Its time to stop supporting Cain

Cain is supported by the Koch brothers.

Wanna see something funny? Grover Norquist seems to support Perry.

The GOP is gonna eat itself.

You know what, they said the same thing about the Hillary Obama contest, and they actually came out of it stronger...

Because Obama instituted what Lincoln did. Other Presidents may have done the same. Ever here of the book "Team of Rivals"? Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln [Book]

I wouldn't be so sure that the Repubs go this route except if Mitt is the nominee.
Cain is supported by the Koch brothers.

Wanna see something funny? Grover Norquist seems to support Perry.

The GOP is gonna eat itself.

Read at a board in a galaxy far, far away (where RWNJ's can't get past the backroom, /chortle);

He's more than a tool, he's their chosen one. all other candidates have political experience. The biggest title Cain has ever gotten is CEO. This is more like a scheming uncle influencing a boy king (if Cain wins.).

So that's what makes sense to me. I can almost hear the Kochsuckers. "He's black, so he'll get that vote, and he's old, so he'll get that vote, and he's been sick, so he'll get that vote, and he's a RWNJ, so he'll get that vote, and he's a Christian who isn't afraid to speak out against Muslims, so he'll get that vote."

He has less experience than Obama, but they're just gonna blow right past that. You know why? Because they honest-to-God believe they can. They think Americans are just that malleable.
So in my estimation - that's why Cain is the likely nominee. Because I've already seen how the Koch boys can limbo. There is no low to which they will not go.

Cain's gonna think he died and went to hell, if he makes it to the White House. He's sold his soul, and it's gonna hurt real bad when they put the screws to him.
Koch Bro's are the lib bogeyman of the week.

Personally, I'd like to thank them for their assistance.

Go, boys!

The only thing the liberals are upset about is who they are giving money too.

They employ unions and have received environmental awards from this admin.


You know what, they said the same thing about the Hillary Obama contest, and they actually came out of it stronger...

Because Obama instituted what Lincoln did. Other Presidents may have done the same. Ever here of the book "Team of Rivals"?
I wouldn't be so sure that the Repubs go this route except if Mitt is the nominee.

Obviously, you missed my point. He came out a stronger candidate because of the extended process.

He's been an absolute fucking disaster as a president. Biden is a Joke. Hillary has actually been the grownup in the room, but mostly because she's had the good sense to keep what Condi and Gates already put in place.
So in my estimation - that's why Cain is the likely nominee. Because I've already seen how the Koch boys can limbo. There is no low to which they will not go.

Cain's gonna think he died and went to hell, if he makes it to the White House. He's sold his soul, and it's gonna hurt real bad when they put the screws to him.

Or he will do what a good manager often does. Surround himself with the best people for the job, and then take the credit when they accomplish things.

Reading about some of his business accomplishments, which are vastly more impressive than Romney's corporate raiding, he sounds like a guy who goes into a job and fixes things... What a refreshing change from the current guy, who seems to just want to find someone else to blame for the problems.
Ah yes, the infamous Koch Brothers. The Hitler analogy was wearing thin and wasn't working well for them to demonize people, so now the left links the scary sinister Koch Brothers as funding everything terrible from leprosy to the Tea Party to Herman Cain without being able to provide one shred of evidence that they have contributed to any of these people.

ThinkProgress blares across its headlines of Herman Cain's close association and ties to the Koch Brothers. Cain himself explains that he has supported the Koch Brothers educational organization, has attended seminars, and has himself been a speaker. He is proud of his long association with the Koch Brothers but it is not a CLOSE association.
Support for candidate Cain is growing.
Hugely. HE is one of US...what the elites called the unwashed...a Citizen-non politician...

Citizen CAIN! The epitome of the dream of the Founders.

Enthusiasm is not alone sufficient, I grant you.

But it does have the ability to bring other things to the table, like: more active campaign supporters (workers), more money, other campaigns' management teams (with experience in the ins and outs of the "infrastructure" needed to get a national campaign to the finish line), heightened publicity and heightened voter recognition of the candidate and his positions.

The naysayers will carp that all of this is a pipe dream. But the odds of an inexperienced former State Senator from Illinois who had served (in a lackluster fashion) for a brief time in the U.S. Senate going on to win the nomination of the Dim Party were pretty much also a pipe dream at the outset and for a period of time DURING his run for the nomination.

