I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

Well evidently those of you who DON"T think the MSM is biased, anti-American, anti-military, anti-law enforcement
you need to explain how a dominant major force for forming public opinions and ultimately elections based on the attached surveys ARE INFLUENCING Americans who DIDN"T know the MSM gave 96% to Hillary in 2016 and because she lost spent the next 4 years and 94% of their news NEGATIVE towards the positive things Trump was doing.
To make certain that Trump was gone, no stories about JUNK MAIL ballots, no stories about Hunter Biden and his paying his dad 10% "for the big guy"... but 90% donations by the MSM to Biden/Democrats.
That's what should be refuted. OR admitted that biased MSM influenced people possibly like you to believe the childish, fault-finding about the human, prone to bragging NON-POLITICALLY correct Trump! Stories like Trump said "there were good people on both sides... but the MSM never finished what he continued to say..
,& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
How many of you MSM believers thought BECAUSE of the Biased MSM..Trump only said:there were good people on both sides"! That's what I hope you Truth-haters come to understand. The BIASED MSM gives you half information, i.e. Trump said "& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally." but you never heard that from the BIASED MSM!
So who were the good people on the right?
What does somebodies account name have to do with the topic?! Don’t you boast about being the substantive one?! Haha, Doesn’t look like it… all talk
"somebodies"???? Well what it specifically shows is Crepitus evidently doesn't DO any substantive work or why else
would someone choose the "God of Farts" as a screen name?? Really? That alone to me puts totally doubt on that person's comments let alone there are more often than not NO links. So my "substantive one" status is still intact!
I provide links because I do not consider myself an expert on any topic to spout an opinion that affects the general public as Crepitus and others who pompously denigrate people like me that support the FACTS.
So who were the good people on the right?
That is irrelevant! Because you believed the biased MSM when Trump said that and ASSUMED as the MSM wanted you to do that Trump was including Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, etc. in is "good people on both sides"!
I think you still don't comprehend what happened in Charlottesville that day. Maybe you should get a little more
information that you didn't get from the biased MSM regarding what was going on that day!
HINT... Trump was NOT including White supremacists, etc. in his "good people on both sides" but as he continued that the MSM hasn't reported to you that Trump continued and said..,& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
But how many people evidently like you NEVER heard that!
We found both the cure for that and the contagion for BDS...

There is no cure for you sick motherfuckers.

Leftism is a terminal disease.
"somebodies"???? Well what it specifically shows is Crepitus evidently doesn't DO any substantive work or why else
would someone choose the "God of Farts" as a screen name?? Really? That alone to me puts totally doubt on that person's comments let alone there are more often than not NO links. So my "substantive one" status is still intact!
I provide links because I do not consider myself an expert on any topic to spout an opinion that affects the general public as Crepitus and others who pompously denigrate people like me that support the FACTS.
You can’t really attack somebody for lacking substance when your going off topic and dodging the substance. Sea the catch22 urine?
That is irrelevant! Because you believed the biased MSM when Trump said that and ASSUMED as the MSM wanted you to do that Trump was including Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, etc. in is "good people on both sides"!
I think you still don't comprehend what happened in Charlottesville that day. Maybe you should get a little more
information that you didn't get from the biased MSM regarding what was going on that day!
HINT... Trump was NOT including White supremacists, etc. in his "good people on both sides" but as he continued that the MSM hasn't reported to you that Trump continued and said..,& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
But how many people evidently like you NEVER heard that!
Uh, no, not irrelevant. Who were the good people on the right?
No, those would be the bad people
Then which ones were the good people? From what I saw, that rally was organized, promoted, sponsored, and attended by several factions of racists trying to generate unity among their peers. Who else was among them?
Oh, I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure most of my friends and family and community members that know me and have seen the effort I put into helping others would disagree with you. But who are they... just people who know me. You probably know better than they do ;-)
You put far more effort into looting us.
Then which ones were the good people? From what I saw, that rally was organized, promoted, sponsored, and attended by several factions of racists trying to generate unity among their peers. Who else was among them?
You see what you want to see.
Then which ones were the good people? From what I saw, that rally was organized, promoted, sponsored, and attended by several factions of racists trying to generate unity among their peers. Who else was among them?
He wasn’t talking about the Nazi rally, he was talking about those who showed up in charolettesville to protest. One side wanted statues taken down the other didn't, there were good people on both sides of that issue. Nazis and WS groups jumped in as well as ANTIFA, and shit stirred to the point of tragety.

I don’t make excuses for Trumps piss poor response to it all. I see many issues with what he said, including the good people line…. But we should be honest and accurate about what he was talking about
He wasn’t talking about the Nazi rally, he was talking about those who showed up in charolettesville to protest. One side wanted statues taken down the other didn't, there were good people on both sides of that issue. Nazis and WS groups jumped in as well as ANTIFA, and shit stirred to the point of tragety.

I don’t make excuses for Trumps piss poor response to it all. I see many issues with what he said, including the good people line…. But we should be honest and accurate about what he was talking about
There was no NAZI rally, douchebag.
He wasn’t talking about the Nazi rally, he was talking about those who showed up in charolettesville to protest. One side wanted statues taken down the other didn't, there were good people on both sides of that issue. Nazis and WS groups jumped in as well as ANTIFA, and shit stirred to the point of tragety.

I don’t make excuses for Trumps piss poor response to it all. I see many issues with what he said, including the good people line…. But we should be honest and accurate about what he was talking about
The Charlottesville protest was the racist rally. It was a two day event. The first day was the nighttime march with torches to the statue. The second day was a daytime protest where counter-protestors showed up against them.
There was no NAZI rally, douchebag.
Yes there was. They had torches and everything. Check out the Vice documentary on it. They follow the rally leader though-out the entire day. You can hear it from the horses mouth and not from a media personality

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