James Blake attacked by 5 white officers. I guess they all look the same.

The cop will be punished but claiming that he targeted him simple because he is black is of course a lie. He was targeted because a WITNESS said he did it.
You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
Once again for the painfully STUPID, the cop did not target him because he was black. He was IDENTIFIED as someone that perpetrated a fraud by an EYE WITNESS. If the cop was to aggressive his ass will be fired but from what I read they have already dismissed 2 of 4 claims.
You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
Once again for the painfully STUPID, the cop did not target him because he was black. He was IDENTIFIED as someone that perpetrated a fraud by an EYE WITNESS. If the cop was to aggressive his ass will be fired but from what I read they have already dismissed 2 of 4 claims.
Of course he tackled him because he was Black. If he was white the cop would have made sure he had the right (white) guy before asking him to come down to the station to "clear things up". Instead he tackled the guy for absolutely no reason at all.
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Does he look black enough here? Many tennis players don't shave for extended periods of time because the sun, the weather, the sweat irritates their skin after shaving.
Yes. There he does look Black. But not in the first picture posted in this thread, in which he looks, at most, Arabic.

Does he look black enough here? Many tennis players don't shave for extended periods of time because the sun, the weather, the sweat irritates their skin after shaving.
Yes. There he does look Black. But not in the first picture posted in this thread, in which he looks, at most, Arabic.
Arabs were originally Black. They still carry the proof in some of their family names.
no..I'm good, thanks...why do you derail these threads with unrelated issues?
You're telling me you don't derail threads? This is a thread about cops, I can add commentary while addressing the thread.
we aren't talking about me, though...we're talking about a witness misidentifying a man...
Which justifies the brutality laid out by the police.. Got it.

what "brutality"?
"Blake was detained by five police officers as he stood outside a Manhattan hotel. Blake suffered a cut to his left elbow and bruises to his left leg as five cops eventually held him for 15 minutes outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel."

I want to see video of the incident.
If he acted like that "esteemed professor" I wouldnt be surprised if he got roughed up.
If the cop just went up to him and thrashed on em with no warning thats a different story.
You're telling me you don't derail threads? This is a thread about cops, I can add commentary while addressing the thread.
we aren't talking about me, though...we're talking about a witness misidentifying a man...
Which justifies the brutality laid out by the police.. Got it.

what "brutality"?
"Blake was detained by five police officers as he stood outside a Manhattan hotel. Blake suffered a cut to his left elbow and bruises to his left leg as five cops eventually held him for 15 minutes outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel."

I want to see video of the incident.
If he acted like that "esteemed professor" I wouldnt be surprised if he got roughed up.
If the cop just went up to him and thrashed on em with no warning thats a different story.
Stop being lazy and look on the internet. Youre already on it dummy.
The cop will be punished but claiming that he targeted him simple because he is black is of course a lie. He was targeted because a WITNESS said he did it.
all that means is the witness was "racist", too..

negroes have gotten away with calling anything or anyone they disagree with"racist" as a way to dodge responsibility for their actions......nobody cares anymore about being called a "racist" except the most severely brainwashed and white liberal beta males.

And he got an apology because he happens to be famous. This kind of shit, particularly during Bloomberg's Stop N Frisk era, was happening to poor minorities all the time who didn't have the resources to fight back with no apology whatsoever.

The cop will be punished but claiming that he targeted him simple because he is black is of course a lie. He was targeted because a WITNESS said he did it.
all that means is the witness was "racist", too..

negroes have gotten away with calling anything or anyone they disagree with"racist" as a way to dodge responsibility for their actions......nobody cares anymore about being called a "racist" except the most severely brainwashed and white liberal beta males.
I didnt know standing on the sidewalk was an action you had to be responsible for. Now its his fault the cop was a retarded monkey? You seem to forget that the witness pointed him out because of course all Black people look alike and for some strange reason he wasnt the guy they were looking for.

He looked black enough to slam to the ground. When do they slam white guys to the ground? You're right. He should sue.

If you watch the TV reality series, COPS, you will see plenty of White guys slammed to the ground in the manner of this Blake example -- many times with absolutely no good reason for the brutal forcefulness.

If a subject is resisting, or demonstrating intentions to resist arrest, then I have no problem with this kind of rough take-down. But it seems many (most?) cops have adopted the unnecessarily forceful, often brutal method of taking control of a subject simply because they enjoy doing it. While it probably is taught at police academies as an expedient means of effecting arrest of an uncooperative subject it's become what seems to be an exercise of machismo in the manner of football players tackling a runner, or professional wrestlers taking down opponents.

The excess doesn't end with the take-down, either. It typically is followed with the subject's face being ground into the dirt or pavement by a forcefully applied knee while he's piled on by four or five cops as his arms are strenuously twisted behind him for handcuffing. Again, this kind of exceptional force is called for if a subject is resisting -- which is rarely the case. In fact many times the subject is visibly attempting to cooperate as he is being unnecessarily, often brutally, manhandled.

