Jake Tapper debunks Trump's 'wall of lies'

Trump is learning
What Trump Could Learn From His Shutdown

Someone needs to gently explain to the president that, going forward, he might want to adjust his negotiating strategy.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.


CreditCreditGiulia Sagramola
You know the system has broken down when the clearest way out of a government shutdown may be for the president to declare a fake national emergency.

This was the direction President Trump appeared to be leaning on Thursday, as he flew to McAllen, Tex., to promote his border wall ā€” a P.R. stunt that he didnā€™t want to perform and that he said in advance was unlikely to bear fruit. "It's not going to change a damn thing,ā€ he was reported to have said, ā€œbut I'm still doing it."

Heā€™s probably right. Negotiations to end the shutdown prompted by Mr. Trumpā€™s wall fixation have gone nowhere ā€” despite the presidentā€™s storming out of his Wednesday huddle with lawmakers ā€” and his show at the border wonā€™t change that. The growing sense is that to break the impasse Mr. Trump will need to find a way to at least claim to be building his wall without Congress, possibly by attempting the norm-shattering and constitutionally suspect tactic of declaring the border situation a national emergency requiring military intervention.

As the president stews over his wall, more and more Americans are feeling the squeeze from what, if it goes beyond Friday, will be the governmentā€™s longest stoppage ever. Millions of lives already have been upended ā€” well beyond the 800,000 federal workers not getting paid ā€” and millions more could be if the dysfunction continues, disrupting everything from air travel to the federal courts to basic services throughout Indian Country like health care and law enforcement.
I fully expect Progressive Socialists to do much worse when fully empowered again. It is all there to see. Shut the government for years. For decades. This is long overdue. We are living beyond our means. I know there are employees involved. I also know that if they did not save a bit for events like this, then they are fools. No excuses as many in the private sector make less. Crippled Ken says they are pu**ies...

Funny how the left ALWAYS blames the right for shutdowns. Obama shut the government down and blamed Republicans. At least Trump ensured that this shutdown didn't hurt as many people. He made sure as many people as possible continued to get paid and that services were not interrupted. Obama tried to scare the hell out people by telling those on Social Security that they might not get their checks and he shut down parks in a big hurry. He wanted people to not only feel the pain but to blame Republicans.

The left blamed the right because they didn't get their way. Now they blame the right because they want to get their way. No matter what, they never take responsibility for their own actions.

Trump is right to build the wall. Every fucking Dem said the same exact things he is saying about the crisis at the border. Even the lib media were talking about the border crisis during the Obama years.

Now, they are the ones who are having temper tantrums and refusing to work with Trump in any way. They need to grow up and remember why they are in Washington. Their number one duty is to protect this country. Not take our money and redistribute it all over the globe. Not attempt to take away our first and second amendment rights. Not to transfer all the power from the people to the government. Especially not to represent people who are not even U.S. citizens. They are constantly putting others ahead of Americans. They could care less how many homeless people live in filth on the streets int heir own districts or how many veterans go without the promised care. They pander to illegals and others who want to come and destroy our country.
the wall is a symbol of hate.

when somebody hates you, you feel it across your entire body...it works its way under your hair into your ears...everything wells up between the throat and the stomach to the point where you feel you are drowning.

my friends, we can not subject our Mexican brothers to such pain. its IMMORAL!
Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.

Regardless of the costā€¦.

Common sense dictates the wall would pay for itself in many ways.


Sad...and interesting.

This is true. They actually criticized Trump for saying things that are true. Washington Post: ā€œFact-checking Trumpā€™s address: ā€˜266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years.ā€™ The number is right but misleading.ā€ Thatā€™s the fact check. ā€œThe number is right but misleading. Itā€™s important to keep in mind that this figure includes all types of crimes, including nonviolent offenses such as illegal entry or reentry.ā€

So they characterize Trumpā€™s claim as factual, as misleading because the figure includes all types of crimes. Who in the world could make this up? Thatā€™s a fact check? They fact check and they found out his right but itā€™s misleading because itā€™s all crime. It further makes Trumpā€™s point, in other words. Theyā€™re claiming Trump undersold his point! And it wasnā€™t the only fact check of that nature. - Rush

The number is misleading dipshit. He used it in the context of "murderers and rapists" when the number includes jaywalkers and speeders. Here is a "statistic" for you, aliens commit crimes at a lower rate than native Americans.

They are here illegally so they shouldnā€™t do any crimes!
That Americans do it so itā€™s ok for someone who shouldnā€™t even be here do do it to. Sounds like a well trained sheep to me, CNN will be so proud of you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.

Regardless of the costā€¦.

Common sense dictates the wall would pay for itself in many ways.

Common sense would also dictate that you don't take 5.1 BILLION dollars away from the military while we are fighting in so many places overseas.
Bush 41- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Bill Clinton- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Bush 43- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Obama- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Schumer- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Feinstein- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Hillary- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Pelosi- We have a border crisis! Illegal immigration must be stopped!

Trump - I want to build a wall to stop illegal immigration!

The left- OMG! Trump manufactured the crisis. There is no problem with illegal immigration. It's immoral to try and stop it.
"Trump makes a self-defeating case for his border wall by detailing all the ways smugglers get drugs into the country via automobiles, which a wall would do nothing to stop "
"Trump makes a self-defeating case for his border wall by detailing all the ways smugglers get drugs into the country via automobiles, which a wall would do nothing to stop "

So, you are assuming that vehicles only enter through legal ports? There are thousands of miles of dessert areas with no fence. Also, vehicles on this side can meet drug smugglers at the border. It's all too easy for them and the left doesn't want to do a damn thing to stop any of it. There have been numerous reports, especially in Texas, where guards were ordered to take cover if shot at, and they were not allowed to shoot back. While they retreated, they were aware of trucks passing through the border. Criminals knew they just had to keep firing shots till the vehicles were across so the guards could do nothing. Two guards are in prison because they had the nerve to fire at a vehicle that was coming through and the driver attempted to run them down when they tried to stop it. Yea, this is how the left takes care of border security- by protecting the criminals.

If guards weren't so busy now trying to deal with the constant flood of traffic coming in illegally, they would be able to focus on checking people and vehicles entering through the proper ports. Right now, it's chaos.

The left thinks it's reasonable to try and disarm the population but say securing a border is impossible. Leftists are evil.

Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.

Regardless of the costā€¦.

Common sense dictates the wall would pay for itself in many ways.

Common sense would also dictate that you don't take 5.1 BILLION dollars away from the military while we are fighting in so many places overseas.

The military won't miss it.....

It's common sense to defend our border...ā€¦.

We shouldn't be the world's policeman...

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