James Comey’s Book

The FBI being the Gestapo for the Corrupt Democratic Party is not a norm or tradition.
The Left Wingers really bad for our country.
I heard the DNC is buying a bunch of the books and giving them away................part of the go fund me campaign..............

OOPS.............wrong book

This one.

The book that Trump keeps by his bed.
Comey said that Hillary was 'Extremely careless,' but advises no charges for Clinton's illegal email server.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said she would accept the bureau's views in this case. LOL
The Democratic Party is totally corrupt.
We are seeing our democracy slip away with their abuse of power and lawlessness.
You can relax, because Hillary isnt in office, and probably wont ever be.
We need to be concerned with those currently in power.
Is Clinton the president? Nope. Frankly she is a non factor now as in the minds of most normal trump voters.
Has Comey been outside Washington D.C. in the past couple of decades? Maybe he has bureaucratic bullshit confused with tradition. You almost gotta laugh that an FBI director would become hysterical about "norms and traditions" in an administration that is barely a year and a half old while the FBI failed to find two Russians in Boston, failed to find a troubled kid in Florida who shares a name with only six other people in the U.S. and dropped the investigation on a monster (who's father was a FBI informant) who opened fire in a crowded Florida nightclub. Meanwhile I read a recent article in Sports Illustrated that alleges that the FBI was used to intimidate a witness who would have blown the whistle on a sex scandal in the NCAA. When you factor in the leaks of fake news intended to undermine a sitting President you get an FBI that is leaderless and corrupt. Who polices the federal police?
While you intentionally don’t mention the thousands of times the FBI might have saved your ass and the country’s. Your use of red herrings show you’re just another Trump tool denegrating our democratic institutions.
Does anyone else wonder if Hillary would bribe the FBI to let her get away with her crimes?
Never been indicted, never even been charged with a crime but your Clinton Derangement Syndrome blocks all reality from your skull.
Is Clinton the president? Nope. Frankly she is a non factor now as in the minds of most normal trump voters.
A “ normal “ trump voter is an oxymoron.
Plus Trump ALWAYS mentions Hillary in his laughable current campaign rallies and even on a daily basis.
Does that make Trump abnormal?
And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.

I haven't forgotten a single one. The important ones have rolled back obummers illegal ones.
So you’re FOR coal waste getting into people’s drinking water if Obama was against it.
Got it.

obummers water safety EO that you bleat about so much also made it possible for the EPA to classify a man made pond as a wetland and use that as a reason to confiscate his land. I suppose you're in favor of that abuse of power? Or how about the mandate to use a bio fuel that to this date doesn't exist, but which the EPA was fining companies millions of dollars for. I suppose you support that sort of idiotic Kafkaesque activity as well.
Comey is entitled to tell his version of the story, and to sell his book.

I am entitled to not give a fuck what a career government bureaucrat has to say.
And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.

I haven't forgotten a single one. The important ones have rolled back obummers illegal ones.
So you’re FOR coal waste getting into people’s drinking water if Obama was against it.
Got it.

obummers water safety EO that you bleat about so much also made it possible for the EPA to classify a man made pond as a wetland and use that as a reason to confiscate his land. I suppose you're in favor of that abuse of power? Or how about the mandate to use a bio fuel that to this date doesn't exist, but which the EPA was fining companies millions of dollars for. I suppose you support that sort of idiotic Kafkaesque activity as well.
Lol. You always miss the big picture in your pathetic defense of every obscene thing Trump does.
I see you couldn’t/ wouldn’t answer my question about being in favor of coal waste contaminating aquifers thus people’s drinking water.
All life on earth depends on having clean water to drink and breathing clean air.
Your buddy is bastardizing both which is the key ingredients for life.... while you twist yourself into a pretzel with your deflections and red herrings.
You’re pathetic.
Comey is entitled to tell his version of the story, and to sell his book.

I am entitled to not give a fuck what a career government bureaucrat has to say.
But you don’t care that Trump lies to you 5.5 times per day on the average?
And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.

I haven't forgotten a single one. The important ones have rolled back obummers illegal ones.
So you’re FOR coal waste getting into people’s drinking water if Obama was against it.
Got it.

obummers water safety EO that you bleat about so much also made it possible for the EPA to classify a man made pond as a wetland and use that as a reason to confiscate his land. I suppose you're in favor of that abuse of power? Or how about the mandate to use a bio fuel that to this date doesn't exist, but which the EPA was fining companies millions of dollars for. I suppose you support that sort of idiotic Kafkaesque activity as well.
I’m stil smh at your response.
So you’re really really saying because a pond can’t be used as a wetland is a good excuse for letting Big Coal foul our rivers and streams?
Then you are so concerned about “ confiscating someone’s land “ but look the other way when Trump is going to use eminent domain for his stupid wall ruining people’s life..
Yup you’re a deplorable.
Comey said that Hillary was 'Extremely careless,' but advises no charges for Clinton's illegal email server.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said she would accept the bureau's views in this case. LOL
The Democratic Party is totally corrupt.
We are seeing our democracy slip away with their abuse of power and lawlessness.

And within the last week...Lynch has made a liar out of Comey.

Comey told Congress how upset he was that she told him to call the case
a "matter." In her book, she writes that he had no objections about him
calling it a "matter."

Good Luck with all these liars.
LOL! CIC Great Douche Pee Brain!


FFS.... YES! Orange IT loves Hookers. IT Married one at least.
No negotiation can engage the Alt Right or the Trumpers. To paraphrase a line from Churchill: "When your head is in the beast's mouth, you cannot negotiate with it."

Impeachment may be very possible in the lame duck session later this fall after the elections.
Does anyone else wonder if Hillary would bribe the FBI to let her get away with her crimes?
They are on the Clinton Foundation Crime payroll already.............

The Clinton Foundation was awarded charity’s highest honor..
There’s them pesky facts again.
By Democrats...............LOL

But you can try to sell that Snake Oil to the sheep of the DNC...........they fall for it.

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