It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.

Does the word “precedent” resonate with you at all? The “WhatAboutisms” mockery means little to citizens when they see inconsistent interpretations and enforcement of laws.
Normal citizens understand that getting even is not a goal of our laws. Perhaps you shouls dave used the word MAGAs instead of citizens.
Go for it. Why didn't trump do that when he was in office? Wha he just too weak to do that?
Trump didn't do it because he was smart enough not to open that door. You folks, not so much. Enjoy the carnage to come. Enjoy watching your heroes like Obama get destroyed, leaving a legacy of trash instead of history.
Is there a single mirror in your life.
Rarely do I encounter someone less self-aware than you.
I feel the same about you.

We are told that it’s unacceptable for anyone with bias to determine if someone has committed a crime because those with bias wouldn’t be fair in the application of law.

Yet those same people are incredibly and undeniably biased and demand that their political enemies be prosecuted. Also, if their political enemies aren’t prosecuted, it’s clearly a sign that the prosecutors are biased and not you.

There is no logic here.
What Hillary did does matter if we want to believe in the fair application of law.
On a wider scale, what Hillary did may, or may not matter, but in relation to trump's trial, it doesn't matter at all.
I keep telling people that even Judge Cannon isn't going to allow the defense to talk about Hillary, nor anyone else not named Trump. I keep getting called dumbass for that. 'Tis my cross to bear.
They are just hoping they are right. That makes them pretty dumb.
Trump didn't do it because he was smart enough not to open that door. You folks, not so much. Enjoy the carnage to come. Enjoy watching your heroes like Obama get destroyed, leaving a legacy of trash instead of history.

you changed them to give biden and hilary a pass along with a long list of other dems and progs,, either be consistent or STFU
Either charge them for what you think they did, or quit whining, you big baby. Trump's trial is about trump.
No, he didn’t.

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
youre lying again,,

the law she violated had nothing to do with intent,, the act itself violated the law,,
I feel the same about you.

We are told that it’s unacceptable for anyone with bias to determine if someone has committed a crime because those with bias wouldn’t be fair in the application of law.

Yet those same people are incredibly and undeniably biased and demand that their political enemies be prosecuted. Also, if their political enemies aren’t prosecuted, it’s clearly a sign that the prosecutors are biased and not you.

There is no logic here.

Unless one has had a full lobotomy, they will have bias.
It is a human trait.
The question is can one set aside their biases, not do they have biases.
That's fucking hilarious! You just admitted that Hillary and others should have been indicted and that the DOJ has been weaponized and abused for the political gain of one side, Democrats.
Nope, but if you think they should have been, then charge them or quit whining.

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