i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

e have polls here in the US that say that around 30% of americans support Biden when we all know that the reality is that only about 10% of left wing zealots support him and even many on the far left are leaving him.
Can you provide an example of any "left wing zealot" who has ever supported Biden?

Biden promises wealthy donors he would not 'demonize' the rich

"Former Vice President Joe Biden told a room of affluent New York donors on Tuesday night that he doesn’t think it’s appropriate to 'demonize' the rich.

"'You know, what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people. Not a joke. I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,' Biden told about 100 donors at the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side, multiple media outlets reported."

"'We can disagree in the margins, but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change,' he continued, addressing a well-heeled group, including former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, former Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman, and Goldman Sachs Chief Financial Officer Stephen Scherr, according to reports."

Left wing zealots understand the rich are the problem; Biden doesn't.
A distinction with no practical difference.
NATO states are arming and training Ukrainians to kill Russian in pursuit of regime change in Moscow.
Of course that is a ridiculous lie, but given Putin's spectacular incompetence and lawlessness, regine change is probably the only way to save Russia.
Of course that is a ridiculous lie, but given Putin's spectacular incompetence and lawlessness, regine change is probably the only way to save Russia.
You really don’t know much. NATO is arming and training, and dumb Joe Biden specifically stated Putin needs to be removed.

So please stop posting. You know nothing.
You really don’t know much. NATO is arming and training, and dumb Joe Biden specifically stated Putin needs to be removed.

So please stop posting. You know nothing.
Once again you prove you can't put up a post without telling another lie. NATO is not arming and training Ukrainians, but some NATO members, as well as some states that aren't member, are arming and training Ukrainian fighters, as well as sharing intelligence and providing advice, because most of the world is horrified by Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine.

As for regime change, it should be obvious by now even to someone as slow witted and bigoted as you that the only way to save Russia is get rid of the leadership that got Russia into so much trouble.
A distinction with no practical difference.
NATO states are arming and training Ukrainians to kill Russian in pursuit of regime change in Moscow.


NATO states are supporting Ukraine in their fight against an illegal invasion. People everywhere can understand that simple concept.

Putin is the idiot who put his regime on the line with this bloody, failed "special operation".
Joe Biden specifically stated Putin needs to be removed.
Administration also clearified that its not what their foreign policy goals are, it's Biden's personal view.

In fact removal of Pootler would be the best thing that happened to Russia in a very long time. It would let them wash hands of this bloody mess and set course for reconciliation with the western world, Ukraine and other ex-soviet states.
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Administration also clearified that its not what their foreign policy goals are, it's Biden's personal view.

In fact removal of Pootler would be the best thing that happened to Russia in a very long time. It would let them wash hands of this bloody mess and set course for reconciliation with the western world, Ukraine and other ex-soviet states.
Yeah…lol…only a fool thinks what the potus thinks doesn’t matter.

You might do some research on the USG’s rate of success at regime change. Have you considered Putin might be replaced by someone like Stalin? Of course you haven’t.
Once again you prove you can't put up a post without telling another lie. NATO is not arming and training Ukrainians, but some NATO members, as well as some states that aren't member, are arming and training Ukrainian fighters, as well as sharing intelligence and providing advice, because most of the world is horrified by Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine.

As for regime change, it should be obvious by now even to someone as slow witted and bigoted as you that the only way to save Russia is get rid of the leadership that got Russia into so much trouble.
Yeah…lol…only a fool thinks what the potus thinks doesn’t matter.

You might do some research on the USG’s rate of success at regime change. Have you considered Putin might be replaced by someone like Stalin? Of course you haven’t.

There is no succeeding to speak of IF YOU ARE NOT TRYING.

US has a goal of supporting Ukraine's defense afgainst Russian invasion. If we succeed at that goal while Putin retains power, thats fine too....but of course it's tough to see how he can possibly stay after such collosal clusterfuck. You can fool some people, some of the time, but not all people, all the time.
There is no succeeding to speak of IF YOU ARE NOT TRYING.

US has a goal of supporting Ukraine's defense afgainst Russian invasion. If we succeed and Putin stays, thats fine too....but of course it's tough to see how he can possibly stay after such collosal clusterfuck. You can fool some people, some of the time, but not all people, all the time.
You have no understanding of American politics or political system. You’re a self-hating Russian.
Whatever helps you sleep at night snowflake.
I sleep like a baby my ruskie friend. Though unlike you, I‘m concerned about the horrors the Ukrainian people are enduring so warmongers like you can have a nice war.
I sleep like a baby my ruskie friend. Though unlike you, I‘m concerned about the horrors the Ukrainian people are enduring so warmongers like you can have a nice war.
If you gave any crap about Ukraine and it's people you would condemn Putin's bloody invasion instead of constantly posting deflection and excuses for it.

NO ONE is buying your horseshit.
If you gave any crap about Ukraine and it's people you would condemn Putin's bloody invasion instead of constantly posting deflection and excuses for it.

NO ONE is buying your horseshit.
I do condemn it. I condemn all war but unlike you, I know Putin isn’t the only one responsible for this war.

If you could think rather than emote, you do better on this forum.
I do condemn it. I condemn all war but unlike you, I know Putin isn’t the only one responsible for this war.
Bullshit, anyone reading your tripe knows you love hating America far more than criticizing Pootler and his invasion.

You support for disolution of NATO, droppping all support for Ukraine and effectively letting Russians invade whoever they feel like....and then you have the gull to talk about how much concern you have for Ukranians?

You are out of your fucking mind if you think anyone belives you.
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