James Woods is Awesome

Some of us want to punch him in the face because of his abuse of women he’s dated. Sean Young for starters.

Woods has what can best be described as a “creepy” dating history.
Says someone that admires slick Willy

I don’t admire Bill Clinton. He did a good job as President but his treatment of his wife and family is despicable.
Bill Clinton was a fucked up president, And this fucking piece of shit wife is among the lowest of life forms.

Not as low as someone who sneaks around, lying about who he is and trying to destroy another country.

You mean like Obama when when he bombed Libya, that didn't do a damn thing to the US?

You mean Qaddaffi wasn't funding Osama Bin Laden, and other terrorists? That ISISI wasn't running training camps in Libya. Or that the United Nations didn't ask members for help in ending the crisis? Obama just went in on his own and attacked Libya for no good reason? Is that the lie you're trying to sell today, Russian filth?

Here are the key players fighting the war for Libya, all over again


View attachment 238890

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

Yes, Maxine Waters only has the one house, in DC. She doesn't own a house back in her district in CA, the qualification for holding that office in the first place. :rolleyes:

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

Yes, Maxine Waters only has the one house, in DC. She doesn't own a house back in her district in CA, the qualification for holding that office in the first place. :rolleyes:


That house is not in DC, keep trying...you will get something right eventually.
This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

Yes, Maxine Waters only has the one house, in DC. She doesn't own a house back in her district in CA, the qualification for holding that office in the first place. :rolleyes:


You have a lot of damn gall calling another poster a "moron", when you continue to believe and to repost Trump's lies without first verifying whether he's lying or not. How hard can it be to google "Are Democrats building walls around their homes?", but you're too lazy to do even that.

Not even a far right conservative is wilfully that stupid, or are you. Are you that full of hate and loathing that you're prepared to post things you KNOW to be lies, just to support your lying President? Have you completely discarded any semblance of a moral compass at all. Power at all costs???
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?


probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

How would I know it was fake? I posted a meme.

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.

aww you poor snowflake.. his joke not pc enough for ya? :itsok:

That topic is not a laughing matter. Maybe to a heartless person it would be.

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

Eh? I didn't take it that seriously. Why the attack? Bad day, Gator?

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

I posted pictures to their real houses, they are different than what is in a meme. That is how I know they are a lie. Did you see the pictures I posted?

Memes are a joke until they pretend to provide actual factual information.

We should not excuse lies just because they are in meme form.

I do

How do I know your pics are real? I had no idea that on this site Memes were considered "news". I have apologized. What else would you like me to do?

not a thing

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater. I knew because I remembered. ;)

Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?


probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

How would I know it was fake? I posted a meme.

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.

aww you poor snowflake.. his joke not pc enough for ya? :itsok:

That topic is not a laughing matter. Maybe to a heartless person it would be.

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

Eh? I didn't take it that seriously. Why the attack? Bad day, Gator?

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

How do I know your pics are real? I had no idea that on this site Memes were considered "news". I have apologized. What else would you like me to do?

not a thing

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?


probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

How would I know it was fake? I posted a meme.

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.

aww you poor snowflake.. his joke not pc enough for ya? :itsok:

That topic is not a laughing matter. Maybe to a heartless person it would be.

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

Eh? I didn't take it that seriously. Why the attack? Bad day, Gator?

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

not a thing

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

pretty nice for a life long politician....
And she's going to love poking Trump with a stick for as long as she can. That is, until she drives him up a wall. He 's about there now, so it'll be a short trip.

You don't actually believe Trump is sane, do you?

Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?


probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

How would I know it was fake? I posted a meme.

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

aww you poor snowflake.. his joke not pc enough for ya? :itsok:

That topic is not a laughing matter. Maybe to a heartless person it would be.

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

Eh? I didn't take it that seriously. Why the attack? Bad day, Gator?

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do
This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

pretty nice for a life long politician....

Yep, if only people would quit voting for the same madness every time.

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

The front view of the first first picture:


Clearly, you can see it's the same house.

Makes you wonder about these others.

What is it with right wingers and lying. If they had good positions, they could stand on their own merits. When they don't even trust their own positions, perhaps it's time they did a "re evaluation"?
Don’t ask leading questions. Sanity is subjective. He is just as sane as you and I. He is certainly a sociopath but so are most CEOs of large companies.

Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

Fake meme? What do you mean? I didn't create it. It was on the web. LOL.

Posted as a joke. Sheeesh. Lighten up.

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

How would I know it was fake? I posted a meme.

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

Yes. It was funny so I posted it. Lighten up. I didn't realize I had to research memes. My error, sir.

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

That topic is not a laughing matter. Maybe to a heartless person it would be.

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

Eh? I didn't take it that seriously. Why the attack? Bad day, Gator?

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do

But you kept beating a dead horse? Why?
Are you going to own up to posting a fake meme or just pretend it never happened and move on?

So, you blindly posted it without seeing if it were accurate...and now it is "joke"

Come on, you are better than that.

probably fake also, since you never verify what you post

Some of us choose to verify before we post. The fact it was a meme does not remove your responsibility for posting lies. A lie in a meme form is still a lie

So, as long as we post things in meme form it does not matter if they are accurate or not? What a great get out of jail free card...not a fan of personal responsibility are you?

The topic is not a laughing matter yet you posted a meme because it made you laugh...:eusa_shifty:

I always attack lies that are posted when I find them.

I find the excuse "it was just a meme" to be a weak ass lame excuse.

You thought it was accurate which is what made it funny, once it is pointed about it is fake it becomes much less funny.

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.

You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do

But you kept beating a dead horse? Why?

I have moved past the dead horse hours ago. It is not I that brought it back up.
You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

pretty nice for a life long politician....

Yep, if only people would quit voting for the same madness every time.

I agree with you. I actually agree 99% of the time with you.
You don't have to apologize to that asshat. James Woods really did say that on Twitter and there was a big kerfluffle about it. Next time, tell that fuck to prove it didn't happen.

James Woods did say what was in the meme, Scoffing Hater.


Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do

But you kept beating a dead horse? Why?

I have moved past the dead horse hours ago. It is not I that brought it back up.

Do you agree that Maxine steals money?
Do try and keep up so I do not have to keep educating you.

I did not question James Wood's comment, that was not the meme I called into question.

Fuck you are just stupid, there is no other word that fits.

At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do

But you kept beating a dead horse? Why?

I have moved past the dead horse hours ago. It is not I that brought it back up.

Do you agree that Maxine steals money?

I do not think that stealing is the correct term.

She does what we the people allow her to do.

If someone offered you a cushy ass job with not real responsibility and 6 months a year off plus the real possibility to get stupid filthy rich...would you turn it down?

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.

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