James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.
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The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.

Birth control pills, reproductive rights, environmental protections, and "systemic racism" mean nothing to people when they can't afford the same things they had five years ago.
Birth control pills, reproductive rights, environmental protections, and "systemic racism" mean nothing to people when they can't afford the same things they had five years ago.
Many youngsters see through the veil and are old enough to see what their Grandfathers have / Had ( Kinda like the Young Neighbor In Gran Torino )
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
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How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
And if they do vote Prog, the decline will continue. Guaranteed.
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How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.

Of course, it will make a large difference. Like they say, "It's the economy, stupid."

When Trump left office, the nationwide average for gas was $2.39 per gallon. Today, it's $3.54 per gallon, that's a 48% spike in price. The average gas prices never surpassed $3 per gallon under Trump, while during the Biden administration, average gas prices haven't fallen below $3 per gallon in 1,056 days.

Not to mention, the fact that everything else is also higher and home ownership has become out of reach for young voters.
The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.
But how can the DNC divorce itself from a block Black vote?

It is the bread and butter of the DNC, and something they are doing with Hispanics now as well.

Honestly, they have thrown Black under the bus in favor of Hispanics in the major cities, but it makes sense because there are simply more of them and coming over in droves. Hispanics are now being treated better than blacks.

But Hispanics don't just outnumber Blacks by a wide margin, the Black race is killing itself off with in New York City alone there are more abortions than births, and the inner cities are a killing field of drugs and violence.
The middle class is drastically reduced and dwindling fast. Woke shit is a luxury for the rich who don't suffer any consequences for stupid pseudo-intellectual fads. Sniveling about 'raycissim n stuff' isn't a viable excuse any more and faggots are also losing their media manufactured veneer of ' unfair oppression'.
Of course, it will make a large difference. Like they say, "It's the economy, stupid."

When Trump left office, the nationwide average for gas was $2.39 per gallon. Today, it's $3.54 per gallon, that's a 48% spike in price. The average gas prices never surpassed $3 per gallon under Trump, while during the Biden administration, average gas prices haven't fallen below $3 per gallon in 1,056 days.

Not to mention, the fact that everything else is also higher and home ownership has become out of reach for young voters.
You have a candidate on your hands who is so widely reviled that many would vote for a fence post rather than him.

And a great many would rather suffer continued inflation and an open border than vote-in a would-be autocrat.

Under ordinary circumstances your "It's the economy, stupid" meme would work just fine.

However, given the profound flaws in character and intellect repeatedly demonstrated by your boy, that meme loses focus.

You will better understand this on the morning of November 6, 2024.
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.

Those aren't the only options. While I wish that people who weren't happy with the choices the two main parties provide would look elsewhere for options, there is always the choice of staying home.

The Democrats aren't cramming Biden on the people they are cramming Harris on the people. You do understand how unpopular she is, right?
They will likely vote for a lot worse; the GOP dream to force people to work for 5 cents an hour and work 14 hours days 7 days a week and get rich selling each other Apple stock tax free isn't a big draw either.
The party remains stuck in its old ways - PC, Identity Politics -- and younger people just aren't as interested as they used to be. In a vacuum, away from all the political noise, things aren't as bad as they used to be.

No, I'm not saying racism no longer exists, the paranoid Neanderthals still exist. But in life, we all have priorities, and priorities can change over time.

I watched our two daughters grow up with friends of all races, and it's just not an issue for them with their groups. The party has some decisions to make, but it doesn't seem very open to considering them.

You always speak in these vagaries that when you look back on it really didn't say much of anything. What are these decisions the Democrat party has to make? It doesn't seem like you ever actually have an opinion on what they should actually be doing instead. What young voters are tired of is pretend politics where the leaders of the Democrat party pretend to care about racism, bigotry, gun violence, wealth and income inequality, climate change, LGTBQ rights, or affordable homes. They see all the lip service but when push comes to shove and the Democrats are in power we don't ever get any of those things. They don't even fight on those things. They use Manchin and Sinema obstructionism as an excuse to do nothing. That's what young voters are tired of.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

They’re all leaving, young, black, Jews, everyone but the Commie AF which is a tiny minority

They will of course try to cheat again in November and this time, they will be stopped
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
and you might deluding yourself to think they will still vote democrat....many are looking at Kennedy....
and you might deluding yourself to think they will still vote democrat....many are looking at Kennedy....
Me? I'm not deluding myself at all. I have zero party loyalty. I am looking at either writing-in Haley or voting for RFK.

I voted for Old Joe last time but I'm having a great deal of difficulty with the idea of repeating that mistake.

And I'd rather vote for a fence post than vote for the Orange Baboon... a grifter, autocrat and modern-day Benedict Arnold.
You may be right.

So consider just how bad a candidate you have on your hands if so many are willing to vote otherwise DESPITE that possibility.

If Trump is such a "bad" candidate, why do thousands of enthusiastic supporters show up at his rallies? He really was a much better President than the idiot we now have.
If Trump is such a "bad" candidate, why do thousands of enthusiastic supporters show up at his rallies?
Because he is another P.T. Barnum... a Showman... he can sell a crowd... he tells them what they want to hear...
He really was a much better President than the idiot we now have.
Happily conceded, however...

That is an extremely low bar, post-COVID, and he poses a very real and existential threat to democracy in America.

Like I said... I'd vote for a fence-post before I voted for him... and the same is true for vast swaths of the American public.

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