It's Time To Start Talking Mandate....OP/ED

Within a few short hours Donald Trump will find himself just a few shy of the nom with more then a few states to secure it. Despite what the lying ass liberals tell you if he has the delegates he's it. There will be no contested fight on the RNC convention floor if he has the numbers.

So lets look at the bigger fight and giving voters nation wide a reason to take their fight for Trump to the ballot box. Now most of the time the choice for president has been made by the time voting reaches west Texas. But folks in truth that is only the FIRST goal and god willing we will make that. Its goal two we need to push for.

From west Texas to coastal shores of Washington/Alaska and Hawaii IS mandate country. And Trump needs a mandate NOT the puny pool cue sized one Obama got, no Trumps needs a damn Redwood. Something so large democrats will need a ladder and lunch just to re-reach ground level.

We need to "pad" his win in the general so large that Reagan would shudder in his grave. Some items on the Trump platform should not even be open for debate, just done...

The Wall.
Trade deals.
Islamic invasion

The mandate needs to be large enough there is NO debate on those three items. And if the liberals say it can't be done think again. Obama and his puny pool cue got ACA and perverts in bathrooms. So mandate size CAN make a difference. And the greater the win the smaller the democrat voice.

So while the people from New York to east Texas may well decide who is president, the people from west Texas to the shores of Hawaii WILL decide just how powerful he is.. We CAN build "Donzilla". We ARE Americans and despite what Obama has told you WE CAN BUILD THAT.



He will get 44% of the vote. The election will be a nightmare for the Republican Party.
Within a few short hours Donald Trump will find himself just a few shy of the nom with more then a few states to secure it. Despite what the lying ass liberals tell you if he has the delegates he's it. There will be no contested fight on the RNC convention floor if he has the numbers.

So lets look at the bigger fight and giving voters nation wide a reason to take their fight for Trump to the ballot box. Now most of the time the choice for president has been made by the time voting reaches west Texas. But folks in truth that is only the FIRST goal and god willing we will make that. Its goal two we need to push for.

From west Texas to coastal shores of Washington/Alaska and Hawaii IS mandate country. And Trump needs a mandate NOT the puny pool cue sized one Obama got, no Trumps needs a damn Redwood. Something so large democrats will need a ladder and lunch just to re-reach ground level.

We need to "pad" his win in the general so large that Reagan would shudder in his grave. Some items on the Trump platform should not even be open for debate, just done...

The Wall.
Trade deals.
Islamic invasion

The mandate needs to be large enough there is NO debate on those three items. And if the liberals say it can't be done think again. Obama and his puny pool cue got ACA and perverts in bathrooms. So mandate size CAN make a difference. And the greater the win the smaller the democrat voice.

So while the people from New York to east Texas may well decide who is president, the people from west Texas to the shores of Hawaii WILL decide just how powerful he is.. We CAN build "Donzilla". We ARE Americans and despite what Obama has told you WE CAN BUILD THAT.




You first.
Did you lose your thought on your way here? I can send out a search team but its going to cost you.

As long as you're looking, where's DuhDonuld's tax returns? Why is he lying about them?
Last I heard they were in a contested hearing. You don't release BEFORE a finding idiot. How about Hillary's transcripts Sanders keeps asking for? What's the hang up? She hiding something?

I heard she lost 5 lbs running from sniper fire, clearly more vetting is needed.
The biggest mandate we need right now is that Hillary be treated like every other American, that she be inducted and arrested for her crimes - even Barry has publicly declared she was, at the least, highly negligent in the handling of extremely classified information, the crime under the Espionage Act for which she is under investigation by the FBI. EVERYONE, even liberals, knows she WAS negligent. That, under the Espionage Act, is a CRIME!

Enough of this 7+ year Obama clown act of ignoring / violating the Rule of Law, a compete lack of accountability, and dragging out scandals for years!

Setting a new US record for the MOST criminal administration in US history regarding violations of the FOIA (70%), Barry himself should be held accountable for the most criminal NON-transparent administration EVUH!
Within a few short hours Donald Trump will find himself just a few shy of the nom with more then a few states to secure it. Despite what the lying ass liberals tell you if he has the delegates he's it. There will be no contested fight on the RNC convention floor if he has the numbers.

So lets look at the bigger fight and giving voters nation wide a reason to take their fight for Trump to the ballot box. Now most of the time the choice for president has been made by the time voting reaches west Texas. But folks in truth that is only the FIRST goal and god willing we will make that. Its goal two we need to push for.

From west Texas to coastal shores of Washington/Alaska and Hawaii IS mandate country. And Trump needs a mandate NOT the puny pool cue sized one Obama got, no Trumps needs a damn Redwood. Something so large democrats will need a ladder and lunch just to re-reach ground level.

We need to "pad" his win in the general so large that Reagan would shudder in his grave. Some items on the Trump platform should not even be open for debate, just done...

The Wall.
Trade deals.
Islamic invasion

The mandate needs to be large enough there is NO debate on those three items. And if the liberals say it can't be done think again. Obama and his puny pool cue got ACA and perverts in bathrooms. So mandate size CAN make a difference. And the greater the win the smaller the democrat voice.

So while the people from New York to east Texas may well decide who is president, the people from west Texas to the shores of Hawaii WILL decide just how powerful he is.. We CAN build "Donzilla". We ARE Americans and despite what Obama has told you WE CAN BUILD THAT.



My thoughts are that Hillary will likely become POTUS.

Not a chance in hell.
If was not for those "PRE-pledged" super delegates Clinton would be losing to Sanders.

Possibly, but none of those Sanders voters will vote for Trump. Most will bite the bullet and vote Hillary.

You are SO wrong.
There are TONS of people who will vote for ONE issue...JOBS.
Within a few short hours Donald Trump will find himself just a few shy of the nom with more then a few states to secure it. Despite what the lying ass liberals tell you if he has the delegates he's it. There will be no contested fight on the RNC convention floor if he has the numbers.

So lets look at the bigger fight and giving voters nation wide a reason to take their fight for Trump to the ballot box. Now most of the time the choice for president has been made by the time voting reaches west Texas. But folks in truth that is only the FIRST goal and god willing we will make that. Its goal two we need to push for.

From west Texas to coastal shores of Washington/Alaska and Hawaii IS mandate country. And Trump needs a mandate NOT the puny pool cue sized one Obama got, no Trumps needs a damn Redwood. Something so large democrats will need a ladder and lunch just to re-reach ground level.

We need to "pad" his win in the general so large that Reagan would shudder in his grave. Some items on the Trump platform should not even be open for debate, just done...

The Wall.
Trade deals.
Islamic invasion

The mandate needs to be large enough there is NO debate on those three items. And if the liberals say it can't be done think again. Obama and his puny pool cue got ACA and perverts in bathrooms. So mandate size CAN make a difference. And the greater the win the smaller the democrat voice.

So while the people from New York to east Texas may well decide who is president, the people from west Texas to the shores of Hawaii WILL decide just how powerful he is.. We CAN build "Donzilla". We ARE Americans and despite what Obama has told you WE CAN BUILD THAT.



My thoughts are that Hillary will likely become POTUS.

Not a chance in hell.
If was not for those "PRE-pledged" super delegates Clinton would be losing to Sanders.

Possibly, but none of those Sanders voters will vote for Trump. Most will bite the bullet and vote Hillary.

You are SO wrong.
There are TONS of people who will vote for ONE issue...JOBS.

I wish. People who vote for Sanders, don't want jobs, they want free stuff.

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