It's Time To Start Charging The Media...

silence all criticisms of the state! the medias only job should be to pacify the population.
Horseshit! Inciting violence is a crime. It's time we started enforcing the laws. Giving false information as news, is in no way "criticism". You can bet your ass if I were in anyway effected negatively by the fallout of these erroneous reports I'd sue the fuck out of the media outlet that started the shit.
Vas, some of us are not as bright as you and find it difficult to see your logic without examples. Does 'the media', a term that needs definition, incite violence by being the messenger? By manipulating context? Making up stories out of whole cloth, or twisting meanings knowingly never meant? Is talk radio part of 'the media'? Are blogs part of the media? Do you exclude some networks from your scorn? Do you separate opinion and op-eds from news?
They do it by just being the blatant liars that they are. They gin up this violence to sell advertising and add to their profits with the blood of innocent black people.

THAT is what is happening, dude.
Who are the blatant liars? Got any names? I know of one network that twists reports, gets caught but never comments on it's 'errors'. But I suspect that's the one you consider truthful.
Who works for CNN and MSNBC?
Just like you or I would be charged with crime for yelling fire in a crowded theater; these media outlets, and phony reporters need to be criminally charged for incitement, when making false reports. Thier claim that a black man was holding nothing more than a book, has led to violence and riots. It's past time the legal system started holding these reporters, and outlets responsible for the chaos they foster.
I disagree. We used to have a thing in this country called personal responsibility.
I agree that most of the media can be irresponsible in these cases but being irresponsible is not a crime. If it was all of us would end up in prison at some point in our lives.
This forum can be & often is just as incendiary as any television news broadcast. Should posters on USMB be held to account as well op?
MORE incendiary, all the time. USMB holds the view that however ugly your viewpoint, however, it is preferable to being silenced. Long live free speech?
Just like you or I would be charged with crime for yelling fire in a crowded theater; these media outlets, and phony reporters need to be criminally charged for incitement, when making false reports. Thier claim that a black man was holding nothing more than a book, has led to violence and riots. It's past time the legal system started holding these reporters, and outlets responsible for the chaos they foster.
The right’s contempt for the First Amendment and freedom of the press comes as no surprise.
silence all criticisms of the state! the medias only job should be to pacify the population.
Horseshit! Inciting violence is a crime. It's time we started enforcing the laws. Giving false information as news, is in no way "criticism". You can bet your ass if I were in anyway effected negatively by the fallout of these erroneous reports I'd sue the fuck out of the media outlet that started the shit.
You’re as ignorant as you are ridiculous and wrong.

Indeed, if your stupidity were implemented the likes of Breitbart and World Nut Daily would be subject to ‘criminal charges’ – all rightwing media do is misrepresent, distort, and lie.
silence all criticisms of the state! the medias only job should be to pacify the population.
Horseshit! Inciting violence is a crime. It's time we started enforcing the laws. Giving false information as news, is in no way "criticism". You can bet your ass if I were in anyway effected negatively by the fallout of these erroneous reports I'd sue the fuck out of the media outlet that started the shit.
like republicans who love inciting violence against muslims, liberals, mexicans, gays, or blacks? or are you just concerned with inciting violence against white people? because your white and everyone else can go screw themselves right?
If these republicans happen to be media outlets giving false information which leads to violence; then yes.
You’re just another ignorant rightist whining about ‘the media.’
Just like you or I would be charged with crime for yelling fire in a crowded theater; these media outlets, and phony reporters need to be criminally charged for incitement, when making false reports. Thier claim that a black man was holding nothing more than a book, has led to violence and riots. It's past time the legal system started holding these reporters, and outlets responsible for the chaos they foster.

you mean for telling you what reality is and not what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

now tell us how you rightwingnut loons are "constitutionalists".
Just like you or I would be charged with crime for yelling fire in a crowded theater; these media outlets, and phony reporters need to be criminally charged for incitement, when making false reports. Thier claim that a black man was holding nothing more than a book, has led to violence and riots. It's past time the legal system started holding these reporters, and outlets responsible for the chaos they foster.
I agree. As if they haven't done enough. To me, they are the reason why Prince William and Harry have been without a mom for close to 20 years now.

God bless you and them always!!!

MSM are like vultures. They look for carrion, because that is what feeds them. They also follow sick and diseased things, so they can feast.

They all should be held accountable for the deaths, wounding of people due to their machinations.
Just like you or I would be charged with crime for yelling fire in a crowded theater; these media outlets, and phony reporters need to be criminally charged for incitement, when making false reports. Thier claim that a black man was holding nothing more than a book, has led to violence and riots. It's past time the legal system started holding these reporters, and outlets responsible for the chaos they foster.

Then put Steve Bannon in jail. But then Trump will pardon him.

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