The OTHER big-name Dim candidate was THE consensus shoe in for the nod.

Yet, oddly, the long-shot pipe-dream candidate managed to pull it off.

Mr. Cain is clearly not a shoe-in.

But with a little bit of luck, the electorate will come to its collective senses and history could repeat itself after a fashion. The long shot may yet come in.

Adios President Obama; it's a pleasure to see you go.

Welcome, Mr. Cain. It's an abiding pleasure to see that a man like you CAN reach for the nation's highest elective office and -- we hope -- win it.
Support for candidate Cain is growing.
Hugely. HE is one of US...what the elites called the unwashed...a Citizen-non politician...

Citizen CAIN! The epitome of the dream of the Founders.

Enthusiasm is not alone sufficient, I grant you.

But it does have the ability to bring other things to the table, like: more active campaign supporters (workers), more money, other campaigns' management teams (with experience in the ins and outs of the "infrastructure" needed to get a national campaign to the finish line), heightened publicity and heightened voter recognition of the candidate and his positions.

The naysayers will carp that all of this is a pipe dream. But the odds of an inexperienced former State Senator from Illinois who had served (in a lackluster fashion) for a brief time in the U.S. Senate going on to win the nomination of the Dim Party were pretty much also a pipe dream at the outset and for a period of time DURING his run for the nomination.

The OTHER big-name Dim candidate was THE consensus shoe in for the nod.

Yet, oddly, the long-shot pipe-dream candidate managed to pull it off.

Mr. Cain is clearly not a shoe-in.

But with a little bit of luck, the electorate will come to its collective senses and history could repeat itself after a fashion. The long shot may yet come in.

Adios President Obama; it's a pleasure to see you go.

Welcome, Mr. Cain. It's an abiding pleasure to see that a man like you CAN reach for the nation's highest elective office and -- we hope -- win it.

Well stated...and again...the epitome of the vision...;)
Ah yes, the infamous Koch Brothers. The Hitler analogy was wearing thin and wasn't working well for them to demonize people, so now the left links the scary sinister Koch Brothers as funding everything terrible from leprosy to the Tea Party to Herman Cain without being able to provide one shred of evidence that they have contributed to any of these people.

ThinkProgress blares across its headlines of Herman Cain's close association and ties to the Koch Brothers. Cain himself explains that he has supported the Koch Brothers educational organization, has attended seminars, and has himself been a speaker. He is proud of his long association with the Koch Brothers but it is not a CLOSE association.

Really? CBS News says different...........

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.

Cain's campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his "9-9-9" plan to rewrite the nation's tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.The once little-known businessman's political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among people who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign - ABC News
Ah yes, the infamous Koch Brothers. The Hitler analogy was wearing thin and wasn't working well for them to demonize people, so now the left links the scary sinister Koch Brothers as funding everything terrible from leprosy to the Tea Party to Herman Cain without being able to provide one shred of evidence that they have contributed to any of these people.

ThinkProgress blares across its headlines of Herman Cain's close association and ties to the Koch Brothers. Cain himself explains that he has supported the Koch Brothers educational organization, has attended seminars, and has himself been a speaker. He is proud of his long association with the Koch Brothers but it is not a CLOSE association.

Really? CBS News says different...........

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.

Cain's campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his "9-9-9" plan to rewrite the nation's tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.The once little-known businessman's political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among people who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign - ABC News

Mr. Cain has not in anyway attempted to separate himself from Americans for Prosperity which he very much appreciates for the type organization it is. But if he says his long running association with the Koch Bros. as a result of his activities with Americans for Prosperity is not a CLOSE relationship, and given the tens of thousands of others who have participated in or benefitted Americans for Prosperity who also don't have CLOSE ties with the Koch Brothers, I will believe Mr. Cain over a CBS committed to promote leftist ideas and candidates and committed to marginalize and diminish conservative candidates and ideas as much as they can and still keep their credentials as a viable news organization.

Those who have benefitted from AFP or who have served as advisors to it may or may not be friends of the Koch Bros. who do not have a hands on involvement with it.
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999 or 666?

Hahaha. Lionel Trilling had a funny poem on Cain's 999. Check it out. I laughed so hard. My friend just read it to me, I think it's in the Atlantic.

The billionaire Koch brothers have said they intend to funnel at least $200 million into the 2012 presidential campaign. Their closest ties, so far, are to Herman Cain, who would appear to have not much for a campaign infrastructure, and yet who continues campaigning.

