i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

More validity than Gorabachev's own take? You are on crack.

And speaking of Gorbachev, he was deeply griefed by Russia's bloody invasion of Ukraine, he limited his commentary but called for quick end to conflict in Februray.

No. You do know what propaganda is right?
You don't quite understand what you read, your source doesn't say that they own ALL American media. It just lists 15 billionares who own some major media.

That may not have made things clear. Lets look at the other one as it is becoming clear that is the one I remember though I was remembering 5 instead of 6 and it was in 1983 that the claim was they were then owned by 50 companies. Truth or Fiction looks into this one so it should be possible to find out how true that claim was..

The claim was that 6 Corporations owned 90% of news media. You have your 10% for extras but these will be the most influential.

The graphic, and its myriad spinoff memes, is based around the claim that just six corporations — CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp, Time Warner, and Viacom — own 90 percent of American “media.” One popular iteration was posted in Business Insider in June 2012 with seemingly no effort to corrorobate its origins or sourcing:


Studies published after the graphic and its variations spread show that while several of the six companies named in the original claim still do hold a tight grip on parts of U.S. television broadcast media, the industries named in other versions have been facing consolidation from other firms.

For instance, those companies are represented in a study by the advocacy group Free Press showing concentration of broadcast ownership:

At the time the study was published, iHeartMedia (formerly known as Clear Channel) owned and/or operated 856 radio stations in 160 markets; New Media Investment, for its part, owned 432 newspapers, including 125 that published daily.

However, in August 2019, New Media tightened its grip on the newspaper industry even further after acquiring Gannett, the company that owned not only USA Today but just over 250 other newspapers. The merger between the two companies was completed in November 2019.

Two other companies, Nexstar Media Group and Sinclair Television Group, dominate U.S. non-cable broadcasting; according to the Free Press study, they own a combined 334 stations between them. Sinclair — which openly presented itself as a right-wing broadcaster following Donald Trump’s election to the United States presidency — attempted to acquire Tribune Broadcasting in 2017, but was instead hit with a $48 million fine in May 2020 by the Federal Communications Commission.

The accelerated pace of media consolidation in the U.S. is commonly attributed to two key events: the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine — which required FCC-licensed outlets to not only devote time to “controversial issues of public importance” but allow for multiple viewpoints to be addressed — in August 2011; and the enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which lifted regulations on media consolidation and enabled corporations to own up to four stations in a single market, paving the way for further cross-ownership.

so just in case you still have not got it they did an update
Summary of eRumor:
Six corporations own 90% of news media companies in America.​
The Truth:
This claim is true.

News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS and Comcast own 90% of the TV stations, radio stations, movies, magazines and newspapers that 277 million Americans rely on for news and entertainment.

You can read about it fully at the link.

and please you think that by maybe being able to show Russia is worse that will be showing that the US is still a Free Democracy. It is not a competition. It is merely showing that your belief in the US being the super duper Free Democracy is far from the truth. It's press and entertainment is owned by a few of the richest people allowing them almost free reign to influence your mind but as you have lets see how open the US press is to Russian media.

Factchecking the Factchecker on Chomsky, Russia and Media Access​

Millions of people in the Soviet Union, including virtually all intellectuals, had access to and tuned into Western media in the 1970s.

ince the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US-based media platforms have made an extraordinary effort to cut Western audiences off from news from a Russian perspective. When social critic Noam Chomsky pointed out how unprecedented this was, Newsweek‘s “factchecker” (7/26/22) declared his criticism “clearly untrue”—a determination that did more to confirm the ideological strictures of US media than to debunk them.

Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Russia Today, funded by the Russian government, was removed from DirecTV and Dish Network (New York Times, 3/12/22), YouTube (France24, 12/3/22), TikTok, Meta (CNN, 3/1/22) Google News (Reuters, 3/1/22) and Spotify (Reuters, 3/2/22) in the United States and/or Europe. RT and Sputnik (another Russian state–funded network) were removed from the Apple app store (TechCrunch, 3/1/22).
Microsoft banned RT from the Windows app store, and deranked RT and Sputnik in Bing search results (TechCrunch, 3/1/22). Google (Reuters, 3/1/22), Meta (Reuters 2/26/22) and Microsoft (Microsoft.com, 2/28/22) barred RT from receiving any ad revenue through their platforms. RT was also banned by Roku, a streaming hardware company (CNN, 3/1/22).

