James Comey: Sartor Resartus

11. Bloody fingerprints that leave no doubt.

“Thanks to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, we now know that high-level FBI officials were involved….text messages between FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that suggest an illegal plan to utilize law enforcement to frame Trump. The most revealing exchange we know of took place on August 15, 2016. Concerned about the outcome of the election, Strzok wrote:

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in [Andrew McCabe’s] office—that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.

No amount of sugar coating or post hoc explanation of this and other texts can conceal the couple’s animus against Trump and support for Clinton.

Strzok’s messages illustrate his commitment to Clinton’s victory and Trump’s defeat or, if Trump won, to an “insurance policy.”

The term “insurance policy” obviously refers to the Trump-Russia collusion investigation…” The Politicization of the FBI

And, for the Democrat boot-lickers, their motto:

'We donn need no stinkin' evidence!!'

We learned that that is their view long ago:
What was new with the Clarence Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
12. Democrats/Liberals/NeverTrumpers…..if not for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

“…FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, Strzok’s paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, FBI General Counsel James Baker, and DOJ senior official Bruce Ohr—perhaps among others…”
should all be brought up on criminal charges.

[These were not] professional investigators, but of corrupt agents who have created two standards of justice based on their political leanings.”
The Politicization of the FBI

"…this was an attempted coup, as the House Intelligence Committee memo makes clear. These banana-republic thugs were trying to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States.

The Daily Mail sums it up pretty well: “FBI Memo reveals James Comey used dodgy ‘golden showers’ dossier to get Trump team surveillance warrant even though top officials KNEW it was paid for by Hillary and British spy who wrote it was desperate to keep him out of office.”

In case you’ve forgotten, Comey told a Congressional committee last year that the fake dossier was “salacious, unverified.”

But he used it anyway, over and over and over again. His fired No. 2 corrupt G-man, Andrew McCabe, whose wife took $700,000 from Clinton cut-outs in 2015, said under oath that the fake dossier was the only “evidence” the crooked feds had to get court approval to surveil Trump’s campaign.” Carr: Memo makes clear that there was an attempted coup
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You are helping to tighten that Noose on Traitors.

Good work. All Americans thank all people trying to get the Truth out.

The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves knowing that one Political Party is in almost complete control of the national media. (Looks like the Democrats might actually be paying them.)

But, they would be pleased to know that most of the Country holds the national media in complete contempt. Cockroaches, Head Lice, New York Media.
13. Jump to today’s headlines: Trump, the dossier, and Mueller’s pretend investigation.
British spy Christopher Steele is paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to produce the dossier, meant to sink the Trump presidential campaign.

Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Answer: Christopher Steele was as much a socialist/communist as FDR’s Vice-President, Henry Wallace, and served the interests of the Kremlin.
That's the reason he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

“[Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Russia, under a Hillary Clinton presidency, would be even closer to a communist-controlled America than they were when Roosevelt’s Vice-President was communist Henry Wallace.

Yet…..that was James Comey’s aim.
"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Non-credible....yet advanced by Comey, the Obama FBI and the DoJ.
In the service of the Hillary Clinton campaign.
14. Then there is Mueller…

….”a special counsel investigation unfettered by rules or law. Not surprisingly, James Comey triggered the special counsel’s appointment—and he did so by design. According to Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, having been fired on May 9, 2017, he leaked official documents to his friend, Columbia Law School professor Daniel Richman, with the specific intent that Richman would leak them to the press. Reportage on that leak is what led Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint Robert Mueller—a former FBI director and Comey’s good friend—as special counsel to investigate allegations of Trump-Russia collusion.

Mueller’s reputation has been damaged by a series of decisions that violate the ethical rules of appearances. For instance, he hired Democratic partisans as lawyers for the probe: Andrew Weissmann, who donated to Clinton and praised Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for disobeying Trump’s lawful Presidential Order regarding a travel ban for residents of certain nations that harbor terrorists; Jeannie Rhee, who donated to Clinton and represented Ben Rhodes in the email probe and the Clinton Foundation investigation; and Aaron Zebley, who represented Clinton IT staffer Justin Cooper in the email server probe.”
The Politicization of the FBI

For Brutus is an honourable man; So are they all, all honourable men—

15. "FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey to urge the Justice Department to not prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.

“Comey was never an investigator or special agent. The special agents are trained investigators and they are insulted that Comey included them in ‘collective we’ statements in his testimony to imply that the SAs agreed that there was nothing there to prosecute,” the second agent said. “All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to prosecuted but he stood in the way.”

He added, “The idea that [the Clinton e-mail case] didn’t go to a grand jury is ridiculous.”

People inside the bureau are furious. They are embarrassed. They feel like they are being led by a hack but more than that that they think he’s a crook. They think he’s fundamentally dishonest."
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation
Soooo.....McCabe gets fired just before he is fully vested for his pension....so, Democrats rush in:
"Democrats Flood McCabe With Federal Job Offers So He Can Access His Pension"
Democrats Flood McCabe With Federal Job Offers So He Can Access His Pension | HuffPost

....but they didn't rush in to save Flynn from having to mortgage his home.

