Jake Tapper debunks Trump's 'wall of lies'

Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.
An estimated 22 million illegals are in this country and that number is likely higher

Lying by a factor of 2 does not make your idiocy any more credible

Estimates vary but the Dems especially never increase the number. We know they've continued to pour in. And we know there are too damn many people living here illegally.

The Dems used to cite the big numbers when they were claiming they wanted to stop illegal immigration. Obama, the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest all talked about the big problem with our lack of security at the border. Now that Trump is addressing it, they don't dare go along with him so they completely flipflopped and now claim there is no big problem with illegal immigration. Some are going farther to say that our borders should be open anyway and that we should abolish ICE.

In other words, total hypocrites. You guys don't give a shit about facts one way or the other. Recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lamented that the right was too worried about being factual when they criticized her big ideas. Only leftists will bash the facts when they don't support their agenda.

There are tens of millions of people here that should be deported because they are here illegally. We have laws and it's time to stop allowing people, especially the left, to just ignore the laws they don't like.

Are you guys really stupid enough to believe that only kind, decent people come through our borders? You guys are apparently okay with the violent gang members and other criminals living in sanctuary cities and safe from authorities. You guys must be so proud to pretend that allowing the scum of the earth to easily enter and harm us is some humanitarian effort.

Real refugee seekers come through the port of entry and state their case. They don't sneak across the border, purchase a fake identity (which is usually a stolen identity) and live and here under the radar, have anchor babies to collect welfare, and do their part in sending billions of dollars out of the country each year. Real immigrants learn our language and respect our culture, not come to change it like the Muslims do. Real immigrants are proud to become citizens and they don't march to the border waving their own flags and demanding shit from tax payers.

But, the left will sell us all out for enough votes to get and keep power. And useful idiots are more than happy to help because they don't know any better.


Sad...and interesting.

The Mental Breakdown has begun.....well....actually he has never had both oars in the water.

trump needs to resign and claim VICTORY before Mueller and the SDONY slaps him dark orange....
Trump: I want an impenetrable concrete wall.
Dems: Can't have it. Must use existing steel designs.
Trump: OK, OK, we'll do steel.
Dems: Trump's steel designs can be cut through! His wall won't work!
Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.

Look....the Republicans will just send the bill to China and add it to the deficits. I mean, how many times do I have to tell you people this!

Brother of Ronil Singh, who was murdered by an illegal alien, speaks during Pres. Trump's border visit: "Looking at that five-month-old baby looking for his dad—no one should ever go through that on Christmas day."
A history of Trump’s promises that Mexico would pay for the wall, which it refuses to do

Dumbo trump is a LYING MACHINE!
Brother of Ronil Singh, who was murdered by an illegal alien, speaks during Pres. Trump's border visit: "Looking at that five-month-old baby looking for his dad—no one should ever go through that on Christmas day."

You argue that background checks won't stop gun violence, but you think building a wall will stop crime....
A history of Trump’s promises that Mexico would pay for the wall, which it refuses to do

Dumbo trump is a LYING MACHINE!
Brother of Ronil Singh, who was murdered by an illegal alien, speaks during Pres. Trump's border visit: "Looking at that five-month-old baby looking for his dad—no one should ever go through that on Christmas day."

You argue that background checks won't stop gun violence, but you think building a wall will stop crime....
Trump is learning
What Trump Could Learn From His Shutdown

Someone needs to gently explain to the president that, going forward, he might want to adjust his negotiating strategy.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.


CreditCreditGiulia Sagramola
You know the system has broken down when the clearest way out of a government shutdown may be for the president to declare a fake national emergency.

This was the direction President Trump appeared to be leaning on Thursday, as he flew to McAllen, Tex., to promote his border wall — a P.R. stunt that he didn’t want to perform and that he said in advance was unlikely to bear fruit. "It's not going to change a damn thing,” he was reported to have said, “but I'm still doing it."

He’s probably right. Negotiations to end the shutdown prompted by Mr. Trump’s wall fixation have gone nowhere — despite the president’s storming out of his Wednesday huddle with lawmakers — and his show at the border won’t change that. The growing sense is that to break the impasse Mr. Trump will need to find a way to at least claim to be building his wall without Congress, possibly by attempting the norm-shattering and constitutionally suspect tactic of declaring the border situation a national emergency requiring military intervention.

