J.E.B. Stuart high School, Falls church, VA


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
I get a daily blog from Daniel J. Flynn, AM editor at The American Spectator website. This morning I read this from him:

A few years ago, the locals, or at least their overlords in government, changed its name to Justice High School. Last week, the president of the senior class delivered the Pledge of Allegiance, which she called the national anthem, and closed with the customary “one nation under Allah” at graduation. The keynote speaker, a Fairfax County school board member, implored the students to remember “jihad” and warned them about a world overflowing with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, white supremacy,” and other evils. George Washington and George Mason went to church at the Falls Church. Places change.

Truth be told, I think America is fucked. We are getting ready to start circling the drain, and some say it has already started. I see where in some places parents and teachers are in revolt (sorta) against CRT and the other bullshit being taught in our schools these days as though it was the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But it looks right now like a losing battle, this country is not the same as it was when I was a kid 60 some years ago; things change, progress and all that, but our values and principles shouldn't. But they are, the foundational institutions that America was built on are under attack and eroding away, and all we're doing is watching and waving bye-bye.

The president of the student government then introduced the keynote speaker [mentioned above] by noting that she was “Virginia co-chair for the Bernie Sanders campaign” and that her father, Esam Omeish, was a “leader and a board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center” who “raised his daughter to be an outspoken woman.”

Dar al-Hijrah is a mosque attended by two of the 9/11 hijackers as well as the shooter in the 2009 attack on Fort Hood. Its imam was Anwar al-Awlaki, who President Barack Obama ordered killed by drone strike for plotting terrorism for Al Queda. Omeish noted that her father was in attendance at the graduation.
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I don't know the context in which Muslim language was used, but I do know that the term "jihad" is used to mean a kind of spiritual warfare against evil, not the crazy violent interpretation of the bin Laden types.

The renaming of the high school was long overdue. The students need something inspirational, a name that reflects American values. A long-dead traitor was not a good role model; just the opposite.
I don't know the context in which Muslim language was used, but I do know that the term "jihad" is used to mean a kind of spiritual warfare against evil, not the crazy violent interpretation of the bin Laden types.

The renaming of the high school was long overdue. The students need something inspirational, a name that reflects American values. A long-dead traitor was not a good role model; just the opposite.
Wait until they find out students are being taught arabic numerals....
I don't know the context in which Muslim language was used, but I do know that the term "jihad" is used to mean a kind of spiritual warfare against evil, not the crazy violent interpretation of the bin Laden types.

The renaming of the high school was long overdue. The students need something inspirational, a name that reflects American values. A long-dead traitor was not a good role model; just the opposite.
Wait until they find out students are being taught arabic numerals....

Students should only be taught Roman numerals. They make long division so much easier and they won't have to deal with 0s, which represent a very weird abstract concept that probably was invented by Satan, anyway.

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