Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

If teds had any brains they'd understand that Ivanka is not her father. Shes a LIBERAL. Yet, because you hate her father, you go after her. A tard with a brain would like to see her as a moderating influence on her father, but tards ain't too bright, so they will turn her into a conservative by exposing their own hate.

Ivanka and her hubby are not liberals

They sold out to Capitalists and only care about $$$$$
At least they are not part of the collective… You can’t get any more fucked up than that
If teds had any brains they'd understand that Ivanka is not her father. Shes a LIBERAL. Yet, because you hate her father, you go after her. A tard with a brain would like to see her as a moderating influence on her father, but tards ain't too bright, so they will turn her into a conservative by exposing their own hate.

Ivanka and her hubby are not liberals

They sold out to Capitalists and only care about $$$$$
At least they are not part of the collective… You can’t get any more fucked up than that
Part of the collective??

They are fighting against the common man
If teds had any brains they'd understand that Ivanka is not her father. Shes a LIBERAL. Yet, because you hate her father, you go after her. A tard with a brain would like to see her as a moderating influence on her father, but tards ain't too bright, so they will turn her into a conservative by exposing their own hate.

Ivanka and her hubby are not liberals

They sold out to Capitalists and only care about $$$$$
At least they are not part of the collective… You can’t get any more fucked up than that
Part of the collective??

They are fighting against the common man
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

Just xenophobic immigrant bashing by the OP...nothing to see here
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

And her mother left NY because of the high taxes her daughter supports.
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Meh....so fucken what,my Dad died when I was 16.
And considering they were living in Yorktown Heights it wasnt like they were poor.
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

Why because she is not a crook like tramp?? Ivanka is only where she is because of her daddy and tramp is only where he is because of his daddy.
Otherwise they are stupid as shit.

Jealous much...cow?

Oh speaking of cows. On the list of People Penny Hates are also fat people, did you know this? Yes. Penny judges a lot and I mean a LOT of people. She posted pics of fat people waiting in line to see Trump and she was judgey as heck about why they were fat and also, why they weren't working.

In reality, it's Penny's word and we're all here just on her good graces I guess. Jackboots, I've dubbed her.

I do not like privilege people. I had to work my way thought college and I had to work all my life. Ivanka is a just a privileged jack arse. Tramp is also.

And I also wore military boots.

You got fucked on your education based on your post.
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.
You know that doesn't make any difference to CRCs...it's the christian in them.
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

Typical fake news.
They make a fake statement before showing a video clip that is difficult to understand and then they try to fill in what you missed.....although what they're telling you is bullshit.
I didn't see them ignoring her or anything.
Besides.....I'm not interested in what socialist world leaders have to say that have fallen for the socialist wave sweeping the world.
They sold out their own people and what they have to say doesn't matter.
There is no legitimate reason for Ivanka to be there in the first place, but since Trump won with the help of the Russians, and 3 million less votes than his opponent, there is really no legitimate reason why he should be there either.
He brought his mistress.....nothing to see here.
Brought Or BOUGHT?
Yes to both...I'm sure she's used to daddy donnie giving her anything she wants...in exchange for
You know that doesn't make any difference to CRCs...it's the christian in them.
Is Boston Universitiy handing out economic degrees in boxes of cereal? Because Ocasio-Cortez says almost nothing but amazingly stupid things habitually.
Her Green New Deal is a dead as Harry Houdini. Her claim of global doom in twelve years, which she herself later dismissed as a joke and the fact that she apparently can't tell a toilet from a drinking fountain makes one think she is brain damaged.

Are you defending her? Really? REALLY?
Yes to both...I'm sure she's used to daddy donnie giving her anything she wants...in exchange for
Oh...is it okay now to start scurrilous rumors based on pure vitriol and animosity with zero proof to back it up?

If so I would like to state that everyone knows Barry Obama bones his daughters and horn-dog Bill gets with daughter Chelsea. Just wanted to jump on that rumor bandwagon.

How does it feel to have zero scruples and personal integrity? Good?
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Typical fake news.
What is the source of that video clip? Who is this person no one has ever seen before?
Talk about an absolute unknown entity!
Also the words "global laughingstock" and "viral" should have some basis in reality in connection with this piece of shit thread.
too lazy to do any research on yer own 'eh? typical poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time. stay that way then, ignoramus.

Like I said. You're a nothing trying to defend a stump

i'm stating facts & you can't show anything to refute it.

You're blabbering and calling people racist.


no... i am calling ONE poster on this here thread a racist... why? because i have read his posts on enough threads to be stating fact. something that you are continually oblivious to... why? why you ask? because you are & will always be poorly educated. try looking at his posts... i know you won't because deplorables be as lazy as lazy can be when they know they will be proven wrong.

I wouldn't be calling anyone poorly educated...I've read YOUR posts

<pffft> i state facts & will always back them up with credible unbiased links. you?

pure trumpanzee pablum talking points straight outa yer ass.
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.
Lol, AOC is proof a college education is a waste of money.

i am sure she cares what you think.... :auiqs.jpg:
Unfortunately, being hot doesn't make her credible among all those world leaders.

And Theresa May is? LOL. What a FAILURE she turned out to be. I guarantee you that many Brits would trade Theresa for Ivanka in a heartbeat. And, by the way, don't be shocked if Ivanka is, one day, our president.

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