Jack Posobiec: I'll say it again, Derek Chauvin didn't murder George Floyd

Use critical thinking. Try and look past the media and what they put out to you. I notice almost all the time your side resorts to personal attacks. You guys almost always initiate the personal attacks or childish behavior…. Stop making this stuff about race. White people are brutalized by police officers in America.

And thinking that police officer above is a racist is simply some kind of weird type of wishful thinking that somebody might even call evil. He would’ve just as easily had his knee on a white guy.

It may have been a bad arrest, maybe at worst manslaughter. But if you can’t see how the far left wing media and Democrats are trying to use race to gain votes out of this, which does nothing good for our community or country, you’re not seeing things correctly.
I know what I saw because a similar incident happened to me in my youth. I know the terror he felt thinking that his life could very well end. George Floyd was murdered and you will never gaslight me in to thinking otherwise. Fuck you, stupid white man.
I know what I saw because a similar incident happened to me in my youth. I know the terror he felt thinking that his life could very well end. George Floyd was murdered and you will never gaslight me in to thinking otherwise. Fuck you, stupid white man.
The resort to a personal attack. What do you expect people to say to this. ? Try and have a conversation with people. Have a nice day.

You are repeating talking points from the media. What about responding to the fact that there were drugs in Floyd systems and you’re making this about race. Why are you doing that. Again chauvin could’ve just as easily been using his technique toward a white man.

You’re talking about something that happened to you and your youth. OK what do you think has happened to me in my life or what do you think it’s happened to people in their lives.?

You don’t know what was going through George Floyd’s head,, you don’t know how high he was. What’s going on here man. You can be whites you could be Indian. I’ll see what I want. You can say what you want but people should, of course, be civilized to each other.

You and probably a tiny percentage of Americans try and make these things about race. That’s a problem we American people will not accept what you’re saying.
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It is you’re just ran to a personal attack. What are you actually expect people to say to this. Try and have a conversation with people. Have a nice day.
Stop gaslighting, asshole and don’t tell me to have a nice day. I don’t need your fucking permission.
Stop gaslighting, asshole and don’t tell me to have a nice day. I don’t need your fucking permission.
What of drugs in George Floyd’s system? Why are you making this out of race when there are white people who are brutalized by police?

Not sure whether to laugh at you or feel bad about you. You’re not able to have a conversation properly.
Why was there drugs and George Floyd’s system?
That’s a stupid question.
Why are you making this out of race when there are white people who are brutalized by police?
A man was killed by a cop while three other cops did nothing. The race of the murder victim is irrelevant.
If George Floyd died because of an overdose and the cops did nothing to save him they are guilty of negligence in their duty.
Show me a video of the same thing happening to a white man and I’ll say the same thing. Murder. The police in this country have to stop killing people. Period.
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Floyd got no trial for passing a counterfeit 20 dolllar bill. Passing a counterfeit billl doesn't warrant a death sentence. Chauvin had numerous complaints forr using excessive force. Chauvin was the evil one here.

Face the truth racists,, no amount of your idiotic refusal to accept Chauvins guilt will get him out of prison for the crime he committed.
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I didn’t know that putting a knee on some ones shoulder was a neck compression.
Dear Idiot.

Video shows Derek Chauvin's knee on George Floyd's neck!

Video shows Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd!

Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd!

Derek Chauvin's appeal of Floyd murder conviction Failed!

George Floyd’s Family Won Suit Against Minneapolis for $27 Million!
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Not a legitimate response…. cops have tough jobs to do. They deal with people who are drug attic’s some of them who are 6 foot five very muscular people who might look like George Floyd. They don’t know when these people are going to use weapons.

to think that Derek Chauvin is automatically guilty bc of a picture and should go to jail for the rest of his life is insane.
He was convicted based on his actions for 9:29.

Deal with it.
First autopsy suggested no neck pressure was responsible.
Other cops standing by who knew they would be implicated if an illegal procedure was being applied did nothing to stop the procedure. That makes it way more than obvious that Chauvin was following standard procedure.
The City of Minneapolis officials testified that derek did not follow procedure and official cause of death was derek's knee.
The resort to a personal attack. What do you expect people to say to this. ? Try and have a conversation with people. Have a nice day.

You are repeating talking points from the media. What about responding to the fact that there were drugs in Floyd systems and you’re making this about race. Why are you doing that. Again chauvin could’ve just as easily been using his technique toward a white man.

You’re talking about something that happened to you and your youth. OK what do you think has happened to me in my life or what do you think it’s happened to people in their lives.?

