i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Simple question - which billionaire owns CNN's editorial process? Good luck.

See unlike you I do read and fact check and I ACTUALLY WATCH RUSSIAN NEWS/POLITICAL shows and actually understand the extent of government repression of free speech and media in Russia.

What you posting is pure ignorant bullshit. I don't know who brainwashed with this nonsense but you obviously have no fucking clue about what you are talking about.
You have been given full proof and all you are responding with is insults. On any other board you would be banned. What a time waster. Anton Too "Oh excuse me I am determined not to look at evidence so that I can carry on saying things which are not true and insulting the person who takes the time to find the truth."
I've lived in both Russia and United States and closely kept up with politics and history of both.

You seem to live somewhere on the fucking moon, getting fed a lot of bullshit. Your understandings of the two countries are badly skewed.
Again, you were provided with evidence. You again could not argue that evidence because it was accurate. Not being able to argue against what was written you engage in insults. I will remember you and know not to believe a word you say.
You have been given full proof and all you are responding with is insults. On any other board you would be banned. What a time waster. Anton Too "Oh excuse me I am determined not to look at evidence so that I can carry on saying things which are not true and insulting the person who takes the time to find the truth."

You didn't answer the question - which billionaire owns CNN?

It's because you can't, can you?
Again, you were provided with evidence. You again could not argue that evidence because it was accurate. Not being able to argue against what was written you engage in insults. I will remember you and know not to believe a word you say.
It’s typical for him.
your quote verifies what I said. Are you loony?
I can see that I did not put that clearly in. I also see you are another of those people incapable of communication without being abusive. Your claim was that in a poll over half of the people of Ukraine had said they want to be part of Russia. You were asked to produce a link but refused. The link I provided gave information on this issue and it is the opposite of what you said,

According to polls, only 3% of the Ukrainian population want to merge into Russia. Even many ethnic Russians, who live in Ukraine, don't want to become a part of Putinist Russia.

Ukrainians do not want to join the Russian Federation.

According to a December 2016 survey of both Ukrainians and Russians, around 3% of Ukrainians wanted to join the RF, down from about 24% in 2009. Nearly 50% of Ukrainians wanted closed borders with Russia, compared to fewer than 20% of them before the 2014 attack.


That is 2026 and it is the opposite of what you claim. If you have evidence that since being attacked by Russia and being arrested if they have a good word to say about Russia the people of Ukraine now in a majority want to be part of Russia provide it. The chances are virtually nil so I look forward to you showing that you are not just a looney yourself.
I can see that I did not put that clearly in. I also see you are another of those people incapable of communication without being abusive. Your claim was that in a poll over half of the people of Ukraine had said they want to be part of Russia. You were asked to produce a link but refused. The link I provided gave information on this issue and it is the opposite of what you said,
more like 41% see this one
more like 41% see this one
I don't think you read the article. That poll is believed to be deceptive as the people were given different information some of which was true and some false and this will have influenced them.

“The way the (Rating Group) question is phrased is simply manipulative,” Haran told the Kyiv Post. “In the original article, Putin mentions the two components of the question separately – first, he claims that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, then later he brings up the notion of Ukraine and Russia being part of a united historical and spiritual space.”

“While the ‘one people’ claim is utter nonsense, it’s different in the case of ‘Ukraine and Russia share the same history’ because they do,” he added.

Your link,

From what the article says this poll is worthless. Even taking that into account it does not say what you said earlier which was that over 50% of the people of Ukraine wanted to be in the Russia Federation. I suggest you go find the first one which you claimed said this. ;)
It's called history. Maybe you should read some of it.
I don’t suppose you know anything about the authoritarian actions taken by Zelensky and the Ukrainian government. Like so many other topics we’ve exposed in this thread, you are terribly uninformed.

What do you think of this?

