James Comey’s Book

Lots of those on the far right are already trashing his book and trying to discredit it.
There is nothing new in the book, but Comey's descriptions of Trump are very persuasive.

“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty,”

In a one-on-one dinner with Trump at the White House, Comey compared the president to a “mob boss,”. “The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth,” Comey wrote in describing Trump.

Comey's descriptions of Trump does not really surprise anyone and that is truly disturbing. His supporters have no interest in the fact that Trump has no morals, lies constantly about everything large or small, and is probably guilty of any number of crimes.

James Comey’s new book ‘A Higher Loyalty’ scathing account of Trump presidency, character
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One excerpt I like is Comey said Trump had no interest in the details of Russia hacking our democracy.
The president of the United States- not interested.
Think about that for a second.
He took an oath to protect our country and he had no interest when it was attacked.
He actually denied it happened for almost a year.
If that's not a prime example he's unfit to be president I don't know what it.
Laced with excruciating detail, Mr. Comey — who is 6 feet 8 inches tall — describes meeting Mr. Trump for the first time, noting that the soon-to-be-president, at 6 feet 3 inches tall, appeared shorter than he had assumed.

That's because he's not 6'3".
He even lies about that too.
Another Wow moment.

Mr. Comey reveals that after he was fired, he received what he calls “an emotional call” from John F. Kelly, who was then the secretary of homeland security and would go on to become Mr. Trump’s second chief of staff.

During the call, Mr. Kelly said he was “sick” about the firing and intended to quit in protest, Mr. Comey writes, adding: “I urged Kelly not to do that, arguing that the country needed principled people around this president. Especially this president.”
Mr. Comey has already told some of the stories about Mr. Trump that he writes about in the book, including descriptions of a January 2017 dinner in which the former F.B.I. director says the president sought to extract a loyalty pledge from him.

He describes in detail the moment when he says Mr. Trump raised the issue of Michael T. Flynn, the onetime national security adviser who had been fired for lying. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump said, according to Mr. Comey.

“It was very concerning,” Mr. Comey writes.

But in the book, Mr. Comey goes much further than he has before in offering his assessment of the president’s character. Describing one exchange with Mr. Trump and Reince Priebus, then the chief of staff, Mr. Comey comments on the president’s assertions of what “everyone thinks” and what is “obviously true.”

“I could see how easily everyone in the room could become a co-conspirator to his preferred set of facts, or delusions,” Mr. Comey writes about the president. He says he watched Mr. Trump build “a cocoon of alternative reality” around the people in the room.

Mr. Comey devotes a good part of the book to his worry about the damage that Mr. Trump and his presidency are doing to the country’s future.

“We are experiencing a dangerous time in our country,” he writes, “with a political environment where basic facts are disputed, fundamental truth is questioned, lying is normalized and unethical behavior is ignored, excused or rewarded.”
The republicans have developed a WAR ROOM... meant to discredit Comey because they know how much respect he has around the country and how his comments will ring true and prove once again what a " congenital liar" Trump is.
I’m going to get this book. I know Trumpnis a dictator wanna be. I want to know why Comey didn’t inform the country the orange ass was under a federal investigation before the election.

Comey will be riding high, then the DOJ IG report will come out with the truth. The next few weeks should be a real hoot. LMAO

View attachment 187634 Laced with excruciating detail, Mr. Comey — who is 6 feet 8 inches tall — describes meeting Mr. Trump for the first time, noting that the soon-to-be-president, at 6 feet 3 inches tall, appeared shorter than he had assumed.

That's because he's not 6'3".
He even lies about that too.
His doctor lied about that too, adding that Trump weighs 239.
I’m going to get this book. I know Trumpnis a dictator wanna be. I want to know why Comey didn’t inform the country the orange ass was under a federal investigation before the election.

Comey will be riding high, then the DOJ IG report will come out with the truth. The next few weeks should be a real hoot. LMAO

All of your cults predictions that never come true. Ya think you would learn from all your other failures: Hillary is said going to jail, Pizzagate,etc.
I’m going to get this book. I know Trumpnis a dictator wanna be. I want to know why Comey didn’t inform the country the orange ass was under a federal investigation before the election.

Comey will be riding high, then the DOJ IG report will come out with the truth. The next few weeks should be a real hoot. LMAO

All of your cults predictions that never come true. Ya think you would learn from all your other failures: Hillary is said going to jail, Pizzagate,etc.

I never was into pizzagate, but the bitch may get her date with a grand jury yet. I'd like to know what was done about the perjury referral from congress.


Notice Crooked Hillary's hairline weave is level with Hussaine's mouth. And that Crooked Hillary's hairline weave is level with The Donald's chin.


That's because he's not 6'3".

Hussaine wear risers in the shoes when he is told The Donald is around. Here is The Donald with Stone Cold (6' 2").


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