Jail survey: Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats

Probably relevant to the higher percentages of African Americans incarcerated. Lower Class Blacks are brainwashed into believing the Democrats are their saviors and vote blindly for the Dems.

Actually preventing voting privileges from being taken away when a person is a convicted criminal in the name of politics, would constitute a measure that leaves the approving political party as being soft on crime. At least, in terms of making such crime of no real significance.
I've always said the cons are one of the main Democrat constituencies.

Jail survey: Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats | WashingtonExaminer.com

A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

“Democrats would benefit from additional ex-felon participation,” said the authoritative study in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

So now we know why Republicans don't want to allow convicted felons to vote. Since they can't win on the issues they'll win by limiting the people who vote Democrat.

Oddly, a convicted felon in prison can be married but can't vote...
Be that as it may, I've always been a huge proponent of allowing people to vote even if they have a record. It is entirely unjust to continue to punish someone after their sentence is completed. It is also dangerously tyrannical.

Only applies to felons.

And voting is not a right.

The 19th amendment refers to it as a right:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

SEX is the key word here, says nothing about felons or any other type of criminal :up:
If laws against insider trading were actually enforced (along with international human rights laws), there would be a hell of a lot more rich white Republicans in prison.
A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

“Democrats would benefit from additional ex-felon participation,” said the authoritative study in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Well ain't that a bitch!
Only applies to felons.

And voting is not a right.

The 19th amendment refers to it as a right:
] of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State
The right[/B on account of sex.
The franchise may not be denied on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (for those of majority age).

It may be denied citizens otherwise, simply by virtue of who they are. That is, this "right" is a privilege (a state-granted privilege).

Well sumbitch. A self described Republican just made the best argument for gun control I have ever heard. Basing it on the COTUS. And many of you right wing gun nuts went; yea yea what he said.

If it ain't a "right" to vote then it ain't a "right" to own guns.

Gun ownership; a privilege.
Voting; a privilege.
Based on the interpretation of a Repub.
Nice job dude.
Breaking for hater dupes- Due to discriminatory practices, the prisons are full of blacks, who vote Dem 90 per cent- they're not liberals, they just know what party is full of racists, and which panders to the greedy rich, not the country...

Examiner- BS anti-minority, ugly American propaganda rag, owned by greedy billionnaire...propaganda for hater dupes only...

That's right......blacks don't commit crimes, nor can they engage in a hate crime. Our current justice department has made that abundantly clear!!:up:

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition
Breaking for hater dupes- Due to discriminatory practices, the prisons are full of blacks, who vote Dem 90 per cent- they're not liberals, they just know what party is full of racists, and which panders to the greedy rich, not the country...

Examiner- BS anti-minority, ugly American propaganda rag, owned by greedy billionnaire...propaganda for hater dupes only...

I've always said the cons are one of the main Democrat constituencies.

Jail survey: Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats | WashingtonExaminer.com

A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

“Democrats would benefit from additional ex-felon participation,” said the authoritative study in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Well, considering that we have a Prison-Industrial Complex in this country, where were lock up more people than any country in the world, why does this surprise you.

The question I have is why you conservatards support a system where we pay 900 BILLION a year to big corporations to profit off of locking up people and rendering them unemployable.

Meanwhile, over in Germany, they only lock up 78,000 people. The people who actually NEED to be locked up, as opposed to the guy who gets a life sentence because he has a little coke on him.
Ex prison inmates vote liberal Democrat because they will be seen as helpless 'victims' of an unfair legal system regardless of their crime.

And will be rewarded not punished for their criminal behavior. .... :cool:
I remember Hilary talking about allowing felons the right to vote.
Libs would love to have that block of gauranteed votes in the bank every election.
I remember Hilary talking about allowing felons the right to vote.
Libs would love to have that block of gauranteed votes in the bank every election.

What the fuck. You got the guy that started this thread who EVIDENTLY thinks that felons get to vote.

Nearly 3/4 felons register as Democrats. That is what was written. Now why in the fuck would someone write that IF they KNEW that any felon looses the right to vote.

In other word; what fucking possible difference does it make what party a felon would vote for?
Let the felons vote. They are citizens. I draw the line though at non citizens voting. If you are not a citizen, no vote. I find it sick and disgusting though that the same people pushing the rights to vote of felons and non citizens had no problem of throwing out the troops vote in 2000. Pathetic.
Let the felons vote. They are citizens. I draw the line though at non citizens voting. If you are not a citizen, no vote. I find it sick and disgusting though that the same people pushing the rights to vote of felons and non citizens had no problem of throwing out the troops vote in 2000. Pathetic.

Bullshit. Nobody's vote is more special than anyone else's. If you don't like the laws that say you have to have your ballot back by a certain date and that they must be postmarked, change the fucking laws, but don't bitch when they are applied.
Once a convicted felon is released from prison.

They can apply for a pardon and have their voting rights restored. ... :cool:

Bet that happens a lot for rich repub felons who have a Congress critter intervene on their behalf.
Got any numbers?

Though I did read where Obama pardoned some crack dealers because they got like life in prison even though if it were powdered coke, they would have done a few years.

Now which of the two races (white, black) have a preference for powdered coke vs. crack?
And which of those two races receive the longest prison sentences for basically the same drug?
A released felon regardless of income or political affiliation can apply for a pardon.

I once knew a guy that had completed a 4 year prison sentence for drugs in a state prison.

When he got out he applied for a pardon thru his parole officer free of charge.

It was granted by the state's Governor and now he can vote and serve on a jury. .... :cool:

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