J6 Capitol Police Failures on Pelosi's Watch

Pelosi, the Mayor of Capitol Hill security, failed miserably.

No wonder her texts, phone calls and emails were off limits.

No wonder she rejected Jordan and others from the 'bipartisan' investigation.

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch

Last I checked, the Mayor of Washington, D.C. is Muriel Bowser. The City of Washington, D.C. includes not only the White House but Capitol Hill and the Capitol Building itself.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. There is no "Mayor" of the Capitol Building. She is NOT in charge of the U.S. Capitol Hill Police. The Oversight of the U.S. Capitol Police Force is the purview of the Capitol Police Board. Ms. Pelosi does sit on that board.

The failure to secure the U.S. Capitol Building lands not only the unpreparted Capitol Hill Police Force, the Washington, D.C. National Guard. The Guard was NOT called up. The Washington, D.C. Metropolitian Police did respond, but until very late in the day. The Traitorous Asshole and Fuck Stick and Putin Butt Kisser is the one who made sure the D.C. was NOT called up.

Putin's resident Butt Boy and chief butt lover, the Traitor is responsible for the Insurrection.

Do not blame Ms. Pelosi what the Traitor did.
Last I checked, the Mayor of Washington, D.C. is Muriel Bowser. The City of Washington, D.C. includes not only the White House but Capitol Hill and the Capitol Building itself.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. There is no "Mayor" of the Capitol Building. She is NOT in charge of the U.S. Capitol Hill Police. The Oversight of the U.S. Capitol Police Force is the purview of the Capitol Police Board. Ms. Pelosi does sit on that board.

The failure to secure the U.S. Capitol Building lands not only the unpreparted Capitol Hill Police Force, the Washington, D.C. National Guard. The Guard was NOT called up. The Washington, D.C. Metropolitian Police did respond, but until very late in the day. The Traitorous Asshole and Fuck Stick and Putin Butt Kisser is the one who made sure the D.C. was NOT called up.

Putin's resident Butt Boy and chief butt lover, the Traitor is responsible for the Insurrection.

Do not blame Ms. Pelosi what the Traitor did.
The guard was available and preauthorized for activation through a chain of command He ordered through DOD, by Trump on J 2nd.
The democrats and DC Mayor Bowser didn't want troops standing around creating a bad optic.....on J5.
The capitol hill police chiel dove on a grenade for the democrats and Pelosi's budget cuts which directly affected USCP's security and response efforts on J6.
You can scream Trump all day but there was also considerable failure to the security apparatus response that is funded by Pelosi and the democrats....through their budget cuts when they took control.

With that said, Pelosi is the Mayor of Capitol Hill Security.....
Last I checked, the Mayor of Washington, D.C. is Muriel Bowser. The City of Washington, D.C. includes not only the White House but Capitol Hill and the Capitol Building itself.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. There is no "Mayor" of the Capitol Building. She is NOT in charge of the U.S. Capitol Hill Police. The Oversight of the U.S. Capitol Police Force is the purview of the Capitol Police Board. Ms. Pelosi does sit on that board.

The failure to secure the U.S. Capitol Building lands not only the unpreparted Capitol Hill Police Force, the Washington, D.C. National Guard. The Guard was NOT called up. The Washington, D.C. Metropolitian Police did respond, but until very late in the day. The Traitorous Asshole and Fuck Stick and Putin Butt Kisser is the one who made sure the D.C. was NOT called up.

Putin's resident Butt Boy and chief butt lover, the Traitor is responsible for the Insurrection.

Do not blame Ms. Pelosi what the Traitor did.
You really are ignorant of the governing bodies for the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The mayor of the area has no control over the capitol hill complex. That duty is The Speaker of the house's responsibility. Let me break down the chain of command for this Region. Nancy Pelosi is the lead person. The House Sergeant at Arms is number two. The house SAA and the Senate SAA along with Bowser sit on the governing committee to which the CHP and DC police report. All requests go; Chief Or agency>> Governing board>> House SAA >> Pelosi (speaker of the House). IT is Pelosi's responsibility to request additional security from the President of the Untied states, who authorizes the use of National Guard troops.

