I've come to the conclusion that bad people outnumber the good...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I have been sheltered my entire life, not really knowing many people outside my immediate circle of Catholic family and conservative friends.

But, recent headlines have convinced me that my previous belief that good people outnumber bad people is wrong. The truth is the opposite.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we would not have so many abortions.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have all these problems with drugs, gangs and gang violence.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have a major political party that has declared war on God and Christianity and all that is good and decent.

And we wouldn't have a Hollywood dominated by bad people who rape women and get away with it.
I have two kinds of experiences when I was growing up.

I attended private secular schools, and the kids were mean, and I got bullied constantly by mean kids, and the administration never did anything about it.

Then I attended a Catholic school, and there were only a few mean kids, and I ended the bullying in my first year by standing up to him.

In secular public university I felt that the administration and faculty just didn't give a damn whether I was there, or what I was doing.

In Catholic law school, the administration and faculty bent over backwards to make me feel welcome and included.

My conclusion from these experiences is that Catholics really are better and nicer people than non-Catholics.

It's taken me this long to appreciate that truth, but there it is.

I have been protected my entire life, I think.

The fact is, most non-Catholic people just aren't that good and aren't that nice.
Among most Catholics, it is a given that you are pro-life.

Among non-Catholics, there is a complete lack of understanding on this issue.

They do not get, will not even try to understand, why pro-lifers oppose abortion.

It's like they do not even understand the same language.
I have been sheltered my entire life, not really knowing many people outside my immediate circle of Catholic family and conservative friends.

But, recent headlines have convinced me that my previous belief that good people outnumber bad people is wrong. The truth is the opposite.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we would not have so many abortions.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have all these problems with drugs, gangs and gang violence.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have a major political party that has declared war on God and Christianity and all that is good and decent.

And we wouldn't have a Hollywood dominated by bad people who rape women and get away with it.

Cheer up, here's something to contemplate.

This afternoon I had a no good, terrible, very bad class. Yet after it was over and I had time to think about it, I realized what I had was a class of forty-three with five students who misbehaved. So, while it seemed like a bad class, the reality is that I had a class of thirty-eight very good students. And, out of the five who misbehaved, four are usually on task, but were simply having an off day.

Most days, there is plenty of good going on around us. Sometimes it is bad that hold (or requires) our attention and we lose sight (temporarily) of all the good.
I had shaky hands, and I dropped a coffee in church hall during coffee and donuts.

A man and a woman immediately saw I was in distress and started cleaning up the floor before I could do anything.

I thought, this is what Catholics do.

Non-Catholics would have given me dirty looks and whisper about me behind my back.
I had shaky hands, and I dropped a coffee in church hall during coffee and donuts.

A man and a woman immediately saw I was in distress and started cleaning up the floor before I could do anything.

I thought, this is what Catholics do.

Non-Catholics would have given me dirty looks and whisper about me behind my back.
How many non-catholic religious services have you been to?
I've come to the conclusion that bad people outnumber the good...

Worry not, I am positive we will be able to save and rehabilitate you trump voters.

However, I doubt God will be as kind
wow that is just off the charts bigoted
I don't think it's bigoted to tell people that Catholicism really does make a difference in the way people live their lives.

In fact, I have never met anyone complaining about how Catholics behave or conduct themselves.

There is plenty of hate directed at the Catholic Church, as an institution.

But I have never met anyone who expressed hatred towards lay Catholics.
I've come to the conclusion that bad people outnumber the good...

Worry not, I am positive we will be able to save and rehabilitate you trump voters.

However, I doubt God will be as kind
Yeah...they will certainly have some explaining to do.........if there were a god and a heaven and a hell.
I have two kinds of experiences when I was growing up.

I attended private secular schools, and the kids were mean, and I got bullied constantly by mean kids, and the administration never did anything about it.

Then I attended a Catholic school, and there were only a few mean kids, and I ended the bullying in my first year by standing up to him.

In secular public university I felt that the administration and faculty just didn't give a damn whether I was there, or what I was doing.

In Catholic law school, the administration and faculty bent over backwards to make me feel welcome and included.

My conclusion from these experiences is that Catholics really are better and nicer people than non-Catholics.

It's taken me this long to appreciate that truth, but there it is.

I have been protected my entire life, I think.

The fact is, most non-Catholic people just aren't that good and aren't that nice.
It is hard work to always see the good in people first, and that is what it takes to be kind. The teachings of Jesus whether in a Catholic church or in a different Christian denomination is about love and forgiveness and the desire for salvation for all.
Your point is well taken and this is why I always call for a return to moral teaching in our public schools. I wish the non believers could back off and allow God back into our society.
I believe the world would be a much better place to live if we would do that.
I had shaky hands, and I dropped a coffee in church hall during coffee and donuts.

A man and a woman immediately saw I was in distress and started cleaning up the floor before I could do anything.

I thought, this is what Catholics do.

Non-Catholics would have given me dirty looks and whisper about me behind my back.
How many non-catholic religious services have you been to?
I went to a Baptist service once. The preacher spent his time trying to get me and my friend to go to the altar and get "saved".
It hit me HARD today just how evil human beings are when I saw that damn pic of the baby elephant on fire, mouth open in roars of pain as teams of people threw more fire-tarred balls at it and its mother as they tried to escape as those heathens jumped and laughed with joy. THAT is when I started my prayers that every one of those scumbags DIE painfully...and soon (lowlife scum in India). I will never get that image out of my head. Its here at usmb, and its all over twitter. I dare not read anything unless I scroll really slow so that picture does not invade my eyes again.

Evil people. Too many now. They outweigh the good. Time to drain the Earth Swamp of them.
I have been sheltered my entire life, not really knowing many people outside my immediate circle of Catholic family and conservative friends.

But, recent headlines have convinced me that my previous belief that good people outnumber bad people is wrong. The truth is the opposite.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we would not have so many abortions.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have all these problems with drugs, gangs and gang violence.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have a major political party that has declared war on God and Christianity and all that is good and decent.

And we wouldn't have a Hollywood dominated by bad people who rape women and get away with it.
seems like I found your problem in the first sentence....
Get out more, try some other communities like a Christian church or just any group that interest you. And of course remember that headlines are supposed to capture emotion not summarize the ethics of the world.
Also I guess this entire Idea changes based on your definition of a good person if you compare us to God were not that great.. Compare us to past gen's we are pretty great.
One of the things that I have noticed is that Methodist, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Baptist, Pentecostals, Hindu, Buddhist..… etc. won’t hate for not being their religion, but Catholics and Muslims will

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