Jail survey: Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats

giving the racial predominance in the jails this is absolutely not surprising

it is an overlap of one statistic with the other.
Let the felons vote. They are citizens. I draw the line though at non citizens voting. If you are not a citizen, no vote. I find it sick and disgusting though that the same people pushing the rights to vote of felons and non citizens had no problem of throwing out the troops vote in 2000. Pathetic.

Bullshit. Nobody's vote is more special than anyone else's. If you don't like the laws that say you have to have your ballot back by a certain date and that they must be postmarked, change the fucking laws, but don't bitch when they are applied.

are you :cuckoo:

you want noncitizens to vote?how but just sending ballots to everybody on a planet, so they can vote in American elections?

and yes, our troops ARE more special than the felons. Much more special. But the felons vote dimocrap, so you would defend them all the way to hell.
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Let the felons vote. They are citizens. I draw the line though at non citizens voting. If you are not a citizen, no vote. I find it sick and disgusting though that the same people pushing the rights to vote of felons and non citizens had no problem of throwing out the troops vote in 2000. Pathetic.

Bullshit. Nobody's vote is more special than anyone else's. If you don't like the laws that say you have to have your ballot back by a certain date and that they must be postmarked, change the fucking laws, but don't bitch when they are applied.

are you :cuckoo:

you want noncitizens to vote?how but just sending ballots to everybody on a planet, so they can vote in American elections?

and yes, our troops ARE more special than the felons. Much more special. But the felons vote dimocrap, so you would defend them all the way to hell.

Nah, I just don't want people as stupid at you be allowed to vote. But that isn't going to happen. Unless you become a felon. Are you working on that?
Does the restoration of civil rights to felons apply to all civil rights? If a man can be trusted in a voting booth why can't he be trusted to own a gun?

A felon with a history of gun violence can do no physical harm with a vote, but can with a gun. Obviously.
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Bullshit. Nobody's vote is more special than anyone else's. If you don't like the laws that say you have to have your ballot back by a certain date and that they must be postmarked, change the fucking laws, but don't bitch when they are applied.

are you :cuckoo:

you want noncitizens to vote?how but just sending ballots to everybody on a planet, so they can vote in American elections?

and yes, our troops ARE more special than the felons. Much more special. But the felons vote dimocrap, so you would defend them all the way to hell.

Nah, I just don't want people as stupid at you be allowed to vote. But that isn't going to happen. Unless you become a felon. Are you working on that?

I vote every election, you dumbfuck :lol: and I will continue to vote :D
Of course the majority are Dems. They are getting a free ride in the big house or on the outside, so no difference for them. They just rotate from the yard to the outside and back all the while casting votes at every opportunity


The jig is up! You found the Democrats' secret weapon - millions of black felons who do nothing but vote and go to jail over and over...


Jesus Christ, you people are fucking nutso

The franchise may not be denied on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (for those of majority age).

It may be denied citizens otherwise, simply by virtue of who they are. That is, this "right" is a privilege (a state-granted privilege).

Well sumbitch. A self described Republican just made the best argument for gun control I have ever heard. Basing it on the COTUS. And many of you right wing gun nuts went; yea yea what he said.

If it ain't a "right" to vote then it ain't a "right" to own guns.

Gun ownership; a privilege.
Voting; a privilege.
Based on the interpretation of a Repub.
Nice job dude.
The right to own guns may not be infringed.

The "right" to vote may not be infringed based on a certain few criteria.

See the difference?
The franchise may not be denied on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (for those of majority age).

It may be denied citizens otherwise, simply by virtue of who they are. That is, this "right" is a privilege (a state-granted privilege).

Well sumbitch. A self described Republican just made the best argument for gun control I have ever heard. Basing it on the COTUS. And many of you right wing gun nuts went; yea yea what he said.

If it ain't a "right" to vote then it ain't a "right" to own guns.

Gun ownership; a privilege.
Voting; a privilege.
Based on the interpretation of a Repub.
Nice job dude.
The right to own guns may not be infringed.

The "right" to vote may not be infringed based on a certain few criteria.

See the difference?

