Jake Tapper debunks Trump's 'wall of lies'

You know, while there are drugs coming through the southern border, they aren't crossing through the desert.....................they are coming in via tunnels under the border, or they are coming in via paid mules who transport it in vehicles or semi trucks. Cartels don't use immigrants migrating from Central America that they know nothing about, they use mules who they already know where their family is, so that if the shipment doesn't make it, they can go after their relatives.

As far as terrorists coming into the country? Well, they caught around 3,700 of them last year trying to enter the country who were on a watch list, but only 12 were caught trying to cross the southern border illegally. The other almost 3,700 were caught when they landed at international airports here in the USA.

As far as trying to scare people with fentanyl and the overdoses associated with it? You guys do realize that stuff is made in China, and comes in via ships and the mail, right? It isn't shipped to Mexico to have migrants bring it across the border.

You guys gotta stop with the fear mongering. It's clouding your judgement.
Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.

That's okay, then. We have a tariff on that.
Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.

Thanks for confirming what I just said. Drugs coming to the country are killing people.

Of course, they mostly come from Mexico so you can stop the pretense. To a Democrat of course Americans not dying is a problem, because a real American does not have much to do with their treasonous party.
Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.

Thanks for confirming what I just said. Drugs coming to the country are killing people.

Of course, they mostly come from Mexico so you can stop the pretense. To a Democrat of course Americans not dying is a problem, because a real American does not have much to do with their treasonous party.

The Wall ™ presents an existential challenge to drug trafficking.

Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.

Thanks for confirming what I just said. Drugs coming to the country are killing people.

Of course, they mostly come from Mexico so you can stop the pretense. To a Democrat of course Americans not dying is a problem, because a real American does not have much to do with their treasonous party.

The Wall ™ presents an existential challenge to drug trafficking.


Yes it does, as does border security in general. But hey, you lefties rather spend 800 billion to pave roads that are already paved than put 5 billions towards helping Americans. Unreal hatred of the country.
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Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

How dare you interject facts! As AIC says, facts are irrelevant to the agenda!
Tapper? What the hell does Jake Tapper know about illegal immigration? It would be refreshing if CNN at least pretended to be unbiased and stopped hiring people who worked for democrats but that ain't likely to happen in this political climate.
The lies regarding the wall are from the left.

It's not hard to figure out their real agenda. Hillary told Wall Street execs during a campaign speech that she supported open borders and one world government.

Merkel has made several comments recently that reveal the leftist's intentions. First, she said Trump was a threat to one world government. Damn straight. More recently, she said that countries need to give up their sovereignty, which can only mean giving up their borders and constitutions.

Leftists and their mindless minions are out there calling for open borders and the abolishment of ICE.

They want one world government and a true democracy. That would mean the majority, which would largely be comprised of Muslims, communists, socialists, and other ignorant people deciding on what is best for the world. The Muslims want sharia law. Communists want a small group of elites running the world. All the top leftists dream of being the dictator.
No you dumbass. For every person from a shithole third world country we allow in we kick out one stupid ass redneck native. Then our crime numbers go down.
That's the plan. It's called population replacement.
What I am trying to figure out is that they want "whitie" to go away and have more brown people come in. Now if all the brown people want to leave their shithole 3rd world countries, why do they want to come to the US of A, where "Whitie" is in the majority? Could it be that "Whitie" is more competent to live in a very nice country, and others want what "whitie" has? So make sure to turn the US of A into a shithole 3rd world nation, so nobody can have nice things anymore? You libfucks sure a stupid bunch, to be wanting to give up your nice things, so other dumbass people can take what you have...
The lies regarding the wall are from the left.

It's not hard to figure out their real agenda. Hillary told Wall Street execs during a campaign speech that she supported open borders and one world government.

Merkel has made several comments recently that reveal the leftist's intentions. First, she said Trump was a threat to one world government. Damn straight. More recently, she said that countries need to give up their sovereignty, which can only mean giving up their borders and constitutions.

Leftists and their mindless minions are out there calling for open borders and the abolishment of ICE.

They want one world government and a true democracy. That would mean the majority, which would largely be comprised of Muslims, communists, socialists, and other ignorant people deciding on what is best for the world. The Muslims want sharia law. Communists want a small group of elites running the world. All the top leftists dream of being the dictator.

The regularly-scheduled meeting of the Deep State has been postponed due to the shutdown. See the FBI Personnel Assignments for updates.


Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: “Fact-checking Trump’s address: ‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.’ The number is right but misleading.” That’s the fact check. “The number is right but misleading. It’s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.”

So they characterize Trump’s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? That’s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but it’s misleading because it’s all crime. It further makes Trump’s point, in other words. They’re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasn’t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

The number is misleading dipshit. He used it in the context of "murderers and rapists" when the number includes jaywalkers and speeders. Here is a "statistic" for you, aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than native Americans.

Now who is spreading fake news? Tell me, do ILLEGALS have a lower crime rate then native Americans?

You know, while there are drugs coming through the southern border, they aren't crossing through the desert.....................they are coming in via tunnels under the border, or they are coming in via paid mules who transport it in vehicles or semi trucks. Cartels don't use immigrants migrating from Central America that they know nothing about, they use mules who they already know where their family is, so that if the shipment doesn't make it, they can go after their relatives.

As far as terrorists coming into the country? Well, they caught around 3,700 of them last year trying to enter the country who were on a watch list, but only 12 were caught trying to cross the southern border illegally. The other almost 3,700 were caught when they landed at international airports here in the USA.

As far as trying to scare people with fentanyl and the overdoses associated with it? You guys do realize that stuff is made in China, and comes in via ships and the mail, right? It isn't shipped to Mexico to have migrants bring it across the border.

You guys gotta stop with the fear mongering. It's clouding your judgement.

We caught 12 terrorists. How many got thru? Also, how many terrorists do you need to kill thousands of people? 9/11 ring any bells?


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