ITT we watch Dimms being total hypocrites on video


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Obama didn’t need Congressional approval for an all out air assault on Libya.

HIllary laughing about the US helping to get Qaddafi assassinated. HOW DID THIS MAKE AMERICA SAFER???

Holder refusing to give Congress requested documents. Where have we heard Dimms complain about this?

Hirono: Trump, McConnell Trying to 'Rig the Senate Trial' | Breitbart

Hirono says she wants a fair Senate trial, and in same breath says POTUS shook down foreign leader to get first on political opponent. SHE CONTRADICTS HERSELF IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH! SHE HAS HER MIND MADE UP!

This shit goes on and on and on....with Nadler and Biden during the Clinton impeachment.

If I can find all this shit in 5 minutes on YOUTUBE, WHY WONT CNN AND MSNBC AND WAPO AND NYT REPORT ON IT?
Are we the least bit surprised?

Why isn’t the corporate media pointing out these incidents of blatant hypocrisy?
Bad news Republicants Hillary INNOCENT.....................Trump guilty of the killing of 170 dead in plane crash
It’s interesting how these examples of blatant hypocrisy doesn’t bother liberals.

Why is that? Is it just Orange Man Bad bullshit?

Why don’t liberals care about their leaders contradicting themselves strictly based on political expediency.

What do liberals believe in? What are their principles?
I get a headache from watching that BS.

Thankfully we have a real man with balls in charge now. Iran on a brink of civil war with no American affected... that is genius.

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