In this case, Trump proactively authorized the use of 20,000 NG troops as they had just been briefed on threats to the Capitol hill complex. Trumps staff even called her office to adviser her of this three times.
The Chief of CHP requested these troops 6 times, that were documented, prior to Jan 6. That request had to go before Pelosi through her SAA. Staff in Pelosi's office said she refused the requests due to OPTICS.. Not due to security concerns. She was worried for political reasons not ones in protecting the Capitol Hill Complex. TO add insult to injury, Chuck Schumer's staff withheld the negative security briefing from the Capitol Hill Police chief. They were not concerned with the safety and security of the Congress. This thing gets real ugly when you start looking at facts that Pelosi doesn't want exposed.
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So, Democrats made Republicans seek presidential pardons??


So, basically...Democrats can make Republicans do just about anything?? How are they that powerful??

They even made the Republicans' own cult leader's daughter basically call her father-husband a liar, UNDER OATH

I know Dems are weak and cucks and all of that....but how are they still powerful enough to make so many of Trump's own people debunk Trump's own lies??

Same thing with the Russia investigation......Democrats made Jeff Sessions appoint another republican, to investigate their own admin and came away with over 80 indictments in less than 2 years....Obama was in office 8 years and had ZERO....why didn't Republicans make Dems do what Dems make them do?
It's because the republican's are fractured badly, and the Democrat's took advantage of that big time. While the republican's we're making it hard to be a member of the club, and all because they feared so greatly that a scrub might slip through the crack on them, this is what caused them to limit or circle the wagon's in order to close off the access to the club therefore leaving many of their own potential patriotic memberships out in the cold. 1st they price their potential wood be members out, then they use strict protocol or rules leaving their wood be potential members out.

On the flip side the Democrat's accept everyone if they have a body and breathe, but that is proven a bad thing also, but it comes down to the numbers right ?

How many times do we see reports or video documentaries about military strengths found in the numbers around the world ? Do those numbers mean anything or not ??

The Republican's I think have since found out their dilemma in all of this, and instead of relaxing their standards, they are convincing that their standards are correct, and many are trying to reach the standards more and more. They are rejecting the Democrat's, because they've finally gotten tired of having to eat at the table with sheep's in wolves clothing or being lied to by the devil's themselves.
What flavor is that Kool-Aid?

The guard was available and preauthorized for activation through a chain of command He ordered through DOD, by Trump on J 2nd.
The democrats and DC Mayor Bowser didn't want troops standing around creating a bad optic.....on J5.
The capitol hill police chiel dove on a grenade for the democrats and Pelosi's budget cuts which directly affected USCP's security and response efforts on J6.
You can scream Trump all day but there was also considerable failure to the security apparatus response that is funded by Pelosi and the democrats....through their budget cuts when they took control.

With that said, Pelosi is the Mayor of Capitol Hill Security.....

You deal in lies and half truths.

Speaker of The House Pelosi has no control over the United States Capitol Hill Police Force.

In March, Capitol Police spokesperson John Stolnis told USA TODAY that the agency is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Several congressional committees also oversee the agency, including the House and Senate appropriations committees, the House administration commitee and the Senate rules committee.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

The Speaker of The House, either that person being a Democrat or RepThuglican has zero control over the Capitol Hill Police, it's officers or its duties.
That can be interpreted a lot of ways. How about the whole interview? Showing parts of that one sided clown show mean nothing, asshole.

you think that's all? that's it? oh you better get comfy & watch it allllll unfold.

tee & hee.
Pelosi, the Mayor of Capitol Hill security, failed miserably.

No wonder her texts, phone calls and emails were off limits.

