I've never seen an article so carefully diagnose this problem.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality. Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Thugs with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

And the above two paragraphs are just a sliver of a fraction of the problems facing this entire globe.
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She reminds me of a post-war Jewish teen I read of once, who used to masturbate, late at night, all alone, under the cover of darkness, to the images in her head of Nazi soldiers in their crisp German Army uniforms, who would spank and rape her, and she felt tremendous guilt over that fact. Her "bad boy' has a oven, with your name on it.
Considering that 85 people control as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population and the rich are only getting richer, Marxism is pretty fucking far from taking over.

Maybe you don't know what Marxism is. Maybe someone should tell you that there's no such thing as an "Alpha" or a "Beta" male. What the fuck does homosexuality have to do with anything? Maybe someone should tell you to stop reading drunken blogs at Whiskey Place a-Go-Go.com. Have you ever read the complete works of Kahlil Gibran? Why are you reading WhiskeyPlaceZippers.com if you haven't read Kahlil Gibran? That's your problem right there.
I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality. Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Guns with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

And the above two paragraphs are just a sliver of a fraction of the problems facing this entire globe.

Your ALPHA MEN are mostly overcompensating for all the disappointing outcomes in their lives:

**The ugly fat wife.

**The Shitty Job or no job because they factory closed.

**the Loser kids.

Or just the shitty job and still living at home like these assholes:


Here are YOUR Alpha loser men -- FAT SLOB and a DWEEB who can't even grow hair on his face.



I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality. Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Guns with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

And the above two paragraphs are just a sliver of a fraction of the problems facing this entire globe.

You were gone?

That blog post is the most pathetically misogynist load of shit I've seen in a while, perhaps except for those anti-pickup artist sites that that recent mass shooter spent time on.

It's nothing more than some loser bitching about the fact that he can't get laid, and turning it into a mindless condemnation of all white women for having the audacity to complain about guys they date AND not fuck him.
I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality. Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.


I don't remember any "alpha males" forcing me to "convert" into "beta submission". What exactly do you mean by that?

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Guns with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

How does "political correctness" make one "submissive"? Submissive to what?

The Government Guns with GUNS? Who are they?
Considering that 85 people control as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population and the rich are only getting richer, Marxism is pretty fucking far from taking over.

No, that means it succeeded overwhelmingly. Marxism is a device to upend the natural economic order and unforgivingness of the market that punishes failure, for instance, Too Big to Fail.

Marxism preys on the Beta Males and the Females to strip the Alpha Males of their natural entrepreneurial spirit. Liberty and freedom are ALPHA concepts.

Unfortunately, nature hath made most men Betas, and when these Betas are manipulated and fooled by a small group of Alpha Thugs (about 100 people as you yourself admitted) they become an unstoppable force --- Tyranny THROUGH Majority (not by Majority, since the Majority are allowing the top 100 make the decision for them and simply executing their will through the vote.)

This is why Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson despised Democracy and Ben Franklin remarked "I'll give you your Republic ... if you can keep it."

A Constitutional Republic rooted in Liberty is an Alpha concept.

Furthermore compound this Tyranny by the Majority of Alpha Males with Females that are fooled into replacing the Provider (the Alpha male once again) with the State.

The small group (by nature) of Alpha Males cannot compete against this Majority, and they never will.

Humans have not evolved at all in the past 100 years, and thus our economic/political systems are designed contrary to our nature, which is Rule by Alpha Males. Our civilization is either doomed to slavery to this very small Oligarchy of Alpha Males with Guns, or doomed entirely for all, including this Oligarchy who sow the seeds of their demise.
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I don't remember any "alpha males" forcing me to "convert" into "beta submission". What exactly do you mean by that?

Try to make a living selling drugs like an entrepreneurial Alpha male. Watch some really POWERFUL THUGS clothed in Legal Authority and ARMED with the most modern firearms and auxiliary weaponry/support storm your home, seize you and frighten you into a plea bargain to avoid a Jury trial.

If you're white, and you work in a professional setting, try to say the word "******" or make a sexual innuendo to a woman who wasn't interested in you. Watch how the Courts agree with your employer's decision to fire you.

Is your wife treating you like shit (cheating on you)? Well guess what buddy, you better LIVE WITH IT, because if you divorce her, she'll take your house, children and half your income and pension.

FUckt his shit.
I don't remember any "alpha males" forcing me to "convert" into "beta submission". What exactly do you mean by that?