If it's a right, then why does the Constitution allow it to be infringed for reasons other than the ones mentioned? The use of the term "right" meant one thing when the Bill of Rights was passed, it meant another when the 14th Amendment was passed. In the later case, it means the same thing as laws that say the government can revoke your "right" to drive for certain offenses.
If it's a right, then why does the Constitution allow it to be infringed for reasons other than the ones mentioned? The use of the term "right" meant one thing when the Bill of Rights was passed, it meant another when the 14th Amendment was passed. In the later case, it means the same thing as laws that say the government can revoke your "right" to drive for certain offenses.
The use of the word right is confusing to the lefties.

I would that it had not been included in the Constitution the way it was. But then, I can put it in context.
Of course the majority are Dems. They are getting a free ride in the big house or on the outside, so no difference for them. They just rotate from the yard to the outside and back all the while casting votes at every opportunity


The jig is up! You found the Democrats' secret weapon - millions of black felons who do nothing but vote and go to jail over and over...


Jesus Christ, you people are fucking nutso


Hillary and the left will do anything to hang onto power. :cool:
It's common sense that criminals support Democraps and Democraps support criminals...they are both low life scum.
Of course they do - Dumbocrats are soft on criminals and hard on law abiding citizens. Dumbocrats are generous to parasites, and tightfisted with those who work. Dumbocrats are short on integrity and long on sociopathic tendencies.

Simply put, Dumbocrats are a criminals dream.
Let the felons vote. They are citizens. I draw the line though at non citizens voting. If you are not a citizen, no vote. I find it sick and disgusting though that the same people pushing the rights to vote of felons and non citizens had no problem of throwing out the troops vote in 2000. Pathetic.

Bullshit. Nobody's vote is more special than anyone else's. If you don't like the laws that say you have to have your ballot back by a certain date and that they must be postmarked, change the fucking laws, but don't bitch when they are applied.

are you :cuckoo:

you want noncitizens to vote?how but just sending ballots to everybody on a planet, so they can vote in American elections?

and yes, our troops ARE more special than the felons. Much more special. But the felons vote dimocrap, so you would defend them all the way to hell.

Not quite, although Democrats are pushing to provide amnesty for a certain particular "group" of illegals, in order to establish a reliable voting block. Apparently we haven't learned our lesson from the last time we granted amnesty, while looking the other way in regards to sealing up our boarders and pushing strict enforcement against those who break Federal immigration laws (including businesses who hire them).
It's OK. In Louisiana, Republicans made gun ownership, by constitution, a "fundamental right". Meaning felons have a right to firearms. Love those Republicans for looking out for the "rights" of murderers, rapists, bank robbers and others of that ilk.
With Republicans trying to make everything a crime...I'm not shocked.

This is a remarkably ignorant statement considering it's the Dumbocrats who overregulate and overcriminalize everything. The 2,000 page "Obamacare" bill which made not having insurance illegal sure as hell wasn't a Republican initiative. But don't let facts get in the way of your false narrative, stupid.
SShitbag..."fundamental right" will only extend to law abiding citizens meaning scum like you can't take their guns away for no reason.

It's OK. In Louisiana, Republicans made gun ownership, by constitution, a "fundamental right". Meaning felons have a right to firearms. Love those Republicans for looking out for the "rights" of murderers, rapists, bank robbers and others of that ilk.
A released felon regardless of income or political affiliation can apply for a pardon.

I once knew a guy that had completed a 4 year prison sentence for drugs in a state prison.

When he got out he applied for a pardon thru his parole officer free of charge.

It was granted by the state's Governor and now he can vote and serve on a jury. .... :cool:

Depends on what State you're talking about.
It's OK. In Louisiana, Republicans made gun ownership, by constitution, a "fundamental right". Meaning felons have a right to firearms. Love those Republicans for looking out for the "rights" of murderers, rapists, bank robbers and others of that ilk.

Hey dumb-ass, the U.S. Constitution (which trumps any and all state laws and constitutions) already made gun ownership a "fundamental right".

Seriously [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION], just how stupid are you? You continue to astound the USMB community with your mind-boggling stupidity. I mean, you truly are a fuck'n moron. What grade did you drop out of school?

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