It's Trump's fault


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
This will be the mantra of the Biden administration for the next 4 very long years.

Biden has no ability for self ownership, none.

Mike Pompeo destroyed him regarding Afghanistan

“Were I still the secretary of state with a commander in chief like President Trump, the Taliban would have understood that there were real costs to pay if there were plots against the United States of America from that place," Pompeo added. “Qassem Soleimani learned that lesson, and the Taliban would have learned it as well."

Pompeo added that Biden was only trying to deflect blame onto Trump.

“If the risks weren't so serious, Chris, it would be pathetic," Pompeo added. “I wouldn't have let my 10-year old son get away from this kind of pathetic blame-shifting. He should be less focused on trying to blame this on someone else than to solving the problem of making sure that we protect and defend American security. Chris, it's worth noting this did not happen on our watch. We reduced our forces significantly and the Taliban didn't advance on capitals all across Afghanistan. So it's just a plain old fact that this is happening under the Biden administration's leadership now almost a quarter of our way into his first term, this is not the way leaders lead, by pointing backwards."

He continued, "We had a bad deal we inherited — the JCPOA [Iran nuclear deal]; we got out of it. We secured America from the risk from Iran. We inherited a horrible deal in Syria where ISIS controlled real estate the size of Great Britain. We crushed them. Every president confronts challenges. This president confronted a challenge in Afghanistan. He has utterly failed to protect the American people from this challenge."

The cult will believe him. Regardless, Biden disregarded all advice, bought more time without doing any real planning as to the civilians, and totally screwed up. Even MSNBC has turned on Biden. I mean that is like the nuns beating down the pope.
The cult will believe him. Regardless, Biden disregarded all advice, bought more time without doing any real planning as to the civilians, and totally screwed up. Even MSNBC has turned on Biden. I mean that is like the nuns beating down the pope.
The mere fact that Biden is trying to blame Trump is a sign that he is embarrassed and ashamed of what he has done.

He wants us to believe Trump made him do it.

Here is what Trump said about Afghanistan, and notice I could not get any US reports of what he said on this. It came from the BBC. The media in the US has sold their collective souls to the DNC.

President Donald Trump has said a hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan would leave a vacuum for terrorists to fill.
He said his original instinct was to pull US forces out, but had instead decided to stay and "fight to win" to avoid the mistakes made in Iraq.
He said he wanted to shift from a time-based approach in Afghanistan to one based on conditions on the ground, adding he would not set deadlines.
However, the US president warned it was not a "blank cheque" for Afghanistan.
"America will work with the Afghan government, so long as we see commitment and progress," he said.
The Taliban responded by saying that Afghanistan would become "another graveyard" for the US if it did not withdraw its troops.
Here is what I've seen over the years from Democrats:

Anything Bad during Bush's Presidency: BUSH'S FAULT
Anything Good during Bush's Presidency: IT'S BECAUSE OF BILL CLINTON

Anything Bad during Obama's Presidency: BUSH'S FAULT
Anything Good during Obama's Presidency: OBAMA IS SO GOOD

Anything Bad during Trump's Presidency: TRUMP'S FAULT
Anything Good during Trumps Presidency: IT'S BECAUSE OF OBAMA


Anything Bad during Biden's Presidency: TRUMP'S FAULT
Anything Good during Biden's Presidency (if there is any): BIDEN IS SUPER AWESOME

There's a pattern.
Here is what Trump said about Afghanistan, and notice I could not get any US reports of what he said on this. It came from the BBC. The media in the US has sold their collective souls to the DNC.
Trump got rolled by the generals.
Here is what I've seen over the years from Democrats:

Anything Bad during Bush's Presidency: BUSH'S FAULT
Anything Good during Bush's Presidency: IT'S BECAUSE OF BILL CLINTON

Anything Bad during Obama's Presidency: BUSH'S FAULT
Anything Good during Obama's Presidency: OBAMA IS SO GOOD

Anything Bad during Trump's Presidency: TRUMP'S FAULT
Anything Good during Trumps Presidency: IT'S BECAUSE OF OBAMA


Anything Bad during Biden's Presidency: TRUMP'S FAULT
Anything Good during Biden's Presidency (if there is any): BIDEN IS SUPER AWESOME

There's a pattern.
Yes there is a pattern and the right does the exact same thing, next...
Those games have no variables of radical elements.
Of course they do. . . .


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