What I've written here will afford some with the opportunity to denounce me as a "cop-hating Liberal." But the fact is every word is the simple truth and, again, this truth is accessible to anyone who cares to watch a few episodes of COPS.
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I want to see video of the incident.
Video Shows NYPD Cop Tackle Former Tennis Star James Blake

If he acted like that "esteemed professor" I wouldnt be surprised if he got roughed up.
"Esteemed Professor?" Who are you talking about?

If the cop just went up to him and thrashed on em with no warning thats a different story.
That is exactly what happened to Blake and is exactly what unnecessarily takes place many times every day. And I emphasize unnecessarily because it appears many (most?) cops have adopted this excessively forceful method of effecting an arrest whether or not the subject is resisting. They seem to enjoy doing it.

The publicity arising from this Blake incident was inevitable. It was a matter of time before this increasingly common practice affected a public figure who could bring public attention to it. But it should be understood that the "racism" charge is nonsense. As I've mentioned earlier, watching the TV reality series, COPS, reveals many examples of this unnecessarily brutal take-down method which quite often affects White subjects.

It should be noted this specific but covert form of police brutality plays a major role in the current anti-police protest movement. It needs to be addressed.
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I want to see video of the incident.
Video Shows NYPD Cop Tackle Former Tennis Star James Blake

If he acted like that "esteemed professor" I wouldnt be surprised if he got roughed up.
"Esteemed Professor?" Who are you talking about?

If the cop just went up to him and thrashed on em with no warning thats a different story.
That is exactly what happened to Blake and is exactly what unnecessarily takes place many times every day. And I emphasize unnecessarily because it appears many (most?) cops have adopted this excessively forceful method of effecting an arrest whether or not the subject is resisting. They seem to enjoy doing it.

The publicity arising from this Blake incident was inevitable. It was a matter of time before this increasingly common practice affected a public figure who could bring public attention to it. But it should be understood that the "racism" charge is nonsense. As I've mentioned earlier, watching the TV reality series, COPS, reveals many examples of this unnecessarily brutal take-down method which quite often affects White subjects.

It should be noted this specific but covert form of police brutality plays a major role in the current anti-police protest movement. It needs to be addressed.

Yep...uncalled for. He could of at least asked for I.D. before going Rambo on the guy.
Yep...uncalled for. He could of at least asked for I.D. before going Rambo on the guy.
And spoil the fun?

There were five cops present when James Blake was mistaken for the suspect in a non-violent credit-card fraud case, so there was absolutely no need for any physical aggression to facilitate his arrest. The proper way to handle that situation was to approach the subject, question him, and if not satisfied with his responses to place him under arrest as peacefully and quietly as possible, a simple task for the redundant presence of five trained police officers.

But doing it that way is no fun. It affords nothing to boastfully kick around in the kind of locker-room bull-sessions which usually follow high-school football games and demonstrations of the kind of unnecessarily brutal and humiliating police take-downs seen in the topic video.

This physically aggressive means of effecting an arrest was developed, and police officers trained in its use, specifically for the purpose of subduing a subject who is inclined to violently resist being taken into custody. This is why it is common for police who are unnecessarily employing the method to repeatedly shout, "Stop Resisting," during the assaultive "procedure." This is done for the benefit of any onlookers who might be wondering about its purpose.

The fact that Patrolman Frascatore not only has two prior charges of unnecessary use of force on his record but he remains active and he brazenly engaged in the unnecessarily violent assault on James Blake with casual abandon in broad daylight on one of the busiest streets in Manhattan makes it clear that the problem lies with the Administration of NYPD and not the individual cops who confidently and routinely engage in this form of brutal misconduct. The behavior is plainly institutionalized.

The same may be said for any and all American police agencies whose officers are similarly predisposed.
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You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
Once again for the painfully STUPID, the cop did not target him because he was black. He was IDENTIFIED as someone that perpetrated a fraud by an EYE WITNESS. If the cop was to aggressive his ass will be fired but from what I read they have already dismissed 2 of 4 claims.

Told you!! :afro:
You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
Once again for the painfully STUPID, the cop did not target him because he was black. He was IDENTIFIED as someone that perpetrated a fraud by an EYE WITNESS. If the cop was to aggressive his ass will be fired but from what I read they have already dismissed 2 of 4 claims.

Told you!! :afro:
So because someone mistakenly identified him he should get body slammed? Is that how it works?
You have to realize that to this bunch of fools there is no action that anyone can take, say or do that would considered involving race. Unless it's a white person, then everything a minority does, say or infer is race based.
Once again for the painfully STUPID, the cop did not target him because he was black. He was IDENTIFIED as someone that perpetrated a fraud by an EYE WITNESS. If the cop was to aggressive his ass will be fired but from what I read they have already dismissed 2 of 4 claims.

Told you!! :afro:
So because someone mistakenly identified him he should get body slammed? Is that how it works?

Yep, thats the argument. Someone Identified him as the perp of IDENTITY FRAUD and protocol says that when you see a perp you are looking for a slam is customary.

"Hey Sir, your meter stopped and I'm going to write you a ticket. Please step forward for your mandatory slamming"
How come Frascatore is not being evaluated for Steroid abuse...his bald head may signal he is a steroid user...those people go into rages...test this guy....

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