Jackie Robinson Parkway sign goes up with spelling mistake

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
I support meritocracy because I want Jackie Robinson’s name to be spelled correctly.

On March 13, 2017, the New York Times wrote:

“The Board of Regents on Monday eliminated a requirement that aspiring teachers in New York State pass a literacy test to become certified after the test proved controversial because black and Hispanic candidates passed it at significantly lower rates than white candidates.”

Source: Regents Drop Teacher Literacy Test Seen as Discriminatory

On February 26, 2023, the New York City affiliate of ABC News wrote:

“Jackie Robinson Parkway sign goes up with spelling mistake”

Source: Jackie Robinson Parkway sign goes up with spelling mistake

Here’s a photograph of the sign in question. Source of image: NYC DOT strikes out by misspelling ‘Jakie’ Robinson Parkway sign

I really think it is appropriate seeing how most Blacks are illiterate.
Spelling mistakes happen, but I'm sort of surprised that this would have in 2023.

In the past, verbal instructions for signs were taken over the phone, and if the person receiving the call didn't know how to spell something he might just guess wrong.

But in the modern age, you'd think that there would have been a written communication letting the sign maker what to put here, cutting down the chance of a spelling error.
Spelling mistakes happen, but I'm sort of surprised that this would have in 2023.

In the past, verbal instructions for signs were taken over the phone, and if the person receiving the call didn't know how to spell something he might just guess wrong.

But in the modern age, you'd think that there would have been a written communication letting the sign maker what to put here, cutting down the chance of a spelling error.
Everyone knows how to spell Jackie.

Except NYC gubmit stooges.
Blame COVID and the supply chain--"All our C's are still on backorder from China"

When I was in college my fraternity was throwing the big party of the year but your ticket was a T-shirt we were were selling. The guy we had do that was an amazing artist but as it turned out none of us knew he couldn't spell for shit as he was dyslexic and barely literate. He didn't have anybody check his spelling and only showed us the art work. It wasn't until after we had hundred of these things made did we discover that he misspelled just about every damn word on it. Man it was embarrassing to have so many people walking around campus for a year afterwards wearing our letters with such illiteracy scrawled all around them.

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