James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated



Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked


Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Are you under the impression that the Director of the FBI signs the same employment agreement that Joe G-Man signs when he graduates from Quantico?


Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Comey supplied the memo's to the Special Counsel who is part of the DOJ.

Not before he had his friend at Columbia release the to the NYT.

Still no link, only rumors of an upcoming request from the Casino/Bankruptcy lawyer.
failing to read is a left wing trait...

FOX News just reported it live.
How do you read a live TV report? Do you have the video or do we just assume they said what is claimed in the OP? Is watching FOX News required to learn about this report?
Can you provide a report that a person can read? Where is the report that the left wing is failing to read? I would like to read it.
Still no link, only rumors of an upcoming request from the Casino/Bankruptcy lawyer.
failing to read is a left wing trait...

FOX News just reported it live.
How do you read a live TV report? Do you have the video or do we just assume they said what is claimed in the OP? Is watching FOX News required to learn about this report?
Can you provide a report that a person can read? Where is the report that the left wing is failing to read? I would like to read itl
As soon as a link is posted I will be glad to post it.. Or you could just turn on FOX and view it for yourself..


Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Are you under the impression that the Director of the FBI signs the same employment agreement that Joe G-Man signs when he graduates from Quantico?

The bitch signed the same forms as every one at State, what would make the FBI any different.



Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Are you under the impression that the Director of the FBI signs the same employment agreement that Joe G-Man signs when he graduates from Quantico?
EVERY federal employee signs the same one when their job gives them access to classified or confidential information.. And as to Quantico or the NSA, those folks are no more stringent..
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
I heard something about this but the tv is in the other room and I didn't get the whole story. That should be very interesting. Hope he conferred with attorneys first.
Still no link, only rumors of an upcoming request from the Casino/Bankruptcy lawyer.
failing to read is a left wing trait...

FOX News just reported it live.
How do you read a live TV report? Do you have the video or do we just assume they said what is claimed in the OP? Is watching FOX News required to learn about this report?
Can you provide a report that a person can read? Where is the report that the left wing is failing to read? I would like to read itl
As soon as a link is posted I will be glad to post it.. Or you could just turn on FOX and view it for yourself..
I found the FOX News online story. It says trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz plans to file a complaint. When this is supposed to take place in unknown, nor are the specifics of the complaint. That means the OP is bullshyt.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.
Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Oh man..this is getting good! You mean that Comey's attorneys will be able to depose White House officials in a court of law? Jackpot!!!! Now they can subpoena the tapes with a court order.

To what?

If the OP is correct and they want to haul someone before a court of law, both sides get to depose the other side.
Still no link, only rumors of an upcoming request from the Casino/Bankruptcy lawyer.
failing to read is a left wing trait...

FOX News just reported it live.
How do you read a live TV report? Do you have the video or do we just assume they said what is claimed in the OP? Is watching FOX News required to learn about this report?
Can you provide a report that a person can read? Where is the report that the left wing is failing to read? I would like to read itl
As soon as a link is posted I will be glad to post it.. Or you could just turn on FOX and view it for yourself..
I found the FOX News online story. It says trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz plans to file a complaint. When this is supposed to take place in unknown, nor are the specifics of the complaint. That means the OP is bullshyt.
That is the same thing. IS..going to..it's early morning! You are BS!
Still no link, only rumors of an upcoming request from the Casino/Bankruptcy lawyer.
failing to read is a left wing trait...

FOX News just reported it live.
How do you read a live TV report? Do you have the video or do we just assume they said what is claimed in the OP? Is watching FOX News required to learn about this report?
Can you provide a report that a person can read? Where is the report that the left wing is failing to read? I would like to read itl
As soon as a link is posted I will be glad to post it.. Or you could just turn on FOX and view it for yourself..
I found the FOX News online story. It says trump lawyer Marc Kasowitz plans to file a complaint. When this is supposed to take place in unknown, nor are the specifics of the complaint. That means the OP is bullshyt.

It could be one of those "We don't settle" head fakes. If so, Trump should know by now that the "bully" act didn't work.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Trump sues everyone. The whiny little bitch usually backs down.
One example: He sued Bill Maher because Bill said trump's mother was an orangutan and demanded to see his birth certificate.
Tramp caved. Bill humiliated him.
Sues everyone? I didn't get legal papers, lol!
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

this definitely falls under the scope of the special investigation

the leftards asked for


comey is "leaker" in at least nine leaks alone

this guy is in capital T -r-o-u-b-l-e

as the leftard narrative is down the drain

Forgets to record the Clinton interview, but all of a sudden is studious note taker. Sure...


Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.
It's too late for it to hit all news agencies this late at night. Guess we'll have to listen to Fox. Wonder if it was leaked? lol
Bull shyt dude. The story is being covered right now by numerous media sources and they are all saying the same thing the FOX report says. No complaint has been filed or investigation instigated at this time. Marc Kasowitz claim is he will file a complaint, time and substance unknown. Kasowitz is not a White House lawyer. He is the personal lawyer of trump, therefore, it is not even a formal White House or Presidential request. There is no indication of how such a request would be received or acted on.

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