognize that Brandon is a racist motherfucker, maybe, for some reason, Lil’ im.2 can’t find the balls to say it. Wonder why?

Lil’ im.2 will of course simply duck, bob, weave and evade this topic because — among other things — he’s kind of a pussy that way no.
This illustrates another fallacy: the bad faith effort by conservatives to conflate racism with ‘being racist’ – when in fact they’re not the same.
You’re pathetic effort is to claim that it is a point of any confusion. It isn’t.

As JoeMama pointed out, it is fucking hard to be racist but not have racism in you. And the hallmark of racism is a racist’s ideology.
You fail again Adam_Clayton.

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