It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

Damn....look at all those white folks flocking to live with blacks

Don't see anyone wanting to live with racists

This is where people like 30X90 live.


that is soooooo funny!

of course the technology involved in making that trailer park is beyond the scope of the majority of blacks in africa, or in most of the US too.

that pic is hilarious!!
I've see so many red herring in this thread, that I don't know whether we're trying to have a debate, or stock an aquarium. From reading this, one would think that the attitude of too many people here includes the following assumptions:

Black America is a monolith. "They" all think alike, act alike, have the same political views, and the same aspirations. Most of "them" live in the 'hood, are criminals, (or at least support crime), hate "Whitey", collect welfare, and want to raise illegitimate kids in single parent homes.

Black America has no real history outside of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. Outside of sports and some of the arts, they have contributed little of note to America except trouble. All of "Them" see slavery primarily as a useful tool to beat White people about the head with, in the hope of gaining some advantage. Besides, if slavery really was a big deal to them, they'd be just as upset at the slavery going on in Africa today. Black History Month is simply a fraud, an excuse to bash White people.

Race relations in America today are the worst ever. Obviously, this is all "Their" fault for demanding special privileges (like a chance for upward mobility, a chance to be part of the economic mainstream). What more do "They" want; hell, after all, they can vote, hold office, and we let them in our schools; why, we even let them into college these days? "They" should be happy and content, and stay in their place. They should shut up, quit complaining, and go back to their three minimum wage jobs and their food stamps, and be grateful we don't make them pick cotton anymore. Did I mention Black History Month is just a pretense for bashing White people?

That's a partial listing of the kind of stereotypical sentiments I've see some of you post here, and after recounting it, I feel like I've been crawling around in a cesspool. I wonder if some of you who posted this nonsense, actually know any Black people, because those comments sure don't fit the Black people I know! I cannot believe I'm reading this in America in the twenty-first century. Holy shades of 1968; Jim Crow may have died in public forty-odd years ago, but his spirit lives on; Ross Barnett and Bull Connor are grinning in their graves! Lulabelle, fetch my robe and hood from the attic, and run them through the wash, bigotry is back in style! Of course, we won't say we hate "Them"; why, we "love them" (as long as we don't have to pay any attention to them)!

That's the damnedest collection of lies, half-truths, innuendo, excuses and fallacies I've seen in a while. It's as bad as any politically correct, phony liberal intolerance masquerading as "tolerance", and just as dripping with self-serving hypocrisy. I go to another thread, and what do you think I see? A (very) thinly-veiled suggestion that we need an Aryan Homeland (i suppose you'd like that with barbed wire to keep the "undesirables" out, and some more to warehouse them in "camps", until you decide whether it's going to be the "showers" again, or whether you prefer another method, this time.

Why? In the name of God, why? Are you that afraid that having to look at the reality of historical wrongs might prick your conscience enough to force you to actually give a damn, and admit to yourself that everything now is not totally right, fair, and perfect? Are you afraid, that if you acknowledge "they " have accomplished something of worth, you might have to look at "them" as individual human beings, complete with feelings, hopes, and dreams, instead of a faceless, nameless, soulless mass of dubious humanity? What would that cost you, besides a little empathy, a little decency, a little caring?

Does that shock you? Does it make you feel angry, or maybe just a tiny bit embarrassed? I don't care, as long as it makes you think about the attitudes you have, and the things you say. Those of you I'm talking to know who you are, so take it where it applies.

I've lived around negroes my entire life. The city I live in is predominantly black.
None of what I said is speculation, hypothetic or theoretical.
The facts are out there. They commit more crime per capita, more on welfare per capita and commit a highly disproportionate amount of crimes against white people.

Bro, these are all facts..everyone knows they are true.

Blacks do not feel like they belong in America which is why they have no respect for it or its institutions. That lack of respect reduces their affiliation with institutions which would help reduce illiteracy, but more importantly, change their values.

It seems the only thing they (the statistical average black) value is "black culture".
They don't have roots which respect any kind of tradition.
...Or should i say they see tradition as a threat and thus all traditions, even rational ones like responsibility, honesty and respect, are disregarded. They do not value America as it was or is, which is why they don't respect anyone.

They secretly pretend we can all get along but practically sing in the streets when a neophyte like Obama is elected or when OJ Simpson is allowed to murder a white without any consequences.
Thus they praise ignorance and injustice so long as it has their name on it. Intelligence or respect for others doesn't matter so much as their own name and cause.

The white man has oppressed himself trying to get everyone up to our level to contribute meaningfully to society so we can live in peace and enjoy the greatness we created. In spite of our sacrifices we are still hated.

