Jack Smith wants to indict Trump for Jan 6

At least five Secret Service agents have reportedly testified in front of a grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump's role in the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The case is one of two being pursued by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this month brought charges against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

In the second case, a grand jury is weighing whether to bring charges over the then president's conduct in the run-up to the attack and attempts to interfere in certifying the 2020 election results.

However they may be in a position to confirm or deny details of an account given by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson when she appeared before the House Jan. 6 committee.

She told the committee that she had heard secondhand that Trump wanted Secret Service agents to drive him to the Capitol to join the protesters on Jan. 6.

When they refused for safety reasons he tried to grab the steering wheel of his vehicle and reached for the driver, according to her account. Trump later denied that account.

Investigators will also want to know about communications between agents ahead of Jan. 6. It emerged last year that all text messages between agents on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021 had been lost, apparently because of a software upgrade.

Hutchinson, who worked for chief of staff Mark Meadows, was the break-out star of the January 6 hearings with her testimony about Trump's behavior as he sought to overturn the 2020 election.

She testified that Trump wanted to join the pro-MAGA crowd at the U.S. Capitol.

That crowd ambushed the Capitol and fought with law enforcement for hours on January 6, threatening the lives of Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress.

My God they are STILL trying. LMAO
The Dems have a real psycho obsession with President Trump.
All of this stuff has already been debunked.
Trump didn't try to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo.
He did not tell people to attack the capital.
Tick tock
Um, yeah, we had an angry mob that stormed the Capitol the same Day Trump called them all to DC and told them to march on the Capitol and spent months riling them up with claims the election was stolen that he KNEW weren't true, because his own people told him he lost.
"Peacefully and patriotically." You extremists on the "get Trump" committee certainly ignore reality in order to put faerie dust in your brainless little followers' mindsets. Laws of mercy. Stringing them along with misinformation. Naughty, Naughty. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. :rolleyes-41:
Wow, the first and second sentences were amazing; too bad there is not an award for such critical explanatory and thought- provoking posts.
What can I say? Truth is stranger than fiction when it comes straight out of the old Clinton war room where misinformation creates a specific narrative.
"Peacefully and patriotically." You extremists on the "get Trump" committee certainly ignore reality in order to put faerie dust in your brainless little followers' mindsets. Laws of mercy. Stringing them along with misinformation. Naughty, Naughty. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm not sure how "Hang Pence" exactly comports with "Peacefully and Patriotically". Peaceful and patriotic is that you accept your side lost like an adult, which is what we did in the previous 54 Presidential Elections, including the one Trump won after the Russians helped him.
I'm not sure how "Hang Pence" exactly comports with "Peacefully and Patriotically". Peaceful and patriotic is that you accept your side lost like an adult, which is what we did in the previous 54 Presidential Elections, including the one Trump won after the Russians helped him.
Exact quotations bothering your little fantasy land again? /snicker
Exact quotations bothering your little fantasy land again? /snicker
Fantasy? That’s your turf.
The reality is that there have been over 700 convicted for their roles in the 1/6 MAGAtard shitshow.
Trump is next with another impending indictment.
Exact quotations bothering your little fantasy land again? /snicker

Exact quotations are irrelevent.

Trump saying "peacefully" is like a mobster saying "Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it."

January 6th never would have happened if Trump manned up, admitted he lost, and turned over power.
Exact quotations are irrelevent.

Trump saying "peacefully" is like a mobster saying "Nice store you have here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it."

January 6th never would have happened if Trump manned up, admitted he lost, and turned over power.
January 6th happened because patriotic Americans in the Republican Party were waved into the Capitol building by Capitol policemen by the then House Speaker so Democrats could create a boogey man narrative against all conservatives and cover up their crummy little theft of the election of 2020. The only mobster there was not President Trump, and you well know it. Then, an unarmed veteran was shot dead by the Capitol police to "prove" how bad it is for Republicans to allow their presence and voices to be heard in the nation's Capitol. How proud Nancy Pelosi must be that she killed by proxy a Republican veteran to bolster her asinine little false narrative creative machine. :lalala:
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January 6th happened because patriotic Americans in the Republican Party were waved into the Capitol building by Capitol policemen by the then House Speaker so Democrats could create a boogey man narrative against all conservatives and cover up their crummy little theft of the election of 2020. The only mobster there was not President Trump, and you well know it. Then, an unarmed veteran was shot dead by the Capitol police to "prove" how bad it is for Republicans to allow their presence and voices to be heard in the nation's Capitol. How proud Nancy Pelosi must be that she killed by proxy a Republican veteran to bolster her asinine little false narrative creative machine.

