I've come to the conclusion that bad people outnumber the good...

That's not going to happen until the American people turn back to God and demand that the abortion genocide be ended.

Again, I can't disagree more. All it will take for the Supreme Court to take up the issue is for them to accept any one of the conviction appeals presented to them by any one of those convicted under a fetal homicide law.

No religion necessary no religion required.

You're delusional. That will never, ever happen. It has already been established that it is the woman's choice, and why it is the woman's choice. This is why she can get an abortion, but, if you kill her fetus, it's murder.

Care to explain how or why a woman can still be charged with an illegal abortion if she gets one?

You mean she isn't charged with murder? Hmm, sounds like I dont have any explaining to do at all.

Do tell me what the criminal difference is between a murder and infanticide or feticide. Dr. Gosnell would like to know that answer too.

Are you serious? I think you can figure that out. Here's a hint: What is the legal difference between murder and homicide?
I live in a Catholic bubble, too. It's a good life. It was a good childhood. People here are generally good, hard-working people. They were raised well and are raising their children well. I don't see hatred or racial strife or violence. I see "my brother's keeper" and manners and charity and family structure. There's also Friday night football and Fat Tuesday.

I've got nothing against another's religious beliefs or lack thereof. I'm lapsed. I'm just saying I'm more than happy to be living in this area which is predominantly Catholic. Turned out great.
I have been sheltered my entire life, not really knowing many people outside my immediate circle of Catholic family and conservative friends.

But, recent headlines have convinced me that my previous belief that good people outnumber bad people is wrong. The truth is the opposite.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we would not have so many abortions.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have all these problems with drugs, gangs and gang violence.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have a major political party that has declared war on God and Christianity and all that is good and decent.

And we wouldn't have a Hollywood dominated by bad people who rape women and get away with it.
I've been called cynical by many people for believing that there are very few good people in the world.

The sad part is that, for the most part, the good people are the ones that aren't cynical/realistic, like us. They're the unrealistic ones that believe there are a reasonable number of good people left in the world.


It's a balance.


I had shaky hands, and I dropped a coffee in church hall during coffee and donuts.

A man and a woman immediately saw I was in distress and started cleaning up the floor before I could do anything.

I thought, this is what Catholics do.

Non-Catholics would have given me dirty looks and whisper about me behind my back.

You cant be serious
I have been sheltered my entire life, not really knowing many people outside my immediate circle of Catholic family and conservative friends.

But, recent headlines have convinced me that my previous belief that good people outnumber bad people is wrong. The truth is the opposite.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we would not have so many abortions.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have all these problems with drugs, gangs and gang violence.

If good people outnumbered the bad, we wouldn't have a major political party that has declared war on God and Christianity and all that is good and decent.

And we wouldn't have a Hollywood dominated by bad people who rape women and get away with it.
you are absolutely right - Jesus said the wwhole world would be deceived there are very few on earth today filled with the holy spirit
I have two kinds of experiences when I was growing up.

I attended private secular schools, and the kids were mean, and I got bullied constantly by mean kids, and the administration never did anything about it.

Then I attended a Catholic school, and there were only a few mean kids, and I ended the bullying in my first year by standing up to him.

In secular public university I felt that the administration and faculty just didn't give a damn whether I was there, or what I was doing.

In Catholic law school, the administration and faculty bent over backwards to make me feel welcome and included.

My conclusion from these experiences is that Catholics really are better and nicer people than non-Catholics.

It's taken me this long to appreciate that truth, but there it is.

I have been protected my entire life, I think.

The fact is, most non-Catholic people just aren't that good and aren't that nice.
Except the child molestors that hang with the clergy..
Among most Catholics, it is a given that you are pro-life.

Among non-Catholics, there is a complete lack of understanding on this issue.

They do not get, will not even try to understand, why pro-lifers oppose abortion.

It's like they do not even understand the same language.

Compared to a population of over 320 million, 1 million abortions makes it a relatively rare procedure. Most women are not having abortions is what that means in case you care about facts.

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