James Woods is Awesome

Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
At least I'm not an online shill that lies for credibility. :dunno:

But whatcha gonna do?

I have never lied on this forum and you have no credibility no matter what you do

But you kept beating a dead horse? Why?

I have moved past the dead horse hours ago. It is not I that brought it back up.

Do you agree that Maxine steals money?

I do not think that stealing is the correct term.

She does what we the people allow her to do.

If someone offered you a cushy ass job with not real responsibility and 6 months a year off plus the real possibility to get stupid filthy rich...would you turn it down?

I don't question that how she acquired the wealth (was it legal)? I mean her home value is ~$2.8MM how does a lifetime politician afford that? She has been in politics since 1973. As you are aware there have been many allegations of improper funds received. Pay for play.
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.
Of course he has, Even then he understands the average American way better than any career politician on the planet.

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people
I don't question that how she acquired the wealth (was it legal)? I mean her home value is ~$2.8MM how does a lifetime politician afford that? She has been in politics since 1973. As you are aware there have been many allegations of improper funds received. Pay for play.

She does what she does because we the people allow it, she is not the only one. I hate our system, the two party system almost guarantees life long politicians that get rich off of the system.

pay for play is what makes our system run, we know it happens and we encourage it when "our side" is doing it.

as long as incumbents win reelection at greater than 95% rate this will continue and only one to blame is the voters.

Trump tweeted that Reagan wanted a border wall for 8 years. That's not true. - The Washington Post

The year was 1980, the location was Houston and the question came from the crowd at a presidential primary debate between Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — two bellwether conservatives who would eventually serve together as president and vice president.

Should “illegal aliens,” the crowd member asked, be allowed to attend U.S. public schools?

Bush said immigration policy needed to be “sensitive” and “understanding” toward the “really honorable, decent, family-loving people” that had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without documentation.

Reagan echoed that sentiment.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet.

:rolleyes: wake up dumbos, the only ones WINNING with this dangerous and divisive rhetoric are the terrorists!
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people

So you live in the middle of nowhere, that still does not make me an urban dweller.

Though I do think after my son is out of the house for good my wife and I will move to an actual city and do the loft living thing for a few years.
Natural law is a fucked up concept...

Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people

So you live in the middle of nowhere, that still does not make me an urban dweller.

Though I do think after my son is out of the house for good my wife and I will move to an actual city and do the loft living thing for a few years.
Just admit it you’re an urban creature... You definitely think like one
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.
Of course he has, Even then he understands the average American way better than any career politician on the planet.

You are just an idiot, and wrong yet again. Trump started life rich and will end life rich. He has never had to worry about a paycheck, how to make ends meet till the next one, he has never had to choose between gas for the car or milk for the kids. He has probably never walked into a grocery store in his life.

but you think your god knows what it is like to be an ordinary American.

Fuck dude, you have it bad for him
Do not get out into nature much, do you.
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people

So you live in the middle of nowhere, that still does not make me an urban dweller.

Though I do think after my son is out of the house for good my wife and I will move to an actual city and do the loft living thing for a few years.
Just admit it you’re an urban creature... You definitely think like one

Compared to you Yuma Az is a vast metropolis. You are too stupid to know how much you do not know about the real world.
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.
Of course he has, Even then he understands the average American way better than any career politician on the planet.

You are just an idiot, and wrong yet again. Trump started life rich and will end life rich. He has never had to worry about a paycheck, how to make ends meet till the next one, he has never had to choose between gas for the car or milk for the kids. He has probably never walked into a grocery store in his life.

but you think your god knows what it is like to be an ordinary American.

Fuck dude, you have it bad for him
Well that should show you something, even with all of that he understands the average American better than any career politician on the planet. That’s why career politicians are the lowest of life forms
Says someone who lives in urban America


Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people

So you live in the middle of nowhere, that still does not make me an urban dweller.

Though I do think after my son is out of the house for good my wife and I will move to an actual city and do the loft living thing for a few years.
Just admit it you’re an urban creature... You definitely think like one

Compared to you Yuma Az is a vast metropolis. You are too stupid to know how much you do not know about the real world.

It’s not rural if you can hear and see your neighbors...
Well that should show you something, even with all of that he understands the average American better than any career politician on the planet. That’s why career politicians are the lowest of life forms

He does not understand shit...your worship of him has removed all sense of reason when it comes to Trump.

He is an urban dweller, the very thing you use to insult me with...yet for your god is it a cool thing.

Yep, this booming metropolis of 25,000 people is the urban center of the country!

Fuck dude, do you never tire of being wrong?
The closest town to me is about 100 miles, and maybe 700 people

So you live in the middle of nowhere, that still does not make me an urban dweller.

Though I do think after my son is out of the house for good my wife and I will move to an actual city and do the loft living thing for a few years.
Just admit it you’re an urban creature... You definitely think like one

Compared to you Yuma Az is a vast metropolis. You are too stupid to know how much you do not know about the real world.

It’s not rural if you can hear and see your neighbors...

As I said, you are too stupid to know how much you do not know about the real world
Pelosi is a fucked up bitch, And she absolutely does not speak for normal people she’s a fucking progressive shit stain...

And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.
Of course he has, Even then he understands the average American way better than any career politician on the planet.

You are just an idiot, and wrong yet again. Trump started life rich and will end life rich. He has never had to worry about a paycheck, how to make ends meet till the next one, he has never had to choose between gas for the car or milk for the kids. He has probably never walked into a grocery store in his life.

but you think your god knows what it is like to be an ordinary American.

Fuck dude, you have it bad for him

Who did you vote for in the last election if I may ask.
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?

It was a dopey and juvenile point. The same one you dopes make every day.
how so? if a wall doesn't work a wall doesn't work. So if a wall doesn't work, why would someone with a wall say that? they have a wall, and I bet it works just fine.

You all post such stupid, not sure how you function.
And once again one of our resident Russian trolls attacks, denigrates and insults a female leader of the Democratic Party in a pointless misogynistic rant that contains not one fact, and simply spews hate and insults at a woman who is has done more in the past 5 years than this lying Russian troll will accomplish in his entire sorry life.

This is why women are walking away from Trump's Republican Party. Because they're sick of being insulted and denigrated by people who aren't fit to clean their shoes.
Na, not really
Nancy Pelosi is oblivious to ordinary American problems...

As is every other politician to include your god Trump. Trump has never been an ordinary American, he has lived his whole life on a gilded stage thanks to an accident of birth.
Of course he has, Even then he understands the average American way better than any career politician on the planet.

You are just an idiot, and wrong yet again. Trump started life rich and will end life rich. He has never had to worry about a paycheck, how to make ends meet till the next one, he has never had to choose between gas for the car or milk for the kids. He has probably never walked into a grocery store in his life.

but you think your god knows what it is like to be an ordinary American.

Fuck dude, you have it bad for him

Who did you vote for in the last election if I may ask.

The same person I voted for in the election before that Gary Johnson.

This is my adult POTUS voting record...

Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton - 1992
Bush I - 1988
Reagan - 1984
Well that should show you something, even with all of that he understands the average American better than any career politician on the planet. That’s why career politicians are the lowest of life forms

He does not understand shit...your worship of him has removed all sense of reason when it comes to Trump.

He is an urban dweller, the very thing you use to insult me with...yet for your god is it a cool thing.
I don’t have a very high opinion of Trump overall, although he is Miles better than the alternatives. I do particularly enjoy how he pisses progressives off to no end. I guess that’s an endearing quality?

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