If anti-racist ideologues really and truly believe in racial equality, then they'd call for the abolition all race-based policies, since according to anti-racist ideologues, race either doesn't exist or shouldn't matter.
Thanks for illustrating my point. Here it is again - "They, this" "them that", "the statistically average black" (whatever that is), "everybody knows" - knows what, exactly? No, you didn't say you meant "ALL Black people" or even "most Black people"; you just left it out there by implication; and that's the problem; one subset, even a minority, of a "Them" does something undesirable, so "they" all must be like that, right? I mean, "everybody knows that".

Here's your reality check; most Black Americans are NOT thugs, or criminals. most Black Americans work for a living, and most Black Americans don't "hate America" or "hate White people. This entire state I live in is 28% Black, and if a majority of them behaved like the people you describe, I'm quite sure I would have noticed. Have I had occasional bad experiences with Black people I've encountered? Yes (I could say the same thing about some White people I've encountered). Has that been typical of my experience with most people , Black or White? Absolutely not! I've known Backs and Whites who were everything from professionals and highly-paid executives to the working poor, and everything between; few of either race were criminals, drug abusers, welfare cheats, or freeloaders. Most Black men I know are married to or dating Black women. This is why I get so tired of the stereotypes; while they may fit a subset of a population, it's completely unfair to attribute the same characteristics to everyone else of the same race.

You know, if you go looking for the very worst in people you meet, you'll probably find it; that still doesn't mean that everyone who looks like them has the same attitudes, or engages in the same behavior. Some White people here are Bigots (that's pretty obvious). Does that mean all or even most of us are? I sure hope not!
I've see so many red herring in this thread, that I don't know whether we're trying to have a debate, or stock an aquarium. From reading this, one would think that the attitude of too many people here includes the following assumptions:

Black America is a monolith. "They" all think alike, act alike, have the same political views, and the same aspirations. Most of "them" live in the 'hood, are criminals, (or at least support crime), hate "Whitey", collect welfare, and want to raise illegitimate kids in single parent homes.

Black America has no real history outside of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. Outside of sports and some of the arts, they have contributed little of note to America except trouble. All of "Them" see slavery primarily as a useful tool to beat White people about the head with, in the hope of gaining some advantage. Besides, if slavery really was a big deal to them, they'd be just as upset at the slavery going on in Africa today. Black History Month is simply a fraud, an excuse to bash White people.

Race relations in America today are the worst ever. Obviously, this is all "Their" fault for demanding special privileges (like a chance for upward mobility, a chance to be part of the economic mainstream). What more do "They" want; hell, after all, they can vote, hold office, and we let them in our schools; why, we even let them into college these days? "They" should be happy and content, and stay in their place. They should shut up, quit complaining, and go back to their three minimum wage jobs and their food stamps, and be grateful we don't make them pick cotton anymore. Did I mention Black History Month is just a pretense for bashing White people?

That's a partial listing of the kind of stereotypical sentiments I've see some of you post here, and after recounting it, I feel like I've been crawling around in a cesspool. I wonder if some of you who posted this nonsense, actually know any Black people, because those comments sure don't fit the Black people I know! I cannot believe I'm reading this in America in the twenty-first century. Holy shades of 1968; Jim Crow may have died in public forty-odd years ago, but his spirit lives on; Ross Barnett and Bull Connor are grinning in their graves! Lulabelle, fetch my robe and hood from the attic, and run them through the wash, bigotry is back in style! Of course, we won't say we hate "Them"; why, we "love them" (as long as we don't have to pay any attention to them)!

That's the damnedest collection of lies, half-truths, innuendo, excuses and fallacies I've seen in a while. It's as bad as any politically correct, phony liberal intolerance masquerading as "tolerance", and just as dripping with self-serving hypocrisy. I go to another thread, and what do you think I see? A (very) thinly-veiled suggestion that we need an Aryan Homeland (i suppose you'd like that with barbed wire to keep the "undesirables" out, and some more to warehouse them in "camps", until you decide whether it's going to be the "showers" again, or whether you prefer another method, this time.

Why? In the name of God, why? Are you that afraid that having to look at the reality of historical wrongs might prick your conscience enough to force you to actually give a damn, and admit to yourself that everything now is not totally right, fair, and perfect? Are you afraid, that if you acknowledge "they " have accomplished something of worth, you might have to look at "them" as individual human beings, complete with feelings, hopes, and dreams, instead of a faceless, nameless, soulless mass of dubious humanity? What would that cost you, besides a little empathy, a little decency, a little caring?

Does that shock you? Does it make you feel angry, or maybe just a tiny bit embarrassed? I don't care, as long as it makes you think about the attitudes you have, and the things you say. Those of you I'm talking to know who you are, so take it where it applies.

