i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Learn please. I hate ignorance on purpose…
The mainstream media do not present the war as it is, but as they would like it to be. This is pure wishful thinking. The apparent public support for the Ukrainian authorities, despite huge losses (some mention 70,000-80,000 fatalities), is achieved by banning the opposition, a ruthless hunt for officials who disagree with the government line, and “mirror” propaganda that attributes to the Russians the same failures as the Ukrainians. All this with the conscious support of the West.
Our latest interview with Jacques Baud | MR Online
All irrelevant. The issue is Russia's imperialist war in Ukraine.
It's ok for Russia to invade other countries and take their land because US meddles.

Did I capture your elegant argument correctly?
It's OK for Russia to invade the proxy state of a hostile military alliance in order to defend innocent civilians from terror attacks:

Good morning Donetsk…! | MR Online

"On the way, we do journalistic work.

"We talk to regular people, almost never to officials.

"They tell us that they have often been able to survive because Russian soldiers and militiamen share their food and water rations with them.

"This single fact alone, repeated, marks a remarkable difference with the behavior of the Nazi battalions and Ukrainian troops.

"There is gratitude, but also sorrow.

"They have lost a lot, and they have an urgency to rebuild their lives.

"The question that keeps repeating itself more and more is, 'Why doesn’t Russia just get it over with?'"
Your argument is the US is perfectly right to invade nations thousands of miles from home, but Russia better not do the same to a nation on it’s border.

Plus the US has every right to provide massive amounts of military hardware to the invaded nation so that thousands will die in it’s proxy war, but war profiteers will get fabulously rich.
Imagine a global "death tax" that confiscated all of the war profiteers' wealth derived from the deaths, maiming, and displacement of millions of refugees?

2022 Ukrainian refugee crisis - Wikipedia.
It's OK for Russia to invade the proxy state

Ukraine is no one's proxy. They are their own country, they have their internationally recognized borders and they chose their own future, not Americans or Russians.

Tools like you need to learn that and stop excusing this imperialistic land grab.
The subject here is Russia's horrific invasion of Ukraine; stop trying to change the subject.
Yeah pointing out your hypocrisy is something you don’t like, so you refuse to discuss it.

You’re not really this stupid right?
You want to discuss specific wars US started, some of which I and many others opposed form day 1? Wars that Americans have come to understand were mistakes? Sure, go make a thread. Nothing about that excuses Russian invasion and annexation of Ukranian land that THIS thread is about
Are you capable of seeing how US meddling comes in multiple forms?
When contesting against foes incapable of striking back at the US homeland, direct military actions are employed; however, when an "enemy" has the ability to strike back at the source of US terror, the meddling takes the form we saw in Ukraine in 2014. This doesn't alter the underlying reality: US meddling/terrorism is responsible for millions of innocent deaths since 1945, and Ukraine is the most recent example.
Yep, more deflection. Surprise!

America supposedly bad, therefore Russia's invasion good.

It's all these morons have.
No…no…no! I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. You support the imperialist inventions by the USG, but not by Russia.

Of course as I’ve schooled you numerous times, Russia is defending it’s interests by invading Ukraine. It’s not committing imperialism as the USG has done many times.

I don’t ever condone war, but clearly only a fool wouldn’t understand Russia’s position. They warned the West for two decades.

You must admit you can’t be objective. You’ve made your opinion clear. You hate Russia.
Yeah pointing out your hypocrisy is something you don’t like, so you refuse to discuss it.

You’re not really this stupid right?
This thread is about the Russian invasion of Ukraine - why do you keep running away from it?
We know what the US has done. Well maybe you don’t. Not my fault.
Still trying to change the subject from Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Why don't you start a new thread about what you imagine he US may have done?
I think you are babbling here, buddy.

The thing is, Russia did have VALID disputes with Ukraine about the Donbass, Crimea, Tariffs on gas supplies, and NATO membership.

But invading was completely unjustified.

Putin's hope was to quickly topple the Zelensky government and set terms on these issues.

Instead, he's gotten bogged down in a war with no end in sight.
Wrong too. The battle is between two monsters, Putin on the Right, Nato countries representing the Left. It is the "white male" factor driving this resentment of Russia's leader.
This is just nonsense and could not be further from the truth.

your cite proves my point, thanks

Ukraine is no one's proxy. They are their own country, they have their internationally recognized borders and they chose their own future, not Americans or Russians.

Tools like you need to learn that and stop excusing this imperialistic land grab.
Ukraine was/is one of the most corrupt countries on earth. Putin's invasion will stop Ukrainian payments to US politician families (Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Romney) and that is why the US is sending them billions of our tax dollars----------to keep the bribes flowing to those 4 families. Wake the fuck up and see what this is really about.

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