Try to make a living selling drugs like an entrepreneurial Alpha male. Watch some really POWERFUL THUGS clothed in Legal Authority and ARMED with the most modern firearms and auxiliary weaponry/support storm your home, seize you and frighten you into a plea bargain to avoid a Jury trial.

Why would I try that? I'm happy with my current career.

If you're white, and you work in a professional setting, try to say the word "******" or make a sexual innuendo to a woman who wasn't interested in you. Watch how the Courts agree with your employer's decision to fire you.

I have no desire to use the N-word, or to sexually harass my co-workers. Are you under the impression that those are requirements of being an "alpha male"?

Is your wife treating you like shit (cheating on you)? Well guess what buddy, you better LIVE WITH IT, because if you divorce her, she'll take your house, children and half your income and pension.

FUckt his shit.

My wife isn't cheating on me, or treating me like shit. I have no desire to divorce her, we've got a great relationship.

What does any of this have to do with the ridiculous blog you posted, or "alpha" and "beta" males?
I don't remember any "alpha males" forcing me to "convert" into "beta submission". What exactly do you mean by that?

Try to make a living selling drugs like an entrepreneurial Alpha male. Watch some really POWERFUL THUGS clothed in Legal Authority and ARMED with the most modern firearms and auxiliary weaponry/support storm your home, seize you and frighten you into a plea bargain to avoid a Jury trial.

If you're white, and you work in a professional setting, try to say the word "******" or make a sexual innuendo to a woman who wasn't interested in you. Watch how the Courts agree with your employer's decision to fire you.

Is your wife treating you like shit (cheating on you)? Well guess what buddy, you better LIVE WITH IT, because if you divorce her, she'll take your house, children and half your income and pension.

FUckt his shit.
#FBI Nuff said.
I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality.
Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Thugs with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

And the above two paragraphs are just a sliver of a fraction of the problems facing this entire globe.

Let's see, I spent 1 min. skimming OP, 2 min. skimming link, 1 min. reply post. At least that's only 4 min. I'll never get back.
I've been so enraptured in my own writings on this subject, but I finally found someone who beat me to it, with a far more clear and coherent perspective. I began researching this topic when I started to investigate the demolition of traditional families and marriages in America over the past 60 years.

Whiskey's Place: Beta Males and Inferior Men

Sorry about my hibernation on USMB, but I've spent nearly two months investigating the plague of BETA males infesting our society and leeching from the successful Alpha men through the myriad implementations of Marxism across the globe.

I've never seen things so clearly now. We have a very small group of Alpha Males literally converting/forcing all other Alpha males into Beta submission or homosexuality. Any Alphas that refuse are smashed into oblivion. Studying Black America is the most vivid physical example, where many Alpha blacks struggle to SURVIVE by selling drugs, instead of being submissive welfare parasites.

In white America we see a more psychological example, where white men are forced through "Political Correctness" to be submissive. But it's perfectly ok for the Government Thugs with GUNS to be ALPHA BRUTES, whether they are White or Black.

And the above two paragraphs are just a sliver of a fraction of the problems facing this entire globe.

Pretty solid piece of writing Ms. Whiskey's got there.

Pretty solid, introspective thread you got for us here.
Considering that 85 people control as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population and the rich are only getting richer, Marxism is pretty fucking far from taking over.

No, that means it succeeded overwhelmingly. Marxism is a device to upend the natural economic order and unforgivingness of the market that punishes failure, for instance, Too Big to Fail.

Marxism preys on the Beta Males and the Females to strip the Alpha Males of their natural entrepreneurial spirit. Liberty and freedom are ALPHA concepts.

Unfortunately, nature hath made most men Betas, and when these Betas are manipulated and fooled by a small group of Alpha Thugs (about 100 people as you yourself admitted) they become an unstoppable force --- Tyranny THROUGH Majority (not by Majority, since the Majority are allowing the top 100 make the decision for them and simply executing their will through the vote.)

This is why Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson despised Democracy and Ben Franklin remarked "I'll give you your Republic ... if you can keep it."

A Constitutional Republic rooted in Liberty is an Alpha concept.

Furthermore compound this Tyranny by the Majority of Alpha Males with Females that are fooled into replacing the Provider (the Alpha male once again) with the State.

The small group (by nature) of Alpha Males cannot compete against this Majority, and they never will.

Humans have not evolved at all in the past 100 years, and thus our economic/political systems are designed contrary to our nature, which is Rule by Alpha Males. Our civilization is either doomed to slavery to this very small Oligarchy of Alpha Males with Guns, or doomed entirely for all, including this Oligarchy who sow the seeds of their demise.

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