As the president stews over his wall, more and more Americans are feeling the squeeze from what, if it goes beyond Friday, will be the government’s longest stoppage ever. Millions of lives already have been upended — well beyond the 800,000 federal workers not getting paid — and millions more could be if the dysfunction continues, disrupting everything from air travel to the federal courts to basic services throughout Indian Country like health care and law enforcement.
I have counted a dozen different news outlets that recognize trump as lying about his denial that he ever said Mexico would pay for the wall....which proves...


(and really stupid!)
I have counted a dozen different news outlets that recognize trump as lying about his denial that he ever said Mexico would pay for the wall....which proves...


(and really stupid!)
stupid is too kind .,,assholes are more like it
If you applied the left's "logic" regarding the border wall to other things, it would sound something like this:

Trump is learning
What Trump Could Learn From His Shutdown

Someone needs to gently explain to the president that, going forward, he might want to adjust his negotiating strategy.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.


CreditCreditGiulia Sagramola
You know the system has broken down when the clearest way out of a government shutdown may be for the president to declare a fake national emergency.

This was the direction President Trump appeared to be leaning on Thursday, as he flew to McAllen, Tex., to promote his border wall — a P.R. stunt that he didn’t want to perform and that he said in advance was unlikely to bear fruit. "It's not going to change a damn thing,” he was reported to have said, “but I'm still doing it."

He’s probably right. Negotiations to end the shutdown prompted by Mr. Trump’s wall fixation have gone nowhere — despite the president’s storming out of his Wednesday huddle with lawmakers — and his show at the border won’t change that. The growing sense is that to break the impasse Mr. Trump will need to find a way to at least claim to be building his wall without Congress, possibly by attempting the norm-shattering and constitutionally suspect tactic of declaring the border situation a national emergency requiring military intervention.

As the president stews over his wall, more and more Americans are feeling the squeeze from what, if it goes beyond Friday, will be the government’s longest stoppage ever. Millions of lives already have been upended — well beyond the 800,000 federal workers not getting paid — and millions more could be if the dysfunction continues, disrupting everything from air travel to the federal courts to basic services throughout Indian Country like health care and law enforcement.
I fully expect Progressive Socialists to do much worse when fully empowered again. It is all there to see. Shut the government for years. For decades. This is long overdue. We are living beyond our means. I know there are employees involved. I also know that if they did not save a bit for events like this, then they are fools. No excuses as many in the private sector make less. Crippled Ken says they are pu**ies...
First, the Dems claimed that the wall would cost too much. Then everyone pointed out that it would cost a mere fraction of what we spend on illegal aliens each year.

Then the Dems said it wouldn't work. Studies prove that it does and places that have walls don't have problems with mass illegal immigration.

Now, they've decided that it's somehow immoral to have borders at all. They are ignoring how immoral it is to allow the worst people on earth, such as human traffickers, drug smugglers, and terrorists to come and go as they please. They are ignoring the illegals who come and show total disrespect to this country and are here to take what they can get.

Merkel let us in on what the leftists are really planning. One world government where no countries have borders or any sovereignty. That cannot be defended. Why the hell would we want dictators from shithole countries having a say in how we live our lives? The leftists want a true democracy, even though democracies implode the same way socialist and communists countries do.

What the hell is wrong with the leftists? And what in the hell are liberals thinking when they continue to back the radicals?

We need a wall. We should never relinquish our rights and constitutions so that oppressive dictators can rule this country, along with all others.

Immigrants come here to get away from the dictatorships. There won't be any place left to run to if the leftists get their hooks in us.

The left is pushing for open borders so they can destroy America and that is why they are supporting a total invasion by radicals.

That is immoral.

Tens of thousands of Americans dead each year from drugs coming over the border.
There's a reason Trump loves the poorly educated.

The surge in fentanyl, which is synthetically produced and can be 50 times stronger than heroin, has led to a sharp spike in deaths even as use of opioids overall has been rising for years. The drug is mostly brought into the country from overseas, especially China, and sometimes mixed in with heroin without users knowing it.

Too, most smuggled drugs come through legal ports of entry.

Trump loves democrats ?

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