James O'Keefe tweets to Secretary Sebelius: Might want to cancel your plans tomorrow

O'Keefe doesn't have the balls

Just like his "expose" on voter fraud. He goes up and identifies himself as someone else and when given the book to sign as proof....he runs away

Then claims he has proved how easy voter fraud is

If he signed the book, he would be committing a crime. Then hypocrite assholes like you would be calling him a criminal.

If he signed the book, the person at the desk can verify his identity and stop him from voting. Running away before that point proves nothing

James O'Keefe at his best

How is the person at the desk going to verify his identity if the don't ask for identification?
So basically OKeefe didn't have anything he was being an attention whore and a prankster and people fell for it?
How do you have a fake question? Could you explain?

Its easy enough. You ask someone an innocent question:

Do you like Asparagus?
The response is: I hate it, makes me sick actually

In editing, you change the question to: Do you like America?
Then tape it over the response: I hate it, makes me sick actually

James O'Keefe at his best

The unedited version of the tape was made available to the press, so your theory is pure horseshit, just like all your other theories.

Unedited as claimed by O'Keefe. Those in the ACORN videos claimed that O'Keefe never presented himself as a pimp and that the questions they were asked were different than those in the video

I believe them
If he signed the book, he would be committing a crime. Then hypocrite assholes like you would be calling him a criminal.

If he signed the book, the person at the desk can verify his identity and stop him from voting. Running away before that point proves nothing

James O'Keefe at his best

How is the person at the desk going to verify his identity if the don't ask for identification?

The signature is part of the verification process. Most polls never required a photo ID. It has worked very well.

Republicans are saying that it doesn't.
If he signed the book, the person at the desk can verify his identity and stop him from voting. Running away before that point proves nothing

James O'Keefe at his best

How is the person at the desk going to verify his identity if the don't ask for identification?

The signature is part of the verification process. Most polls never required a photo ID. It has worked very well.

Republicans are saying that it doesn't.

The evidence indicates it works poorly. In some districts, more people voted than were registered.
How is the person at the desk going to verify his identity if the don't ask for identification?

The signature is part of the verification process. Most polls never required a photo ID. It has worked very well.

Republicans are saying that it doesn't.

The evidence indicates it works poorly. In some districts, more people voted than were registered.

Are you really trying to resurface that well debunked myth?
I mean seriously. I dont think Keefe motive is to make his supporters look like dupes but he sure is good at it.

BriPartice fell for another one
How is the person at the desk going to verify his identity if the don't ask for identification?

The signature is part of the verification process. Most polls never required a photo ID. It has worked very well.

Republicans are saying that it doesn't.

The evidence indicates it works poorly. In some districts, more people voted than were registered.

How many? Prove it - real proof and not the garbage you guys say is proof.
Serial Liar, James O’Keefe, Releases Another Deceitfully Edited Video: ObamaCare Edition
Posted by: Mark @ 1:28 pm

Some people are just gluttons for punishment. Take James O’Keefe for instance. The petulant, wannabe ambush journalist has already been exposed as a purveyor of dishonest videos that are deceptively edited in order to slander his victims. He was caught trying to execute a perverse scheme to seduce a CNN reporter. He had to pay a $100,000 to settle a defamation suit brought by a former ACORN staffer. And he was convicted of criminal behaviour in a stunt he tried to pull in Louisiana.

James O'KeefeSince then his projects have been few and even many of his former allies declined to promote them. But now he has a new video that purports to expose some malfeasance on the part of some ObamaCare “navigators” who are helping people to acquire health insurance. As I’ve noted before, O’Keefe’s inner sadist assures that his projects are almost always aimed at attacking people and programs that serve the less fortunate. That’s true in this case as well.

The ObamaCare association seems to have loosened up those who abandoned him in the past, including Bill O’Reilly of Fox News. However, his reputation for producing video fiction is fully intact. In the new video he sends in a shill to pretend to enquire about enrolling in a health care plan. In the process, the shill attempts to trick his unsuspecting victims into giving bad advice. However, we can’t know for sure whether they did that because the videos are so heavily edited that there is no way to discern the actual context. Also, the people O’Keefe’s shill spoke with weren’t certified navigators, but were in fact trainees. So the prospect of them making a few mistakes shouldn’t shock anyone.

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