I've posted this before and while its over a year old

Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.

Well of course we will. Unlike the Democrats whose attempt was a sorry failure, he'll actually do it right.

And it will be magnificent.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.

Well of course we will. Unlike the Democrats whose attempt was a sorry failure, he'll actually do it right.

And it will be magnificent.
Tremendous. The best.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.

Well of course we will. Unlike the Democrats whose attempt was a sorry failure, he'll actually do it right.

And it will be magnificent.

Damn, just amazing how much you people worship him.

Not that you were ever really a conservative to start with.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.

Say's the Obambi cock sucker. But hey, at least you admit what you are.

Here you go again with your sexual fantasies. Is it really necessary to tell everyone about them? Can you not stick to politics for a change?
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.
Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.
And there we have it....The word "conservative" really has no meaning anymore.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.

Well of course we will. Unlike the Democrats whose attempt was a sorry failure, he'll actually do it right.

And it will be magnificent.
Lol, it will be exactly the same except tRump will hang some stupid name on the front of it.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.

A mandate?
Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.
And there we have it....The word "conservative" really has no meaning anymore.

Why not?
Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.
And there we have it....The word "conservative" really has no meaning anymore.

Why not?
If you can claim that more gubmint mandates and piling more people into Medicare is "conservative" then the term is meaningless...You're just another progressive turd polisher.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.
i hate the idea if it means i lose my insurance benefits at work. i'm very happy with how it is.

in my mind, we need to understand WHY our medical issues are so expensive to begin with and look at reducing cost and getting more efficient. insurance isn't going to help cause they want to make money so costs will keep going up as long as we don't address WHY but keep saying HOW.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.
i hate the idea if it means i lose my insurance benefits at work. i'm very happy with how it is.

in my mind, we need to understand WHY our medical issues are so expensive to begin with and look at reducing cost and getting more efficient. insurance isn't going to help cause they want to make money so costs will keep going up as long as we don't address WHY but keep saying HOW.

Exactly. Find ways to lower costs first, and then figure out how we are going to pay for it.
Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Trump might have gotten this through Congress last year, or some variation of this plan, the dems would have had a fit.

He will submit a single payer system before he is done and all his sheep will think it is the best thing to every happen to the country.
i hate the idea if it means i lose my insurance benefits at work. i'm very happy with how it is.

in my mind, we need to understand WHY our medical issues are so expensive to begin with and look at reducing cost and getting more efficient. insurance isn't going to help cause they want to make money so costs will keep going up as long as we don't address WHY but keep saying HOW.

Exactly. Find ways to lower costs first, and then figure out how we are going to pay for it.
but telling people to buy into a system designed to increase the costs and make it more complex is NOT the answer.

we don't have a health care issue in this country, we have an insurance one.
Actually what I think should happen is doing it the right way this time:

First off, search and attack things that drove up our healthcare costs in the first place; namely government.

Secondly, we can have a little of both. For people with preexisting conditions, they should have the option to buy into Medicare. That would take all the high risk patients out of the insurance pool and lower premiums for everybody else.

Third, we need mandated Medical Savings Accounts. It would work just like our other deductions. You would have to contribute X percentage of your paycheck to your MSA, or even the option to put in more if desired. When you go to the doctors, ER's, the dentist, you pay from that account. If you read articles from insurance companies, they stated repeatedly that all that paperwork pushing for a hundred dollar doctors visit costs them a ton of money. The more insurance companies save, the less they can charge for their premiums.
And there we have it....The word "conservative" really has no meaning anymore.

Why not?
If you can claim that more gubmint mandates and piling more people into Medicare is "conservative" then the term is meaningless...You're just another progressive turd polisher.

It's not what I want, but what the rest of the country wants. Given the fact that liberals want government healthcare and we want private means there will never be any peace until a middle-ground of some sort is found.

I have preexisting conditions which may prevent me from working. I don't know year to year if I'll be able to work thanks to idiotic government regulations. It's all a matter if the doctor that does my government physical will allow me to work.

As a precaution, I checked into disability. What I found out was that people on disability can buy into Medicare after being on disability for two years. So what's wrong with extending that to people like myself with preexisting conditions that can't get coverage?

After Commie Care went into effect, I like millions of others lost my employer sponsored healthcare and I haven't been covered since. It's not my fault I'm not covered, it's the morons that voted that big-ear Commie into office. And his idiotic plan was so expensive it costs more than my mortgage to have a crap policy.

So WTF are people like me supposed to do Mr. Conservative?

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