Democrats are sooooooooooo stupppppppid that they just proved everything we've been saying about McCabe.

The left Flynn to hand in the wind, but rushed in to save THEIR OPERATIVE!!!!
The FBI and DOJ conspired to frame a billionaire American Presidential candidate, let that sink in when you doubt that Progressives want to install a Fascist regime in the gun-free USA 2.0
This is both amazing and amusing....

McCabe gets fired by an Obama appointee at the FBI for 'ethical misconduct'......and they can't wait to hire him!

AND.....based on the reason for the firing.....I find it a perfect fit in the Democrat Party!!!

It's sort of a corruption win-win!!!!
1.Sartor Resartus, the title Carlyle’s book, ‘the tailor re-tailored.’ But, as it applies to James Comey, it means to re-dress Comey in the outfit he should be wearing: a prison jump-suit.

Not only did Comey, et al, shirk their sworn duties, but they used their power to frame the President based on their animus to his agenda.

2.”… there was a plot by high-ranking FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials in the Obama administration, acting under color of law, to exonerate Hillary Clinton of federal crimes and then, if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump and his campaign for colluding with Russia to steal the presidency.

3. In the course of this plot, FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, Strzok’s paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, FBI General Counsel James Baker, and DOJ senior official Bruce Ohr—perhaps among others—compromised federal law enforcement…

4. A recent CBS News poll finds 48 percent of Americans believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia collusion probe is “politically motivated,” a stunning conclusion.

And 63 percent of polled voters in a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll believe that the FBI withheld vital information from Congress about the Clinton and Russia collusion investigations.

5. …FBI Director Comey and Attorney General Lynch refused to convene a grand jury during the Clinton investigation. Thus investigators had no authority to subpoena evidence or witnesses. Lacking leverage, Comey then injudiciously granted immunity to five Clinton aides…

6. …a reasonable prosecutor would have utilized a grand jury, issued subpoenas and search warrants, and followed standard DOJ procedures for federal prosecutions. In short, Comey threw the case.” The Politicization of the FBI

7. We have just seen Andrew McCabe fired, costing him a part of his pension, for pretty much the same crimes that James Comey committed.

“[I.G.] Horowitz’s investigation is looking at a variety of allegations, including whether it was improper for former FBI Director James Comey to make a public announcement about not recommending prosecution over the Clinton email arrangement.

Horowitz also is reviewing whether McCabe should have recused himself from the probe early because of his family’s ties to the Democratic Party. (He did not do so until a week before the election.)” IG could soon release explosive report on FBI's Clinton probe, as Sessions weighs firing McCabe

“…FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, Strzok’s paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, FBI General Counsel James Baker, and DOJ senior official Bruce Ohr—perhaps among others…”
should all be brought up on criminal charges.


oh, chunky
1.Sartor Resartus, the title Carlyle’s book, ‘the tailor re-tailored.’ But, as it applies to James Comey, it means to re-dress Comey in the outfit he should be wearing: a prison jump-suit.

Not only did Comey, et al, shirk their sworn duties, but they used their power to frame the President based on their animus to his agenda.

2.”… there was a plot by high-ranking FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials in the Obama administration, acting under color of law, to exonerate Hillary Clinton of federal crimes and then, if she lost the election, to frame Donald Trump and his campaign for colluding with Russia to steal the presidency.

3. In the course of this plot, FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, Strzok’s paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, FBI General Counsel James Baker, and DOJ senior official Bruce Ohr—perhaps among others—compromised federal law enforcement…

4. A recent CBS News poll finds 48 percent of Americans believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia collusion probe is “politically motivated,” a stunning conclusion.

And 63 percent of polled voters in a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll believe that the FBI withheld vital information from Congress about the Clinton and Russia collusion investigations.

5. …FBI Director Comey and Attorney General Lynch refused to convene a grand jury during the Clinton investigation. Thus investigators had no authority to subpoena evidence or witnesses. Lacking leverage, Comey then injudiciously granted immunity to five Clinton aides…

6. …a reasonable prosecutor would have utilized a grand jury, issued subpoenas and search warrants, and followed standard DOJ procedures for federal prosecutions. In short, Comey threw the case.” The Politicization of the FBI

7. We have just seen Andrew McCabe fired, costing him a part of his pension, for pretty much the same crimes that James Comey committed.

“[I.G.] Horowitz’s investigation is looking at a variety of allegations, including whether it was improper for former FBI Director James Comey to make a public announcement about not recommending prosecution over the Clinton email arrangement.

Horowitz also is reviewing whether McCabe should have recused himself from the probe early because of his family’s ties to the Democratic Party. (He did not do so until a week before the election.)” IG could soon release explosive report on FBI's Clinton probe, as Sessions weighs firing McCabe

“…FBI Director James Comey, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, Strzok’s paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, FBI General Counsel James Baker, and DOJ senior official Bruce Ohr—perhaps among others…”
should all be brought up on criminal charges.
Where are the indictments?

What sort of low-life is willing to overlook the criminality and corruption in support of this dangerous, anti-American party?

Raise your paw.
Which kind of fascist low life is willing to call people guilty before indictments and trials....
Raise your claw. View attachment 183166


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