i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Russia's pledge was broken after the US helped instigate and fully supported a violent, illegal coup in 2014 that drove a duly elected president from office. This instance of meddling was simply among the latest in a long line of US provocations on Russian borders aimed at promoting regime change in Moscow.
Was there something in Russia's pledge signed agreement about Ukraine's internal governing matters? Nope, nothing.

Ukraine lived up to their end of the bargain and eliminated their nuclear stock. Maybe they shouldn't have, because Russia annexed their land as soon as the moment became convenient.
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Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine!

That's right, Russia starts a war and now can't sell that steel to EU. It's called economic consequences.

And BTW, do you know what "shut down of 1 of 2 furnaces" means? It's doesn't mean "idle steel plant"
That's right, Russia starts a war
"The head of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, defends the Monetary Policy Committee from criticism of how they handled inflation in England and in the United Kingdom:
- "The person who is going to plunge our economy into recession is Vladimir Putin"

It's convenient. And you can do without "international Jew."
"The head of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, defends the Monetary Policy Committee from criticism of how they handled inflation in England and in the United Kingdom:
- "The person who is going to plunge our economy into recession is Vladimir Putin"

It's convenient. And you can do without "international Jew."

Yep, there goes Jew bashing.

Tell me again how you are not the Nazis.
If you had a functioning brain, you would realize Russia's borders were never threatened, only Russia's imperialist ambitions were threatened by NATO.
A hostile military alliance that's arming and training far right forces responsible for the deaths of thousands of Russian speakers in Donbass when coupled with US sanctions constitutes a direct threat to Russia.
A hostile military alliance that's arming and training far right forces responsible for the deaths of thousands of Russian speakers in Donbass when coupled with US sanctions constitutes a direct threat to Russia.
The statist warmongers think NATO is a fun loving strictly defensive force. Ignoring it’s murderous offensive actions in Serbia, Libya, and Syria…and it’s billions of dollars of offensive weapons and aggressive war gaming on Russia’s border.
A hostile military alliance that's arming and training far right forces responsible for the deaths of thousands of Russian speakers in Donbass when coupled with US sanctions constitutes a direct threat to Russia.
It is a response to Putin's imperialist aggressions in Ukraine.

NATO is not a hostile military alliance, it is merely hostile to Russian efforts to expand its empire westward.

Russian speakers are not Russians, they are Ukrainians who speak Russian.

Russian claims about what happened in Donbas are dubious at best, but what we do know is that Putin has slaughtered tens of thousands of Ukrainians, many of whom are Russianspeakers.
Russian speakers are not Russians, they are Ukrainians who speak Russian.

Useful Kremlin tools need to read that a few more times, so they they finally get that simple fact.

Someone speaking English or French or Spanish does not make them English or French or Spanish. Someone speaking Russian does not make them Russian.
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It is a response to Putin's imperialist aggressions in Ukraine.

NATO is not a hostile military alliance, it is merely hostile to Russian efforts to expand its empire westward.

Russian speakers are not Russians, they are Ukrainians who speak Russian.

Russian claims about what happened in Donbas are dubious at best, but what we do know is that Putin has slaughtered tens of thousands of Ukrainians, many of whom are Russianspeakers.
Useful Kremlin tools need to read that a few more times, so they they finally get that simple fact.

Someone speaking English or French or Spanish does not make them English or French or Spanish. Someone speaking Russian does not make them Russian.
Lol. Dumb as usual!
No, these guys try to fill your hollow mind with some basic information, but of course you fail to proceed that.
Everything you know is wrong. You’re a Ukrainian national. Maybe a Nazi. No one with a brain would believe a word you say.
Everything you know is wrong. You’re a Ukrainian national. Maybe a Nazi. No one with a brain would believe a word you say.
Dude, you just made my day. Some old buffer are trying to teach me about the land where I live and tells me that I am wrong. Oh, shit. You are even funnier than the Russians are. Haven't you thought about moving there? You will perfectly fit.

To talk about people with a brain, one should at least have one. Thanks for the laugh, anyway.
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Dude, you just made my day. Some old buffer are trying to teach me about the land where I live and tells me that I am wrong. Oh, shit. You are even funnier than the Russians are. Haven't you thought about moving there? You will perfectly fit.

To talk about people with a brain, one should at least have one. Thanks for the laugh, anyway.
I’m so glad I could be helpful.
If France and Germany had allowed Ukraine to join NATO, Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine, but their attempts to appease Putin and secure cheap energy from Russia emboldened Putin to attempt to take over Ukraine.

Russia violates its own agreements to start a war and to your sick twisted mind anyone who opposes it is a war whore. Could you possibly be more ridiculous!
Ukraine would have been ground zero for WWIII if France and Germany had not prevented that particular instance of American arrogance from taking place.

Which country is responsible for millions of innocent civilian deaths since 1945, the US or Russia?
"The head of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, defends the Monetary Policy Committee from criticism of how they handled inflation in England and in the United Kingdom:
- "The person who is going to plunge our economy into recession is Vladimir Putin"

It's convenient. And you can do without "international Jew."
Knowing that we were going to have the massive rise in prices, a few months ago he was trying to get people to agree not to try and get a pay rise to pay for it....and I don't think for us it is Putin. Seems more like bad economic management by the Tories these past twelve years as well as covid and Brexit of course.
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Ukraine would have been ground zero for WWIII if France and Germany had not prevented that particular instance of American arrogance from taking place.

Which country is responsible for millions of innocent civilian deaths since 1945, the US or Russia?
More crazy talk from you. Putin is not a very bright guy, but he clearly is smart enough to avoid even the appearance of a threat against a NATO member.
More crazy talk from you. Putin is not a very bright guy, but he clearly is smart enough to avoid even the appearance of a threat against a NATO member.
So if Putin makes a threat against a NATO member, what do think NATO will do?

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