Motivations for banning RT and Sputnik were due to “extraordinary circumstances,” in Google’s words (Reuters, 2/26/22), and to protect “against state-sponsored disinformation campaigns” (Microsoft.com, 2/28/22). RT’s offices in the US had to close down their production completely (Washington Post, 3/3/22).

and you ought to know how it goes, Paypal freezes accounts....but of whom? Left wing American News

PayPal has recently frozen the accounts of independent news outlets such as Consortium News (Democracy Now!, 7/12/22) and MintPress (Democracy Now!, 5/4/22; FAIR.org, 5/18/22). The circumstances around PayPal’s actions are less clear than with the actions against RT. The editor-in-chief of Consortium News, Joe Lauria, said he didn’t know why PayPal froze its account, but he suspects a clause in the user agreement against “purveying misinformation” may have been invoked (Democracy Now!, 7/12/22).

One of the many chilling effects of the media blackout was that YouTube deleted its entire archive of commentary by the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Chris Hedges (who formerly worked for the New York Times and NPR) because it was hosted by RT (Democracy Now!, 4/1/22).

You had better go and eat your hat if you are still going to try to argue that there is a genuine free press in the US and that a great deal of what you read is not just propaganda....and indeed if you are still into comparing access to information in the US and in Russia, read the fact check and you will find that the people of the USSR had far more access to Western News in the 70's than people in the US have to Russian now.
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I learned 60k special forces are just entering Ukraine.
whose special forces? What are they up to?

I have found it. They are US

would I be right in assuming that the US is now formally at war with Russia?
That may not have made things clear. Lets look at the other one as it is becoming clear that is the one I remember though I was remembering 5 instead of 6 and it was in 1983 that the claim was they were then owned by 50 companies. Truth or Fiction looks into this one so it should be possible to find out how true that claim was..

The claim was that 6 Corporations owned 90% of news media. You have your 10% for extras but these will be the most influential.

so just in case you still have not got it they did an update

You can read about it fully at the link.

and please you think that by maybe being able to show Russia is worse that will be showing that the US is still a Free Democracy. It is not a competition. It is merely showing that your belief in the US being the super duper Free Democracy is far from the truth. It's press and entertainment is owned by a few of the richest people allowing them almost free reign to influence your mind but as you have lets see how open the US press is to Russian media.

and you ought to know how it goes, Paypal freezes accounts....but of whom? Left wing American News

You had better go and eat your hat if you are still going to try to argue that there is a genuine free press in the US and that a great deal of what you read is not just propaganda....and indeed if you are still into comparing access to information in the US and in Russia, read the fact check and you will find that the people of the USSR had far more access to Western News in the 70's than people in the US have to Russian now.

Simple question - which billionaire owns CNN's editorial process? Good luck.

See unlike you I do read and fact check and I ACTUALLY WATCH RUSSIAN NEWS/POLITICAL shows and actually understand the extent of government repression of free speech and media in Russia.

What you posting is pure ignorant bullshit. I don't know who brainwashed with this nonsense but you obviously have no fucking clue about what you are talking about.
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That may not have made things clear. Lets look at the other one as it is becoming clear that is the one I remember though I was remembering 5 instead of 6 and it was in 1983 that the claim was they were then owned by 50 companies. Truth or Fiction looks into this one so it should be possible to find out how true that claim was..

The claim was that 6 Corporations owned 90% of news media. You have your 10% for extras but these will be the most influential.

so just in case you still have not got it they did an update

You can read about it fully at the link.

and please you think that by maybe being able to show Russia is worse that will be showing that the US is still a Free Democracy. It is not a competition. It is

You had better go and eat your hat if you are still going to try to argue that there is a genuine free press in the US and that a great deal of what you read is not just propaganda....and indeed if you are still into comparing access to information in the US and in Russia, read the fact check and you will find that the people of the USSR had far more access to Western News in the 70's than people in the US have to Russian now.
Is it hell. The only thing the US has been interested in has been keeping its place as ruler of the world and within that the US has shown itself to be a country which believes in war, war, war. It has shown itself to be incapable of Diplomacy. A country which is incapable of diplomacy is incapable of self reflection. It strenuously works to stop opposing thought. Now those critical are told they should move to another country. That is not how a Democracy works. It is how an authoritarian State works.