The mainstream media do not present the war as it is, but as they would like it to be. This is pure wishful thinking. The apparent public support for the Ukrainian authorities, despite huge losses (some mention 70,000-80,000 fatalities), is achieved by banning the opposition, a ruthless hunt for officials who disagree with the government line, and “mirror” propaganda that attributes to the Russians the same failures as the Ukrainians. All this with the conscious support of the West.
Our latest interview with Jacques Baud | MR Online
I don't think you read the article. That poll is believed to be deceptive as the people were given different information some of which was true and some false and this will have influenced them.

Your link,

From what the article says this poll is worthless. Even taking that into account it does not say what you said earlier which was that over 50% of the people of Ukraine wanted to be in the Russia Federation. I suggest you go find the first one which you claimed said this. ;)
yes, pollsters lie and ask leading questions to get the answers they want. probably none of them are accurate, so my comments are based on my experience in the world and my knowledge of that part of europe and its people.

we have polls here in the US that say that around 30% of americans support Biden when we all know that the reality is that only about 10% of left wing zealots support him and even many on the far left are leaving him. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it. Sad but true.
whose special forces? What are they up to?

I have found it. They are US

would I be right in assuming that the US is now formally at war with Russia?
I mean Russian forces. With tanks and all.
Brigadier General of the US Armed Forces Mark Kimmitt on the pages of The Wall Street Journal said that the supply of 105-mm howitzers and artillery ammunition of smaller caliber to Ukraine is a wake–up call indicating big problems both in the US and in Ukraine.

The delivery of such a caliber indicates that even such a militarily powerful power as the United States is running out of free stocks of modern weapons.

The 105 mm caliber was abandoned in the USA and NATO due to low efficiency and high consumption. Where one 155 mm projectile is enough, you need to spend 12-15 ammunition of a smaller caliber.

The general makes a disappointing conclusion for the Kiev authorities:

The latest systems are outdated and less advanced than those that were delivered earlier. This may indicate that the rate of consumption on the battlefield has exceeded production to such an extent that the excess reserves provided to Ukraine are almost exhausted. If this is the case, then NATO will have to deal with dwindling stocks of advanced weapons systems

Weakening Western military assistance to Ukraine will create serious problems for President Zelensky. Moreover, it is not only about the difficulties that will inevitably arise on the battlefield.

It will be increasingly difficult for the Ukrainian president to explain to his citizens why such important and advertised Western support suddenly begins to dry up. In such a situation, Kimmitt is sure, it's time for Zelensky to move on to a diplomatic settlement of the conflict with Russia.

Until the time has come for an unambiguous answer to the question "For whom is the bell ringing?"
I don’t suppose you know anything about the authoritarian actions taken by Zelensky and the Ukrainian government. Like so many other topics we’ve exposed in this thread, you are terribly uninformed.

What do you think of this?

The mainstream media do not present the war as it is, but as they would like it to be. This is pure wishful thinking. The apparent public support for the Ukrainian authorities, despite huge losses (some mention 70,000-80,000 fatalities), is achieved by banning the opposition, a ruthless hunt for officials who disagree with the government line, and “mirror” propaganda that attributes to the Russians the same failures as the Ukrainians. All this with the conscious support of the West.
Our latest interview with Jacques Baud | MR Online

Yep, yet another deflection instead of actual address of what you quote.

Your bullshit is like clockwork
yes, pollsters lie and ask leading questions to get the answers they want. probably none of them are accurate, so my comments are based on my experience in the world and my knowledge of that part of europe and its people.

we have polls here in the US that say that around 30% of americans support Biden when we all know that the reality is that only about 10% of left wing zealots support him and even many on the far left are leaving him. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it. Sad but true.

10% support for Biden? That's what you seriously believe, in contradiction TO ALL POLLING EVER CONDUCTED?

kinda brings us to a follow up question - was there repeated blunt trauma to your head when you were little?
Yep, yet another deflection instead of actual address of what you quote.

Your bullshit is like clockwork
Why do you always accuse me of what you do?

Here I am trying my very best to inform an uninformed Russian, yet you fail to comprehend my wonderfulness.
Why do you always accuse me of what you do?

Here I am trying my very best to inform an uninformed Russian, yet you fail to comprehend my wonderfulness.

Bullshit, when I address your post I address it head on instead of playing your pathetic dodge games.

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