I've lived around negroes my entire life. The city I live in is predominantly black.
None of what I said is speculation, hypothetic or theoretical.
The facts are out there. They commit more crime per capita, more on welfare per capita and commit a highly disproportionate amount of crimes against white people.

Bro, these are all facts..everyone knows they are true.

Blacks do not feel like they belong in America which is why they have no respect for it or its institutions. That lack of respect reduces their affiliation with institutions which would help reduce illiteracy, but more importantly, change their values.

It seems the only thing they (the statistical average black) value is "black culture".
They don't have roots which respect any kind of tradition.
...Or should i say they see tradition as a threat and thus all traditions, even rational ones like responsibility, honesty and respect, are disregarded. They do not value America as it was or is, which is why they don't respect anyone.

They secretly pretend we can all get along but practically sing in the streets when a neophyte like Obama is elected or when OJ Simpson is allowed to murder a white without any consequences.
Thus they praise ignorance and injustice so long as it has their name on it. Intelligence or respect for others doesn't matter so much as their own name and cause.

The white man has oppressed himself trying to get everyone up to our level to contribute meaningfully to society so we can live in peace and enjoy the greatness we created. In spite of our sacrifices we are still hated.

If anti-racist ideologues really and truly believe in racial equality, then they'd call for the abolition all race-based policies, since according to anti-racist ideologues, race either doesn't exist or shouldn't matter.
Thanks for illustrating my point. Here it is again - "They, this" "them that", "the statistically average black" (whatever that is), "everybody knows" - knows what, exactly? No, you didn't say you meant "ALL Black people" or even "most Black people"; you just left it out there by implication; and that's the problem; one subset, even a minority, of a "Them" does something undesirable, so "they" all must be like that, right? I mean, "everybody knows that".

Here's your reality check; most Black Americans are NOT thugs, or criminals. most Black Americans work for a living, and most Black Americans don't "hate America" or "hate White people. This entire state I live in is 28% Black, and if a majority of them behaved like the people you describe, I'm quite sure I would have noticed. Have I had occasional bad experiences with Black people I've encountered? Yes (I could say the same thing about some White people I've encountered). Has that been typical of my experience with most people , Black or White? Absolutely not! I've known Backs and Whites who were everything from professionals and highly-paid executives to the working poor, and everything between; few of either race were criminals, drug abusers, welfare cheats, or freeloaders. Most Black men I know are married to or dating Black women. This is why I get so tired of the stereotypes; while they may fit a subset of a population, it's completely unfair to attribute the same characteristics to everyone else of the same race.

You know, if you go looking for the very worst in people you meet, you'll probably find it; that still doesn't mean that everyone who looks like them has the same attitudes, or engages in the same behavior. Some White people here are Bigots (that's pretty obvious). Does that mean all or even most of us are? I sure hope not!

Mud, hit the nail on the head, just where in Africa would you want to claim to be from. We have problems here but this is Sunday school compared to Africa.. Slavery was and still is horrible but it is important to point out that the blacks sold into slavery were rounded up by other blacks who profited from the sale to the white Dutch traders. It was and is wrong to have slaves but lets not blame all of it on the white people. The original culprits were the black tribes of Africa that saw their weaker neighbors as fair play. "WE" all deserve some guilt from that past history.
I guess I'm a hick, cuz I love that set up, lol.

Me too. I get kinda pissed off at the "poor trailer trash" insult. WTF is it about being poor and white that invalidates anyone's POV?

And frankly, I miss the South so badly I'd happily take a trailer in Alabama on an acre of piney woods over my Cleveland townhouse in a New York minute.

So, there!

(I have now run out of geographical references for that insult, LOL.)
Mud, hit the nail on the head, just where in Africa would you want to claim to be from. We have problems here but this is Sunday school compared to Africa.. Slavery was and still is horrible but it is important to point out that the blacks sold into slavery were rounded up by other blacks who profited from the sale to the white Dutch traders. It was and is wrong to have slaves but lets not blame all of it on the white people. The original culprits were the black tribes of Africa that saw their weaker neighbors as fair play. "WE" all deserve some guilt from that past history.

No one deserves to feel guilt for the acts of his ancestors, signelect. Bust SOME of us need to stop pretending that our lives have not been made easier by the social capital that is still attached to being white.
I guess I'm a hick, cuz I love that set up, lol.

Me too. I get kinda pissed off at the "poor trailer trash" insult. WTF is it about being poor and white that invalidates anyone's POV?

And frankly, I miss the South so badly I'd happily take a trailer in Alabama on an acre of piney woods over my Cleveland townhouse in a New York minute.

So, there!

(I have now run out of geographical references for that insult, LOL.)

I guess some folks have no clue how much "trailers" cost in some place. MIGHT be able to get a double wide for 125,000.00. That's not counting the space rent..which is anywhere from 700 to 1500 bucks per month.