Herman Cain is essentially a pop-up candidate. This is a ready-made candidacy. Remember the big mega-funded conservative group Americans for Prosperity funded by the billionaire Koch brothers? That organization, it turns out, is the Herman Cain presidential campaign.
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Ah yes, the infamous Koch Brothers. The Hitler analogy was wearing thin and wasn't working well for them to demonize people, so now the left links the scary sinister Koch Brothers as funding everything terrible from leprosy to the Tea Party to Herman Cain without being able to provide one shred of evidence that they have contributed to any of these people.

ThinkProgress blares across its headlines of Herman Cain's close association and ties to the Koch Brothers. Cain himself explains that he has supported the Koch Brothers educational organization, has attended seminars, and has himself been a speaker. He is proud of his long association with the Koch Brothers but it is not a CLOSE association.

Really? CBS News says different...........

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has cast himself as the outsider, the pizza magnate with real-world experience who will bring fresh ideas to the nation's capital. But Cain's economic ideas, support and organization have close ties to two billionaire brothers who bankroll right-leaning causes through their group Americans for Prosperity.

Cain's campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his "9-9-9" plan to rewrite the nation's tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.The once little-known businessman's political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among people who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign - ABC News

Mr. Cain has not in anyway attempted to separate himself from Americans for Prosperity which he very much appreciates for the type organization it is. But if he says his long running association with the Koch Bros. as a result of his activities with Americans for Prosperity is not a CLOSE relationship, and given the tens of thousands of others who have participated in or benefitted Americans for Prosperity who also don't have CLOSE ties with the Koch Brothers, I will believe Mr. Cain over a CBS committed to promote leftist ideas and candidates and committed to marginalize and diminish conservative candidates and ideas as much as they can and still keep their credentials as a viable news organization.

Those who have benefitted from AFP or who have served as advisors to it may or may not be friends of the Koch Bros. who do not have a hands on involvement with it.

If your top campaign aide, as well as many on your staff were previous employees of the Koch brothers, yeah..........I'd say that you're pretty close with them.

Mr. Cain has not in anyway attempted to separate himself from Americans for Prosperity which he very much appreciates for the type organization it is. But if he says his long running association with the Koch Bros. as a result of his activities with Americans for Prosperity is not a CLOSE relationship, and given the tens of thousands of others who have participated in or benefitted Americans for Prosperity who also don't have CLOSE ties with the Koch Brothers, I will believe Mr. Cain over a CBS committed to promote leftist ideas and candidates and committed to marginalize and diminish conservative candidates and ideas as much as they can and still keep their credentials as a viable news organization.

Those who have benefitted from AFP or who have served as advisors to it may or may not be friends of the Koch Bros. who do not have a hands on involvement with it.

If your top campaign aide, as well as many on your staff were previous employees of the Koch brothers, yeah..........I'd say that you're pretty close with them.
PROVE the assertion.
Mr. Cain has not in anyway attempted to separate himself from Americans for Prosperity which he very much appreciates for the type organization it is. But if he says his long running association with the Koch Bros. as a result of his activities with Americans for Prosperity is not a CLOSE relationship, and given the tens of thousands of others who have participated in or benefitted Americans for Prosperity who also don't have CLOSE ties with the Koch Brothers, I will believe Mr. Cain over a CBS committed to promote leftist ideas and candidates and committed to marginalize and diminish conservative candidates and ideas as much as they can and still keep their credentials as a viable news organization.

Those who have benefitted from AFP or who have served as advisors to it may or may not be friends of the Koch Bros. who do not have a hands on involvement with it.

If your top campaign aide, as well as many on your staff were previous employees of the Koch brothers, yeah..........I'd say that you're pretty close with them.
PROVE the assertion.

Hey chumpsteak........what do you think I posted the links from the news for? And yeah........his top campaign aide (the one smoking in the internet ad for Cain) DID work for Koch Industries.

Try again stupid.
If your top campaign aide, as well as many on your staff were previous employees of the Koch brothers, yeah..........I'd say that you're pretty close with them.
PROVE the assertion.

Hey chumpsteak........what do you think I posted the links from the news for? And yeah........his top campaign aide (the one smoking in the internet ad for Cain) DID work for Koch Industries.

Try again stupid.


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