Uh, none of that would have happened if Trump hadn't incited the riot to start with. The problem with poor Ashley Babbit is that she was a mentally unstable woman to start with, and Trump incited thousands of people like her to act irrationally.

Our system is contingent on people accepting election results, even when they don't like them. We simply can't function any other way.
At least five Secret Service agents have reportedly testified in front of a grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump's role in the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The case is one of two being pursued by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this month brought charges against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

In the second case, a grand jury is weighing whether to bring charges over the then president's conduct in the run-up to the attack and attempts to interfere in certifying the 2020 election results.

However they may be in a position to confirm or deny details of an account given by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson when she appeared before the House Jan. 6 committee.

She told the committee that she had heard secondhand that Trump wanted Secret Service agents to drive him to the Capitol to join the protesters on Jan. 6.

When they refused for safety reasons he tried to grab the steering wheel of his vehicle and reached for the driver, according to her account. Trump later denied that account.

Investigators will also want to know about communications between agents ahead of Jan. 6. It emerged last year that all text messages between agents on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021 had been lost, apparently because of a software upgrade.

Hutchinson, who worked for chief of staff Mark Meadows, was the break-out star of the January 6 hearings with her testimony about Trump's behavior as he sought to overturn the 2020 election.

She testified that Trump wanted to join the pro-MAGA crowd at the U.S. Capitol.

That crowd ambushed the Capitol and fought with law enforcement for hours on January 6, threatening the lives of Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress.

My God they are STILL trying. LMAO
The Dems have a real psycho obsession with President Trump.
All of this stuff has already been debunked.
Trump didn't try to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo.
He did not tell people to attack the capital.

It's odd that actual J6 protestors are still in the DC Gulag waiting for a trial, while the DOJ wants to bring Trump to trial yesterday
Oh no......

Trump declined to meet with the grand jury investigating the matter late last week. An invitation for a “target” such as Trump to give grand jury testimony is often a precursor to the person being charged


Trump finger.jpg
At least five Secret Service agents have reportedly testified in front of a grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump's role in the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The case is one of two being pursued by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who earlier this month brought charges against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

In the second case, a grand jury is weighing whether to bring charges over the then president's conduct in the run-up to the attack and attempts to interfere in certifying the 2020 election results.

However they may be in a position to confirm or deny details of an account given by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson when she appeared before the House Jan. 6 committee.

She told the committee that she had heard secondhand that Trump wanted Secret Service agents to drive him to the Capitol to join the protesters on Jan. 6.

When they refused for safety reasons he tried to grab the steering wheel of his vehicle and reached for the driver, according to her account. Trump later denied that account.

Investigators will also want to know about communications between agents ahead of Jan. 6. It emerged last year that all text messages between agents on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, 2021 had been lost, apparently because of a software upgrade.

Hutchinson, who worked for chief of staff Mark Meadows, was the break-out star of the January 6 hearings with her testimony about Trump's behavior as he sought to overturn the 2020 election.

She testified that Trump wanted to join the pro-MAGA crowd at the U.S. Capitol.

That crowd ambushed the Capitol and fought with law enforcement for hours on January 6, threatening the lives of Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress.

My God they are STILL trying. LMAO
The Dems have a real psycho obsession with President Trump.
All of this stuff has already been debunked.
Trump didn't try to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo.
He did not tell people to attack the capital.
He will be indicted and convicted for trying to overthrow the will of the people in the 2020 election.
Glad you've finally realized there are new indictments coming soon for Trump's role in the Jan 6th attempted coup.
Those of us who don't rely on your fake news have known this and been expecting it for quite some time.
It is MUCH bigger than his speech and his dog whistles to his domestic terrorist MAGAt insurgents that day though.
Just wait and see.
In what way is telling unarmed supporters to march peacefully is inciting an insurrection?
Jack Smith has also subpoenaed everything he can get about Trump's illegal fake elector scheme to add to all the evidence he recieved from the January 6th Committee investigation.
So what! Let him. Trump's innocent!
Do you say this crap just to set yourself up for more sniveling and whining and crying "foul" when a jury finally sees and hears this evidence and pronounces him guilty?
Like some never ending feedback loop....you convince yourself he's innocent even before the trial....or that he's won the election even before the votes are counted. Then when reality proves you wrong you just deny it, or claim they "cheated," or the jury was "crooked?"
Then you start again on the next cultist illusion?
Rinse and repeat.

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