i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Here in the states we have true political opposition and media viewpoint diversity to challenge reporting.
Give us a few examples of MSM accounts of dead Russian-speakers in Donbass since 2014; when did any MSM sources mention the 70% pay increase Ukrainian parliamentarians voted to give themselves last month?

I've been alive for 75 years, and I've never seen as much blatant propaganda and as many lies coming from US sources about the US-provoked war in Ukraine. If that's your idea of media diversity, you should move to Ukraine.
I am okay with that, choose the government that will fulfil your desires and be happy. That is not what concerns me the most. What does is that Easten Europe doesn't have economic and cultural basis to form a sustainable union. But that is a different story.
Looks like some of your countrymen are Nazis.
You are full of shit. You have been praising and supporting Putin's war in Ukraine not posting concern about America. You are clearly pro Russian and anti Ukrainian, not pro American.
Now is the time to stop the war and negotiate. It’s only going to get worse.
You are full of shit. You have been praising and supporting Putin's war in Ukraine not posting concern about America. You are clearly pro Russian and anti Ukrainian, not pro American.
It's not okay for grown adults to call the invasion of Ukraine "unprovoked"; that's a fartbrained fairy tale for idiots and children. You have a whole internet full of information at your fingertips. Fucking use it.

Stop being a fartbrained idiot.
Now is the time to stop the war and negotiate. It’s only going to get worse.

Only a moron would suggest negotiating with Putin who has dismissed very law and every treaty that stands in his way of expanding the Russian empire westward. Every poll shows that over 90% of Ukrainians believe they will win the war, so the war only ends if the western allies abandon or the Russian economy becomes to weak to support the war and withdraws.
It's not okay for grown adults to call the invasion of Ukraine "unprovoked"; that's a fartbrained fairy tale for idiots and children. You have a whole internet full of information at your fingertips. Fucking use it.

Stop being a fartbrained idiot.
You continue to try to push Putin's lies but no one is buying them except Putin loyalists like yourself.
"No matter what my German voters think.” Nice! Democracy rules!

U.S. propaganda is so sophisticated that it convinces people that we’re bringing democracy to the world when we haven’t even brought anything that resembles a democracy to our own shores. The U.S. brings capitalism, militarism, and oligarchy to the world and calls it “democracy.”
Horseshit, American weapons used everyday.

Parliamentarian salaries are a drop in the bucket. If you knew anything at all you'd know that.
Why should US taxpayers subsidize Ukrainian corruption?

Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war - The Grayzone

"Donated protective military equipment and combat medical supplies have flooded Ukraine’s online marketplaces.

"Sellers are careful to hide their identities, often creating new vendor accounts for each sale and willing to fulfill orders exclusively by mail.

"'We have found armored helmets given as aid from the Americans for sale on websites,' Ivan said. 'You know, inside the helmet, the class of protection and brand are written. We saw this brand before and realized the helmets were the ones given to us as aid.'

"'Some of us tried to contact the sellers to set up a meeting, so we could prove they were selling stolen aid, but they were suspicious and stopped responding to us.”

"Ivan says he has heard about the theft of weapons donated from Western countries, but pointed out that several soldiers in his unit are sharing a single AK-74. 'I wouldn’t know about how they’re stealing the weapons, because the weapons never reach the Ukrainian soldiers in the first place,...'”
Give us a few examples of MSM accounts of dead Russian-speakers in Donbass since 2014;

Wtf does that prove? If someone speaks Russian then suddenly Russia has a right to invade a country?

By that reasoning France has a right to invade Canada because they have some internal hostilities. Right?

Nazis were making all the same arguments when they invaded Poland. It's nothing but a half-baked excuse to go grab some land.
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Why should US taxpayers subsidize Ukrainian corruption?
They should not OBVIOUSLY. Which is EXAXCTLY WHY our funding comes with conditions for reforms.

Where have I praised Putin’s war?

You claim to be an American but you constantly have a bag full excuses and deflection as a response to the criticism of Putin and his bloody invasion. You constantly peddle every fucking Russian propaganda talking point.

How to explain that?
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"Donated protective military equipment and combat medical supplies have flooded Ukraine’s online marketplaces.

"Sellers are careful to hide their identities, often creating new vendor accounts for each sale and willing to fulfill orders exclusively by mail.

"'We have found armored helmets given as aid from the Americans for sale on websites,' Ivan said. 'You know, inside the helmet, the class of protection and brand are written. We saw this brand before and realized the helmets were the ones given to us as aid.'

"'Some of us tried to contact the sellers to set up a meeting, so we could prove they were selling stolen aid, but they were suspicious and stopped responding to us.”

"Ivan says he has heard about the theft of weapons donated from Western countries, but pointed out that several soldiers in his unit are sharing a single AK-74. 'I wouldn’t know about how they’re stealing the weapons, because the weapons never reach the Ukrainian soldiers in the first place,...'”

Some helmets went on sale somewhere and you think you have some sort of serious case that we should not aid Ukraine? OF COURSE someone, somewhere will scheme and try to make a buck on equipment they've recieved. Any thinking person understands that this is not serious evidence of widespread corruption. This laughable argument constantly circulates in Russian programming, thats what passes for a real story there.

Come back when a HIMARS goes for sale or you could put some serious numbers on excesses.
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