It is the responsibility of a Democracy to give all of its people as near an equal chance as possible. Since the 70's the average Joe of the US has seen their real income rise not one bit and the poorest have seen it decrease. The richest 1% have seen an increase and the richest 0.1% have seen a massive increase in their standard of living but the people who have really seen their wealth increase are the richest 0.01%. The United States is a country where 3 people have as much wealth as 50% of its population.

The US is not a Democracy. It is a Plutocracy. That is a society where the Government works in the interest of the most wealthy rather than the people. Some political theorists have been seeing it as even worse - the West turning into a new form of Despotism.

Not completely true. Julian Assange for starters. However Putin's bumping off of those who would challenge him has absolutely nothing to do with the US promising that a United Germany under Nato would be the end of NATO moving Eastward. Rather if anything it is a response to that in that it led to a situation where Russia was sufficiently concerned about its security that the hoped for Democracy took a secondary position.

Something which people have the ability to argue in whatever direction they want. The right of journalism has become obsolete with the intent to keep Julian Assange in jail for the rest of his life for reporting US war crimes.

Not good enough. All the Gerrymandering and removal of votes that is going on makes you already not an honest democracy never mind your governments whether it is Democratic or Republican not serving you but the hand that feeds them.

Highly competitive? Who are you trying to fool? You have two parties both of whom have to serve the hand that feeds them if they want to get into and stay in office.

Those who serve in your courts are determined by your Politicians not by an Independent authority. Trump managed to get your Supreme court full of his people. It is not objective.

That is very far from the truth but you seem to be totally uneducated on it.

I've lived in both Russia and United States and closely kept up with politics and history of both.

You seem to live somewhere on the fucking moon, getting fed a lot of bullshit. Your understandings of the two countries are badly skewed.
That's a load of crock.

Unlike in Russia our leaders and journalists don't get murdered and jailed for opposing policies or parties. Our rights are Constitutionally protected. Our elections are relatively open and highly competetive (a sign of vertical responsibility from the people, to the leadership), our Courts and Congress are mostly independent from Executive (horizontal responsibility among the branches of government).

Our constitutional democracy is very much alive and well thus far.
That’s absurd but coming from a Russian immigrant, it might make sense.

The USA has become a rapacious oligarchy, not that different from Russia.
Bullshit, his job was hijacked by Putin who ordered him to reject the free trade agreement with the EU, which would have brought considerable economic benefits to Ukraine, and to embrace Russia's European Economic Union, which would have brought no benefits to Ukraine.
Yanukovych was Putin's man in Kyiv and once he failed to deliver Ukraine to Putin peacefully, he called on Putin to invade Ukraine.
Got a link for that alleged "free" trade agreement the IMF was offering?

The Loan That Launched A Crisis

"Late last year, with Ukraine’s state coffers running low because of overspending on political priorities like subsidizing natural gas and increasing the wages of government workers, President Viktor Yanukovych faced a choice.

"The European Union offered a trade deal that promised to boost Ukraine’s sluggish economy in exchange for harsh and politically unpopular austerity measures.

"Russia offered $15 billion and didn’t ask Yanukovych to change much of anything.

"Unsurprisingly, he rejected the EU deal and opted for Moscow’s bailout instead.

"Thousands of angry Ukrainians took to the streets in protest, and they haven’t left."
That may not have made things clear. Lets look at the other one as it is becoming clear that is the one I remember though I was remembering 5 instead of 6 and it was in 1983 that the claim was they were then owned by 50 companies. Truth or Fiction looks into this one so it should be possible to find out how true that claim was..

The claim was that 6 Corporations owned 90% of news media. You have your 10% for extras but these will be the most influential.

so just in case you still have not got it they did an update

You can read about it fully at the link.

and please you think that by maybe being able to show Russia is worse that will be showing that the US is still a Free Democracy. It is not a competition. It is merely showing that your belief in the US being the super duper Free Democracy is far from the truth. It's press and entertainment is owned by a few of the richest people allowing them almost free reign to influence your mind but as you have lets see how open the US press is to Russian media.

and you ought to know how it goes, Paypal freezes accounts....but of whom? Left wing American News

You had better go and eat your hat if you are still going to try to argue that there is a genuine free press in the US and that a great deal of what you read is not just propaganda....and indeed if you are still into comparing access to information in the US and in Russia, read the fact check and you will find that the people of the USSR had far more access to Western News in the 70's than people in the US have to Russian now.
On top of knowing nothing about Ukrainian history or American history, he now admits he doesn’t know the MSM is controlled by six billionaires. WTF!
I've lived in both Russia and United States and closely kept up with politics and history of both.

