i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Brigadier General of the US Armed Forces Mark Kimmitt on the pages of The Wall Street Journal said that the supply of 105-mm howitzers and artillery ammunition of smaller caliber to Ukraine is a wake–up call indicating big problems both in the US and in Ukraine.

The delivery of such a caliber indicates that even such a militarily powerful power as the United States is running out of free stocks of modern weapons.

The 105 mm caliber was abandoned in the USA and NATO due to low efficiency and high consumption. Where one 155 mm projectile is enough, you need to spend 12-15 ammunition of a smaller caliber.

The general makes a disappointing conclusion for the Kiev authorities:

The latest systems are outdated and less advanced than those that were delivered earlier. This may indicate that the rate of consumption on the battlefield has exceeded production to such an extent that the excess reserves provided to Ukraine are almost exhausted. If this is the case, then NATO will have to deal with dwindling stocks of advanced weapons systems

Weakening Western military assistance to Ukraine will create serious problems for President Zelensky. Moreover, it is not only about the difficulties that will inevitably arise on the battlefield.

It will be increasingly difficult for the Ukrainian president to explain to his citizens why such important and advertised Western support suddenly begins to dry up. In such a situation, Kimmitt is sure, it's time for Zelensky to move on to a diplomatic settlement of the conflict with Russia.

Until the time has come for an unambiguous answer to the question "For whom is the bell ringing?"
It is most ironic that the West is harming itself economically by terminating Russian energy imports, but also militarily by using up it’s war material.
Bullshit, when I address your post I address it head on instead of playing your pathetic dodge games.
Sorry no. You’re Russian and have shown an inability to understand written English. I’m not a fucking English teacher. So, you’re on your own.
Why do you always accuse me of what you do?

Here I am trying my very best to inform an uninformed Russian, yet you fail to comprehend my wonderfulness.
It's called projection. When a person can't accept a part of them self they see it instead in other people.
Maybe that is why Russia doesn't seem that worried.
True. They seem to be doing very well economically without the West. Other nations are witnessing this and may follow their example.
10% support for Biden? That's what you seriously believe, in contradiction TO ALL POLLING EVER CONDUCTED?

kinda brings us to a follow up question - was there repeated blunt trauma to your head when you were little?
What I said is that pollsters lie, but even those liars are saying Biden's support is in the 30% range, so my assumption that the real support is around 10% is reasonable. Prove me wrong if you can. and don't try to do it with a CNN poll.
What I said is that pollsters lie, but even those liars are saying Biden's support is in the 30% range, so my assumption that the real support is around 10% is reasonable. Prove me wrong if you can. and don't try to do it with a CNN poll.
Biden's approval rating is low, but not nearly that low.

Worse, you can see from the graph it is steadily improving.

Still worse, for the upcoming midterms, Democrats and Republicans seem to be running neck and neck to neck.

For you yes. For the Poles, the Balts and a significant part of Ukrainians NATO is seen as a security umbrella from a real threat.
I don’t doubt that. However I’m an American not a Ukrainian like you. So, I’m tired of my corrupt criminal government instigating, supporting, and committing war all over the world. It’s none of our business. You go fight your own fucking wars.
I don’t doubt that. However I’m an American not a Ukrainian like you. So, I’m tired of my corrupt criminal government instigating, supporting, and committing war all over the world. It’s none of our business. You go fight your own fucking wars.
You are full of shit. You have been praising and supporting Putin's war in Ukraine not posting concern about America. You are clearly pro Russian and anti Ukrainian, not pro American.
I don’t doubt that. However I’m an American not a Ukrainian like you. So, I’m tired of my corrupt criminal government instigating, supporting, and committing war all over the world. It’s none of our business. You go fight your own fucking wars.
I am okay with that, choose the government that will fulfil your desires and be happy. That is not what concerns me the most. What does is that Easten Europe doesn't have economic and cultural basis to form a sustainable union. But that is a different story.
There are no facts to support your ridiculous claim that Ukraine was in any way part of NATO. The only mention of Ukraine joining NATO was the fact it would not be allowed to join. NATO never sent any weapons to Ukraine, but some NATO member states did. At first the weapons that were sent were left over Soviet weapons and when these ran out weapons that met NATO standards were sent because those were the only weapons these states had.
When NATO states supply NATO compatible weapons to Ukraine, when NATO military personnel train brigades of Ukrainian military personnel, Ukraine becomes a de facto NATO state. Russia has been making it clear for twenty years this will not be tolerated; it will destroy Ukraine before allowing that threat on its border.
Russia's pledge to never violate Ukraine's borders was not abrogated by the fake that Ukraine received military aid from some NATO members; all Russian treaties, agreements, understandings and pledges were trashed the moment Putin came to power and that is why there can be no new agreements with Russia while he remains in power.
Russia's pledge was broken after the US helped instigate and fully supported a violent, illegal coup in 2014 that drove a duly elected president from office. This instance of meddling was simply among the latest in a long line of US provocations on Russian borders aimed at promoting regime change in Moscow.
When NATO states supply NATO compatible weapons to Ukraine, when NATO military personnel train brigades of Ukrainian military personnel, Ukraine becomes a de facto NATO state. Russia has been making it clear for twenty years this will not be tolerated; it will destroy Ukraine before allowing that threat on its border.
As you say, this is being done by some states that belong to NATO but not by NATO.
Russia's pledge was broken after the US helped instigate and fully supported a violent, illegal coup in 2014 that drove a duly elected president from office. This instance of meddling was simply among the latest in a long line of US provocations on Russian borders aimed at promoting regime change in Moscow.
This nonsensical claim doesn't become any less stupid with repetition.
I watched it on Tuesday. Literally most of what they say on their primetime political shows is laughable, transparent propaganda.
So it shouldn't be too challenging for you to provide specific examples.
Go ahead; start with Snake Island.
You are full of shit. You have been praising and supporting Putin's war in Ukraine not posting concern about America. You are clearly pro Russian and anti Ukrainian, not pro American.
Where have I praised Putin’s war?

There are no concerns for America from this war. Only fools believe that propaganda put out by the war machine.

Only dupes dummies and dumb MFers believe criticizing this war means you’re pro-Russian and un-American. Funny how this happens with every war pushed by the establishment.
Where have a praised Putin’s war?

There are no concerns for America from this war. Only fools believe that propaganda put out by the war machine.

Only dupes dummies and dumb MFers believe criticizing this war means your pro-Russian and un-American. Funny how this happens with every war pushed by the establishment.
You are not criticizing the war. You are supporting Russia's war, attacking Ukraine and attacking America. Every position you have taken is straight out of Putin's propaganda.
You are not criticizing the war. You are supporting Russia's war, attacking Ukraine and attacking America. Every position you have taken is straight out of Putin's propaganda.
English must be your second language. Are you a member of the Azov?

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