"I've got a gun and there is nothing you can do about it"

This sort of dishonesty is evident in many of the anti-gun threads.

Whether it is the writer of an article or the poster on this board, the actual facts don't seem to be enough. From the "8 year old fires assault rifle over pedestrians", when no assault rifle was involved, to the claims here that the man was waving it around and was threatening people with it, the level of dishonesty is sick. Sadly, to many fools will only read the headlines and think these things actually happened.
This sort of dishonesty is evident in many of the anti-gun threads.

Whether it is the writer of an article or the poster on this board, the actual facts don't seem to be enough. From the "8 year old fires assault rifle over pedestrians", when no assault rifle was involved, to the claims here that the man was waving it around and was threatening people with it, the level of dishonesty is sick. Sadly, to many fools will only read the headlines and think these things actually happened.

andthat is precisely why they prey on the low information voter. that is precisely why they strive to keep them low information voters. keep the masses down and angry and try to pin the blame on the republicans.
Carrying a gun on your hip is not waving it around.

He had unholstred his gun and was waving it around....I have a gun and there is nothing you can do about it

And he is right

That's not correct. If he was waving it around as you claim, THAT is a crime. It's called BRANDISHING A WEAPON and is a misdemeanor in most jurisdictions, though in certain cases it can be a felony. You are not allowed to wave a weapon around for fun. Period.
That was exploitation.
it was also one guy in one isolated incident....how many have actually been shot by Gangs this past month?....how about next month?....they do more than just threaten to shoot.....

No, there is actually a little mindset that goes along with this nutjob. The vast majority of gun owners are not in a park acting like morons. This one is. It was exploitation. Intimidation. Exploitation. Big Man proving.............??? in a freaking park.

thats the key phrase right there.....but the vast majority of Gangers,the REAL gun-nuts,are in their parks and streets and will shoot someone.....usually some innocent kids who just happen to be in their crossfire.....
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but if that man created a public disturbance with his choice of action, can he be busted for that at least? If that was a loaded gun that he was waving around, anything could have happened. :( :( :(

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Having that kind of attitude on himself just went to show how mature and responsible that he really is not. To me, a gun should not be in the possession of that kind of person.
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I carry a 2500 dollar AR slung low every day I'm off down the dirt road near my farm. Nobody cares.

I can't condone the accusation about him brandishing the weapon in such a stupid fashion. That's usually enough to get you SWATTED by pigs right or wrong. Must be a cousin of the sheriff or the man isn't a shaved headed adrenaline junky back from some illegal war waiting to kill someone. Very foolish, legal or not.
After all the random shootings committed by (neighbor - "Gee he seemed so nice") ordinary Joe, the only rational reaction by a parent would be to remove their kids ASAP from any venue where some one was parading around with a gun for no obvious reason. I know that would be my immediate gut reaction, my kids are outta there! Too bad if that makes me a wimp.

And even if it's legal why would you want to stress out your friends and neighbors for no reason except to make a statement ("It's my right to carry!") Yeah okay, now grow up.


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