You don’t know what was going through George Floyd’s head,, you don’t know how high he was. What’s going on here man. You can be whites you could be Indian. I’ll see what I want. You can say what you want but people should, of course, be civilized to each other.

You and probably a tiny percentage of Americans try and make these things about race. That’s a problem we American people will not accept what you’re saying.
Claiming falsehoods is not a conversation.

It's gaslighting.
The professional medical examiner stated the cause of death and it wasn't fentanyl or meth., So let's quit trying to make the white killer innocent and criminalized the dead black person who was murdereed. Jack Posobeic is no medical examiner so fuck him.

Im not saying Chauvin was right in what he did. Once Floyd was in the police car, there wasn't really any reason to pull him out and put him on the ground, and once he was on the ground, it was clear he wasn't able to offer up resistance to 4 cops. imo the jury decision stands, however it should be noted that Floyd had meth and Fentanyl in his system. WHy?, because at the very least it's another example of what can happen when you put yourself in that position at the very worst it could have contributed but Clearly, the crime of using a counterfeit 20 to buy cigarretts and as the store clerks claimed he was intoxicated... is not a crime punishable by death or even brute force.

I believe it had been noted that Chauvin knew Floyd previously. It was probably something personal and Chauvin thought he could rough him up and teach him some lesson IMO...
does that make it right? no of course not, no excuse for 4 cops to not care for a prisoner in custody properly, but I wouldnt ignore that Floyd had narcotics in his system.
Im not saying Chauvin was right in what he did. Once Floyd was in the police car, there wasn't really any reason to pull him out and put him on the ground, and once he was on the ground, it was clear he wasn't able to offer up resistance to 4 cops. imo the jury decision stands, however it should be noted that Floyd had meth and Fentanyl in his system. WHy?, because at the very least it's another example of what can happen when you put yourself in that position at the very worst it could have contributed but Clearly, the crime of using a counterfeit 20 to buy cigarretts and as the store clerks claimed he was intoxicated... is not a crime punishable by death or even brute force.

I believe it had been noted that Chauvin knew Floyd previously. It was probably something personal and Chauvin thought he could rough him up and teach him some lesson IMO...
does that make it right? no of course not, no excuse for 4 cops to not care for a prisoner in custody properly, but I wouldnt ignore that Floyd had narcotics in his system.
The Minneapolis coroner ruled that the drugs in his system did not contribute to his death.
The City of Minneapolis officials testified that derek did not follow procedure and official cause of death was derek's knee.
That was their SECOND REVISED statement. First they said Chauvin followed proper police protocol. This was just like the medical examiner report which was COERCED and CHANGED, when the original report showed no asphixiation - and the photo correlates with that, as the knee is on the SIDE of the neck & head, which does not impact the carotid artery.

Chauvin is innocent, and is another cop victim of race hysteria, whipped up by race hustler politicians, lawyers like Crump, and idiots in this thread.

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lol Floyd had oxygen levels in his blood that were higher than mine from my last blood test. He wasn't choked, and Chauvin's knee wasn't on his neck, it was on his shoulder blade. Your dumbass doper gun thug just offed himself with his own dope, which explains the joy and happiness railroading innocent whites like Chauvin into prison brings these vermin commies and black racists. They wank off to these fake 'trials'. Thugs who do home invasions involving sticking pistols in the bellied of pregnant women are heroes in the black community and among other sociopaths.
That knee had absolutely nothing to do with his death and the ME said as much, Chauvin is guilty of failing to properly identify an overdosing criminal suspect who had just attempted a federal felony and who was actively resisting and agitated, both of which are primary symptoms of an opiate overdose, but that is not a criminal offense, none of the cops were trained medics, they were just cops, at most they are civilly liable, meaning Mlps PD is liable.

These men were literally railroaded into prison, its an obscenity what was done to them, so stupid are you fucking people, you would believe such a ludicrous lie, that four cops knowing their are being videoed would just murder a man in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes... As a fascist animal, you want to believe that, and as fascists the media made certain to run with exactly that narrative!
You idiot!

Opioids like fentanyl actually prevent people from knowing they can’t breathe and from feeling like they can’t breathe. Floyd's response was the exact opposite, because he was not overdosed.

Many police officers used his & their weight to compress his chest & neck, restricting his breathing. Floyd's panic was because he was not over drugged, and was able to feel he couldn't breath.
Derek Chauvin did murder George Floyd. So said the jury that convicted him.

Repeating an untruth doesn't make it more true than when it was said the first time.

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