You seem to live somewhere on the fucking moon, getting fed a lot of bullshit. Your understandings of the two countries are badly skewed.
It’s apparent you’ve fooled yourself.
Simple question - which billionaire owns CNN's editorial process? Good luck.

See unlike you I do read and fact check and I ACTUALLY WATCH RUSSIAN NEWS/POLITICAL shows and actually understand the extent of government repression of free speech and media in Russia.

What you posting is pure ignorant bullshit. I don't know who brainwashed with this nonsense but you obviously have no fucking clue about what you are talking about.
I bet you don’t know who owns Wapo. Lol.
Again, with these bizarre rants against the US you demonstrate that you find it impossible to defend Russia's heinous crimes but support them anyway.
You ducked the question again,
How many innocent civilians has the US military killed, maimed, and displaced since 1945?
Can you name any other country which has contributed a bigger threat to world peace?
You ducked the question again,
How many innocent civilians has the US military killed, maimed, and displaced since 1945?
Can you name any other country which has contributed a bigger threat to world peace?
They can’t see their blatant hypocrisy.

Proof the establishment can easily dupe many.
I bet you don’t know who owns Wapo. Lol.
I bet you will keep deflecting when you can't actually address what you quote.

It's just what pathetic assholes like you do.

The question was - which billionaire owns CNN? If you don't want to answer directly then how about nice hot cup of stfu?
That’s absurd but coming from a Russian immigrant, it might make sense.

The USA has become a rapacious oligarchy, not that different from Russia.

Not different?

Moron I've just listed HUGE systemic differences, not a single one you can actually address.

Compared to Russia our society and governing is free, fair and open.

Our politicians and media is free to criticize the government and in fact opposition makes it their full time occupation.

We have vertical and horizontal responsibility - from voters to politicians, from courts to Congress to Executive.

None of that exists in Russia. All the power has been consolidated to the executive and there is no real opposition or freedom of speech.

You are one seriously ignorant fool.
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There is no rational scenario in which Russia wins, or even survives, this war unless the western allies surrender to Putin this winter. There is no way the grossly incompetent Russian military can prevail on the battlefield unless it uses its nukes to kill then of millions of Ukrainians and even then it will not survive the never ending sanctions.
Your assessment of the Russian military's competence is delusional, at best. The Russian-speaking coalition controlled about 8% of Ukrainian real estate last February; they control 20% today:

"After more than six months of war, it can be said that the Russian army is effective and efficient, and that the quality of its command & control far exceeds what we see in the West.

"But our perception is influenced by a reporting that is focused on the Ukrainian side, and by distortions of reality.

"Firstly, there is the reality on the ground.

"It should be remembered that what the media call 'Russians' is in fact a Russian-speaking coalition, composed of professional Russian fighters and soldiers of the popular militias of Donbass.

"The operations in the Donbass are mainly carried out by these militias, who fight on 'their' terrain, in towns and villages they know and where they have friends and family.

"They are therefore advancing cautiously for themselves, but also to avoid civilian casualties.

"Thus, despite the claims of western propaganda, the coalition enjoys a very good popular support in the areas it occupies."

Our latest interview with Jacques Baud | MR Online
I bet you will keep deflecting when you can't actually address what you quote.

It's just what pathetic assholes like you do.

The question was - which billionaire owns CNN? If you don't want to answer directly then how about nice hot cup of stfu?
I thought you didn’t want to derail the thread with other topics, yet you’re on to this. Funny you!

Do you think CNN is the entire MSM?

Billionaire Paul Singer owns much of CNN’s parent company. You do know how to use Google no? LOL.

Billionaire activist Paul Singer reveals $3.2B stake in AT&T
Not different?

Moron I've just listed HUGE systemic differences, not a single one you can actually address.

Compared to Russia our society and governing is free, fair and open.

Our politicians and media is free to criticize the government and in fact opposition makes it their full time occupation.

We have vertical and horizontal responsibility - from voters to politicians, from courts to Congress to Executive.

None of that exists in Russia. All the power has been consolidated to the executive and there is no real opposition or freedom of speech.

You are one seriously ignorant fool.
You could list a thousand things, but they’d be wrong. You can’t help but be wrong, because you are uninformed.

The US is a rapacious oligarchy. Learn it my son!
This is just nonsense and could not be further from the truth.

your quote verifies what I said. Are you loony?

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