i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Your assessment of the Russian military's competence is delusional, at best. The Russian-speaking coalition controlled about 8% of Ukrainian real estate last February; they control 20% today:

"After more than six months of war, it can be said that the Russian army is effective and efficient, and that the quality of its command & control far exceeds what we see in the West.

"But our perception is influenced by a reporting that is focused on the Ukrainian side, and by distortions of reality.

"Firstly, there is the reality on the ground.

"It should be remembered that what the media call 'Russians' is in fact a Russian-speaking coalition, composed of professional Russian fighters and soldiers of the popular militias of Donbass.

"The operations in the Donbass are mainly carried out by these militias, who fight on 'their' terrain, in towns and villages they know and where they have friends and family.

"They are therefore advancing cautiously for themselves, but also to avoid civilian casualties.

"Thus, despite the claims of western propaganda, the coalition enjoys a very good popular support in the areas it occupies."

Our latest interview with Jacques Baud | MR Online


You post this after Russian army embarased itself internationally and got it's back broken trying to take Kiev?

Army that lost ~80,000 for incremental gains against an inferior opposition in what has now stretched into a long term conflict because they are unable to achieve any of their goals?

You are a total tool if you believe that.
whose special forces? What are they up to?

I have found it. They are US

would I be right in assuming that the US is now formally at war with Russia?
with the idiot we have in the white house that is very possible. Sending US troops to Ukraine would be an act of lunacy.

You post this after Russian army embarased itself internationally and got it's back broken trying to take Kiev?

Army that lost ~80,000 for incremental gains against an inferior opposition in what has now stretched into a long term conflict because they are unable to achieve any of their goals?

You are a total tool if you believe that.
then let Russia fail, its none of our damn business.
with the idiot we have in the white house that is very possible. Sending US troops to Ukraine would be an act of lunacy.

How the hell is it possible when Biden has consistently opposed any such thing?
You could list a thousand things, but they’d be wrong. You can’t help but be wrong, because you are uninformed.

The US is a rapacious oligarchy. Learn it my son!

That's right, all you have are baseless assertions I've already proven to be total nonsense.

Get lost bs peddler.
They will fail BECAUSE it is our business to support Ukraine.

Ukraine has the will and commitment to fight for their young democracy and freedom, but they need our weapons to beat back the invaders.
Why is it our business to support corrupt Ukraine? to keep the bribes flowing to the Biden and Pelosi families?

Ukraine is not a "young democracy" are you fricken crazy? it is one of the most corrupt countries on earth that treats its citizens like shit. it is not worth the life of one american in uniform. wake the fuck up and STFU with your lies and bullshit before more innocent american lives are lost to keep the Bidens rich.
Why is it our business to support corrupt Ukraine? to keep the bribes flowing to the Biden and Pelosi families?

Ukraine is not a "young democracy" are you fricken crazy? it is one of the most corrupt countries on earth that treats its citizens like shit. it is not worth the life of one american in uniform. wake the fuck up and STFU with your lies and bullshit before more innocent american lives are lost to keep the Bidens rich.

Horseshit. You obviously know nothing about Ukraine except that they griefed your Dear Leader when he tried to extort them for dirt on his political opponent.

Ukranians have committed themself to open, constitutional democracy and reforms required to integrate with the EU. They affirmed it with their blood.
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You ducked the question again,
How many innocent civilians has the US military killed, maimed, and displaced since 1945?
Can you name any other country which has contributed a bigger threat to world peace?
I wonder why the comments of the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador wasn’t reported in mainstream western news outlets, when he said to the Ukrainians, “We provide the weapons, you provide the corpses!”
Horseshit. You obviously know nothing about Ukraine, except that their griefed your Dear Leader when he tried to extort them.
A lot more than you do, obviously. Why was Hunter paid 80K per month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company? are you so dense that you cannot see bribery when it hits you in the face? Then the 'big guy" got the prosecutor fired who was investigating the gas company and its illegal bribe scheme. Its amazing how ignorant you libs are about what's really going on in the world.
They will fail BECAUSE it is our business to support Ukraine.

Ukraine has the will and commitment to fight for their young democracy and freedom, but they need our weapons to beat back the invaders.
I’m still waiting for that list of interests Americans have in Ukraine, that you claimed. Hunter Biden’s interests don’t count. Lol.
Horseshit. You obviously know nothing about Ukraine except that they griefed your Dear Leader when he tried to extort them for dirt on his political opponent.
This from a guy who thinks Russia is losing. Lol.
A lot more than you do, obviously. Why was Hunter paid 80K per month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company? are you so dense that you cannot see bribery when it hits you in the face? Then the 'big guy" got the prosecutor fired who was investigating the gas company and its illegal bribe scheme. Its amazing how ignorant you libs are about what's really going on in the world.
He claims to be a Russian immigrant to the US. He hates Russia and believes all the propaganda the western media puts out about this war is TRUE!
Go sell your Nazi shit somewhere else. No one here buys your lies.

Hmm Nazis, weren't those the guys that started the war and invaded other countries under false pretenses of needing to protect oppressed German speakers?

I recall there were a lot of tools like you blaming someone else when they did that.
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You post this after Russian army embarased itself internationally and got it's back broken trying to take Kiev?

Army that lost ~80,000 for incremental gains against an inferior opposition in what has now stretched into a long term conflict because they are unable to achieve any of their goals?

You are a total tool if you believe that.
Lol. The Russians never had any intention of taking Kiev.

Do you know what the word “feint” means in a military sense? Yeah…thought so.
Hmm Nazis, weren't those the guys that started the war and invaded other countries under false pretenses of needing to protect oppressed German speakers?

I recall there were a lot of tools like you blaming someone else when they did that.
I wasn’t around during WWII. Where you?

Guess what my deluded little Russian hater, the internet wasn’t either. Lol.
He claims to be a Russian immigrant to the US. He hates Russia and believes all the propaganda the western media puts out about this war is TRUE!

I certainly don't hate Russia and want for the people of my birthplace peace, freedom and prosperity.

What I hate is what Putin's regime has now done to it, especially in recent years of his increasingly militant and corrupt totalitarian rule. He is destroying all progress made and setting Russia back for decades.

I hope Russians find the will and the guts to reject their current state of authoritarianism and fix their disfunctional political system.
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