James Woods is Awesome


It’s not rural if you can hear and see your neighbors...

As I said, you are too stupid to know how much you do not know about the real world
Do you realize you’re acting like the average feminist?

How the hell would you know how a feminist acts? Your whole world is seen through a TV set and the internet. You experience nothing real for yourself.

I have been around the world multiple times, lived in a half a dozen difference countries including 4.5 years of my childhood growing up outside the US as well as about a half a dozen states.
You would’ve thought you would’ve learned something from all that experience… Obviously not.

This is the technical term for what you suffer from...Dunning–Kruger effect

You live in a tiny vacuum with very little actually happening around you, your whole world is made up of a few dozen people and then what you see on the TV and the internet. Living where you do you have no real world experiences with anything but bears and squirrels.
Na, not really
Projection enough?
Well that should show you something, even with all of that he understands the average American better than any career politician on the planet. That’s why career politicians are the lowest of life forms

He does not understand shit...your worship of him has removed all sense of reason when it comes to Trump.

He is an urban dweller, the very thing you use to insult me with...yet for your god is it a cool thing.
I don’t have a very high opinion of Trump overall, although he is Miles better than the alternatives. I do particularly enjoy how he pisses progressives off to no end. I guess that’s an endearing quality?

Dumbest reason ever for voting for anyone, but then you do claim to be a conservative. You're going to vote for an incompetent criminal in the pay of Russia, and give him the nuclear launch codes just to piss smart people off. Hey, if this guy destroys the country, imagine how messed up they'll be by that!!!

You make the guys in "Dumb and Dumber" seem like nuclear physicists in comparison.
I wrote in a candidate, Elmer Fudd... he gets no respect.
I knew Trump was overwhelmingly win South Dakota so didn’t really matter, but he is far better than the Hildabeast… Hildabeast would’ve been a disaster for rural America.
Do you agree that Maxine steals money?

I do not think that stealing is the correct term.

She does what we the people allow her to do.

If someone offered you a cushy ass job with not real responsibility and 6 months a year off plus the real possibility to get stupid filthy rich...would you turn it down?

I don't question that how she acquired the wealth (was it legal)? I mean her home value is ~$2.8MM how does a lifetime politician afford that? She has been in politics since 1973. As you are aware there have been many allegations of improper funds received. Pay for play.
Just because her house is now worth $2.8 million, that doesn't mean that's what she paid for it, Clown.

Real estate values do rise. Duh!

Yes, say it cost half that. $1.4MM. How did she afford that being a career politician?

Well, to start with, Pelosi and her husband, a San Francisco real estate developer, made this money together. They started buying property from the time they first got married, in 1963. The property I purchased in 1978 for $18,500, would sell for $200,000 today, just for the vacant land! A similar property in my small town is currently on the market for $400,000. And that house is a tear down.

The vineyard where that fabulous mansion is located, was purchased by the Pelosi's when they were first married, for a figure that is laughable today.

How Nancy Pelosi Achieved a Net Worth of $29 Million

The idiot faction of the conservative movement think that Democrats are opposed to wealth or wealthy people, and nothing could be further from the truth. What they are opposed to is exploiting the working and middle class, while the most profitable corporations in America are paying anyone in their employ, less than a living wage. And tax rates that are far too low for the top 20%.
The Loopy kunt does not walk her talk... No career politicians do so she is certainly not alone
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You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

Here is Water's house...do you see any trees along a fence line?

Yes, Maxine Waters only has the one house, in DC. She doesn't own a house back in her district in CA, the qualification for holding that office in the first place. :rolleyes:


You have a lot of damn gall calling another poster a "moron", when you continue to believe and to repost Trump's lies without first verifying whether he's lying or not. How hard can it be to google "Are Democrats building walls around their homes?", but you're too lazy to do even that.

Not even a far right conservative is wilfully that stupid, or are you. Are you that full of hate and loathing that you're prepared to post things you KNOW to be lies, just to support your lying President? Have you completely discarded any semblance of a moral compass at all. Power at all costs???

How can I possibly NOT call you a moron when your argument against it is my support and reposting of the wonders of Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

As much as you'd like to believe that you can just dismiss any and all opposition by saying, "Oh, you're just a Trump supporter" - because it saves the effort of your moronic ass ever having to figure out how to think and then actually putting in the effort to do so - the fact is that I call you a moron because you earn it. Richly. You were piss-stupid to start with, and when you glued your lips to the ass of any leftist who's handy, you increased it exponentially.
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi's wall is obviously decorative. You can step right over it.

So go ahead and build a two foot wall along the border. Go right ahead.

And the Obama wall is a lie. Why do you rubes keep parroting it?
I am a big fan of his movies.
He's always the seedy, weasel character that gets severely beaten up and/or killed by the end of the movie.

Because he has the type of face that you just want to punch.

You didn't see Vampires

View attachment 238888
That movie sucked, and Woods' acting totally sucked.

Woods is a mediocre actor. I think his best movie was Diggstown. That's a pretty good movie.
It's refreshing to see a relatively conservative member of the H'wood elite but Woods is just an actor. Unless he runs for office his opinion is just the same as anyone on the board.
I am a big fan of his movies.
He's always the seedy, weasel character that gets severely beaten up and/or killed by the end of the movie.

Because he has the type of face that you just want to punch.

You didn't see Vampires

View attachment 238888
That movie sucked, and Woods' acting totally sucked.

Woods is a mediocre actor. I think his best movie was Diggstown. That's a pretty good movie.

I enjoyed the movie. One man's music is another man's noise. Raid on Entebbe was good and he was good in it.

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