No wonder she rejected Jordan and others from the 'bipartisan' investigation.

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch
Such is the reprehensible right – contriving lies about the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on American’s democracy and Trump’s coup attempt to prevent the lawful transfer of power in an effort to blame others and deflect from the fact that conservatives seek only to destroy our democratic institutions.
Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police were responsible for the violence. Epps is still free, we still do not know how many FBI agents and informants were in the crowd and an unarmed woman was murdered and then smeared by a complicit media.

They look like idiots and the lies are so obvious it should be embarrassing to anyone who believes them.
Statement: Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police were responsible for the violence.

Response: You're an ignorant, biddable fool and a damn liar.
You deal in lies and half truths.

Speaker of The House Pelosi has no control over the United States Capitol Hill Police Force.

In March, Capitol Police spokesperson John Stolnis told USA TODAY that the agency is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Several congressional committees also oversee the agency, including the House and Senate appropriations committees, the House administration commitee and the Senate rules committee.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

The Speaker of The House, either that person being a Democrat or RepThuglican has zero control over the Capitol Hill Police, it's officers or its duties.
Left wing Bull Shit...
Whom does the CHP Chief report to? Capitol Hill Board.. Who sits on that Board? THE House SAA, The Senate SAA, and Myriam Bowser (Mayor of DC). Who is the Chair of that Board? The House SAA... And who does he report to? The speaker of the House.. Nancy Pelosi...

Chain of command is such a bitch...
I don't see anything that points to Pelosi being the problem, it appears to be poor leadership of the police leaders that needs to be address.

Can you show where Pelosi ignores the Police leaders concerns or that she doesn't support them financially?
J6 Reichstag Fire
It was the fucking Traitor that made sure the D.C. National Guard was NOT called out. He sat on his fat pimpled ass eating fucking big macs, watching the Insurrection on tv and pushing the remote so he could watch what he considered the good parts.

Speaker Pelosi had zero control the Capitol Hill Police Force. The CHPF did call the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department for reinforcements.

But the Maryland National Guard (which can be called by the Governor of that) did respond to the emergency. The D.C. Guard is NOT under the control Mayor Bowser, that's the Secretary of the Army or in his/her absence the Assistant Secretary of the Army and the Traitor ordered the D.C. Guard NOT be called in.

Trying to blame the Speaker of the House what happened on January 6, 2021 is pure unadulterated Grade-AAA Bullshit.
Such is the reprehensible right – contriving lies about the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on American’s democracy and Trump’s coup attempt to prevent the lawful transfer of power in an effort to blame others and deflect from the fact that conservatives seek only to destroy our democratic institutions.
You actually say this with a straight face do ya ???? ROTFLMBO.. Without prosecuting fully the seditious activities and/or coup committed by the Democrat's prior too and after 2016 all the way up to 2020 then this whole thing is nothing but another waste of taxpayer's money, and a political show trial in hopes to stop the train that's about to roll over the Democrat's come November and in 2024.

Do you not realize that when the children became abused openly by the leftist, and you democrat's have signed on with the far left, that you've been done in by them ????? How can you not realize this ???

You think Trump is going to somehow deflect from what you people have done, and are doing ??? Pathetic.
You deal in lies and half truths.

Speaker of The House Pelosi has no control over the United States Capitol Hill Police Force.

In March, Capitol Police spokesperson John Stolnis told USA TODAY that the agency is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Several congressional committees also oversee the agency, including the House and Senate appropriations committees, the House administration commitee and the Senate rules committee.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

The Speaker of The House, either that person being a Democrat or RepThuglican has zero control over the Capitol Hill Police, it's officers or its duties.

The House Sargeant at Arms doesn't shit without Pelosi's permission.
Nancy has questions to answer but she is off limits!

You are your usual F'in idiot!!
We all know false flag Nancy...we all know what she is capable of... She should rot in prison for treason for the rest of her ice cream sucking life....

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