Its time to stop supporting Cain

And some day, you might even grow a sense of humor and get the irony in what I was saying... or not.

I wonder how many people see that as politically motivated and Not Funny.

Would you like me to post a picture of a baby (veal) cow being turned upside down, blooded (throat cut) while alive (zapped) and the heart allowed to pump its life's blood into the lower catch?

Yet we do it because we want to and there's no difference with seals. Political?

Not at all. Yet you posted it and attempted to conflate it with politics.


Yes, you are...


Well, my purpose was to make a comment on how Obama will get kid gloves treatment from the media no matter what he's caught doing, even something everyone considers horrible.. like Clubbing Baby Seals. but everyone got carried away and decided to link to "baby seal joke" pictures, some of which were funny. Others... not so much.

And I like veal. I think the best way to enjoy meat is not to think about how it's prepared.

Come on. Clubbing baby seals? Funneh stuff.
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

After some more research since we last talked I tend to agree now Jroc. I think you will see a LOT of money coming out this time around.

When someone wants to bleed me, I have no problem spending more money to ensure that I don't get blooded and I see that philosophy coming out rather clearly.

Cain and time will tell. :)
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

The only reason he is where he's at now is because the rest of them are so awful. It's not an accomplishment. Actually, it's kind of a sad commentary.

At this point in 1999, George W. Bush was polling at 60%. He still had a fight for the nomination and only barely won the general.
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

What Cain does have is the attention of normal americans who don't care what MSNBC or FOXnews tells them about the guy...they hear what he has to say, see his plans, understand his values, and like the guy.

I don't see him going away and I think he will be either the Presidential or Vice Presidential canidate for the repubs.
I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

What Cain does have is the attention of normal americans who don't care what MSNBC or FOXnews tells them about the guy...they hear what he has to say, see his plans, understand his values, and like the guy.

I don't see him going away and I think he will be either the Presidential or Vice Presidential canidate for the repubs.

While I can't help but be concerned about the lack of campaign "infrastructure," I am not as concerned about his financial situation. He has evidently generated enough interest to start having money come in. In fact, after my first offering to his campaign, they have already sent me a request via mail for additional funds. Doing that kind of thing reequires money in and of itself and is indicative of some campaign infrastructre, too.

More to come, I hope.

The guys who insist that Cain has no chance amuse me.

It might turn out to be that he falls short. But at least for now, he's in it and he's showing signs of staying in it. He shows true promise. And this kind of thing can turn around on a dime. If Bachmann withdraws sometimes soon, the Cain campaign might attract some of her disaffected former followers. Same with some of the others.

It won't take much to get a real campaign "infrastructure" up and running. Sure, we can expect glitches. Growing pains. So what?

But with more money, improving infrastructure and more supporters willing to do the field work, once he gets officially ON enough important ballots, he could prove to be formidable.
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Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

Don't count your chickens just yet dude..........Cain has strong ties to the Koch Brothers, and yes, they DO have the infrastructure for a campaign already in place.......

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.

Cain's campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his "9-9-9" plan to rewrite the nation's tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.

The once little-known businessman's political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among people who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign - ABC News
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

Don't count your chickens just yet dude..........Cain has strong ties to the Koch Brothers, and yes, they DO have the infrastructure for a campaign already in place.......

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.

Cain's campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his "9-9-9" plan to rewrite the nation's tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.

The once little-known businessman's political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among people who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign - ABC News

Good news!
Hate to disappoint you folks who are hoping Cain with crash and burn over the abortion issue but he hasn't lost any ground and continues to lead in four out of eight of the most recent national polls, is tied with Romney in a fifth, and is close to being within the margin of error on the others.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

I don't take any comfort in that. Cain is not going to be the nominee. He doesn't have the money or infrastructure to compete.

The nominee is either going to be Mitt Romney or Rick Perry, if he can get his act together.

I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

I am amused by those that automatically dismissed him saying he had no chance from the moment he announced officially. Dopes like Hugh Hewitt was one of them...The RNC Should EXILE Cain and others...

Hugh Hewitt: RNC Should “Exile” Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, and Ron Paul from Future Debates <May 14th, 2011.

Mr. Hewitt is one of the Repubican Elitists in my book. I wonder how the crow he's eating is tasting these days? May the feathers that Mr. Hewitt rids his body of pass with much pain. He's an idiot.
I don't buy it. Everyone says Cain doesn't have this, Cain doesn't have that, how many of those people thought he'd be where he is now? If people like Cain they'll come out and vote for him. If he wins a couple primaries he'll get plenty of money.

What Cain does have is the attention of normal americans who don't care what MSNBC or FOXnews tells them about the guy...they hear what he has to say, see his plans, understand his values, and like the guy.

I don't see him going away and I think he will be either the Presidential or Vice Presidential canidate for the repubs.

While I can't help but be concerned about the lack of campaign "infrastructure," I am not as concerned about his financial situation. He has evidently generated enough interest to start having money come in. In fact, after my first offering to his campaign, they have already sent me a request via mail for additional funds. Doing that kind of thing reequires money in and of itself and is indicative of some campaign infrastructre, too.

More to come, I hope.

The guys who insist that Cain has no chance amuse me.

It might turn out to be that he falls short. But at least for now, he's in it and he's showing signs of staying in it. He shows true promise. And this kind of thing can turn around on a dime. If Bachmann withdraws sometimes soon, the Cain campaign might attract some of her disaffected former followers. Same with some of the others.

It won't take much to get a real campaign "infrastructure" up and running. Sure, we can expect glitches. Growing pains. So what?

But with more money, improving infrastructure and more supporters willing to do the field work, once he gets officially ON enough important ballots, he could prove to be formidable.


Cain Raises $5 Million In October

Businessman Herman Cain is leading in the polls &#8212; and he's making himself known in the money race as well.

Cain's campaign has raised $5 million since the beginning of October &#8212; nearly double its total in the entire third quarter, National Review reports.

Campaign officials tell Robert Costa that 80 percent of the donations have come in from the web &#8212; and the campaign says it is looking to spend the money by building up an organization in the early states.

Read more: HUGE: Cain Raises $5 Million In October
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I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

I love Cain too, but think he lacks what it takes to win the general. His 9-9-9 plan would raise taxes on many in the middle class and that is just something I can't stomach, not at a time when we are in such a horrific recession. It would end the child tax credit and end the mortgage interest rate deduction. This 9% sales tax would be on everything from a gallon of milk to a gallon of gasoline.

This tax would also not be applied to used goods, therefore everyone would be purchasing used goods in order to avoid the 9% on new. What would happen to the producers and retailers of new goods should this tax be applied? They could see a tremendous reduction in demand for the new goods, thereby causing further unemployment. I find this aspect very troubling. Few of us make or sell used products, we sell and make new products from clothing to cars and trucks.

Instead, peolpe should get loans, get credit cards, and spend more than they earn? Sounds about right... and people that want to buy new will still buy new. because when someone is buying something new- they are already spend a ton more than they would if they bought used. so it really isnt reasonable to make your assumption.

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