Anyway...I digress. I love the set up. Maybe it's my artist eye. Maybe it's cuz it just looks cool. Or, I'm a hick and just didn't know it til now, lol.
That reminds me of something. Is it my imagination or did MLK become some huge hero to the right after Obama was elected? It certainly seems like that.

No some of us on theright have a lot of respect for Martin Luther King Jr. Just like some on the left have a high respect for him also.

Not everybody on the right or the left like him.

The reception Black History Month is getting here on USMB this year is disheartening, to say the least. Leaving aside all the hating on history itself, I get the feeling many perceive some loss arising from this event. I cannot imagine WTF that could be, unless it's the fairy tale that being white all by itself makes you better than anyone else.

i think it's more that they see anything that recognizes anyone else as threatening. it's like a child saying "me, me, me" and they don't understand or refuse to recognize the history and *why* minorities are recognized. (because the majority is ALWAYS recognized).
It is interesting reading the posts of closet racists Tank, Beukema and 30 x 90. There was a time they could openly spout their hate but now they must hide as anonymous message board posters as they troll for outrage.
Thankfully, it is now you, rather than blacks who are societies outcasts
Maybe they want a white supremist history month...well, shoot THAT is what this thread is all about.
I don't get along with skinheads, actually.

They tend to have a problem with my dating members of other races
Mud, hit the nail on the head, just where in Africa would you want to claim to be from. We have problems here but this is Sunday school compared to Africa.. Slavery was and still is horrible but it is important to point out that the blacks sold into slavery were rounded up by other blacks who profited from the sale to the white Dutch traders. It was and is wrong to have slaves but lets not blame all of it on the white people. The original culprits were the black tribes of Africa that saw their weaker neighbors as fair play. "WE" all deserve some guilt from that past history.

No one deserves to feel guilt for the acts of his ancestors, signelect. Bust SOME of us need to stop pretending that our lives have not been made easier by the social capital that is still attached to being white.
Like being denied admission to a school because there were too many white people and they needed to make quote to get magnet funding the next year?
Mud, hit the nail on the head, just where in Africa would you want to claim to be from. We have problems here but this is Sunday school compared to Africa.. Slavery was and still is horrible but it is important to point out that the blacks sold into slavery were rounded up by other blacks who profited from the sale to the white Dutch traders. It was and is wrong to have slaves but lets not blame all of it on the white people. The original culprits were the black tribes of Africa that saw their weaker neighbors as fair play. "WE" all deserve some guilt from that past history.

No one deserves to feel guilt for the acts of his ancestors, signelect. Bust SOME of us need to stop pretending that our lives have not been made easier by the social capital that is still attached to being white.
Like being denied admission to a school because there were too many white people and they needed to make quote to get magnet funding the next year?

One incident of reverse racism does not outweigh a lifetime of preferential treatment, JB, regrettable as any racist acts or unintended consequences may be.
If Maddie thinks White people get preferential treatment 'round these parts, she's never been to the southern half of any border state in the last two decades.
If Maddie thinks White people get preferential treatment 'round these parts, she's never been to the southern half of any border state in the last two decades.

There might could be pockets of this nation where being white is not an advantage, JB....but people there who want to can move, live in great comfort and regain that position. In 99% of this nation, when pulled over by the cops at 2 am, it behooves the teenager in a POS car wearing casual clothes to be white.

Shall I enumerate all the thousands of other times in life whiteness is an advantage, or can we just agree to concede the obvious?
In 99% of this nation, when pulled over by the cops at 2 am, it behooves the teenager in a POS car wearing casual clothes to be white.

Do you have anything other than your own bullshit to back this?

It pays for the teenager to be sober and not a jackass with an attitude- regardless of his race.

Shall I enumerate all the other times being black got someone a job or acceptance into college or a scholarship, or shall we agree to concede the obvious?
Unfortunately, it's more than just "pockets" around this country. Try living in california and not knowing spanish. I have worked my entire life, paid my taxes, and never, ever asked for a handout from the government when times were tough and trust me..times were tough. I washed dishes not for pay...but for leftover scraps on plates. Not having a roof over our heads sometimes, either. I had a son to take care of, so I did my best. But you don't have to understand a FOREIGN LANGUAGE to scrape food off a dish.
Things got better, yes. But now that things are bad again? I can't find a job. My sister can't get a job. Why? We don't speak spanish. It is like that ALL OVER California.

The latest hoopla about the guy that was killed by a fighting rooster? I grew up in that town. It is nothing BUT spanish. And by golly, you better live in the right neighborhood that hasn't "gone bad" with gangbangers and you better know spanish otherwise you have to leave your home and start all over again at 55 years old. Ask my sister. Ask me. We both know.

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