James Woods is Awesome

That meme is speaking of emotions which cannot be verified as we do not know who "they" are.

your other meme had specific houses with labels under them identifying the owners. The labels were a lie, and they were a lie to make a specific political point. If you have to lie to make a point, then your point is not worth holding.

you are trying to compare apples and hand grenades.

May I ask how you know they are a lie? To me Memes are jokes and don't have to be proven. I apologized as obviously I was wrong. Do you not accept the apology? Yes or No?

I posted pictures to their real houses, they are different than what is in a meme. That is how I know they are a lie. Did you see the pictures I posted?

Memes are a joke until they pretend to provide actual factual information.

We should not excuse lies just because they are in meme form.

I do

How do I know your pics are real? I had no idea that on this site Memes were considered "news". I have apologized. What else would you like me to do?

not a thing

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do
Woods is a moron

To be relevant, he would have to point to a politician who owns thousands of acres and built a wall completely around them for security

A home with a couple hundred feet of wall does not match the challenge of thousands of miles of border

Because it’s a challenge to build a wall for border security it should be ignored? If not providing viable alternatives that achieve border security or willing to not address it at all, who is the moron?

No, because it makes zero sense to build walls in the middle of nowhere

It makes sense to build a wall around a quarter acre lot with a home on it

Makes no sense to build a wall around a country with a peaceful neighbor on the other side

If they are so peaceful why do we have border security guards there who are asking for a wall? You're a cretin who alleged that DJT molested his daughter. As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.
We have never been invaded by Mexico

All we have is desperate people coming over to mow our lawns

That’s not all we have. We also have sex and drug traffickers exploiting border vulnerabilities.
Pelosi isn't the only Socialist Commissar with a wall around her dacha. Obama and the Clintons also have one.

She does not have a wall around her home. quit parroting the party lies

HRC does

Woods is a moron

To be relevant, he would have to point to a politician who owns thousands of acres and built a wall completely around them for security

A home with a couple hundred feet of wall does not match the challenge of thousands of miles of border

Because it’s a challenge to build a wall for border security it should be ignored? If not providing viable alternatives that achieve border security or willing to not address it at all, who is the moron?

No, because it makes zero sense to build walls in the middle of nowhere

It makes sense to build a wall around a quarter acre lot with a home on it

Makes no sense to build a wall around a country with a peaceful neighbor on the other side

If they are so peaceful why do we have border security guards there who are asking for a wall? You're a cretin who alleged that DJT molested his daughter. As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.
We have never been invaded by Mexico

All we have is desperate people coming over to mow our lawns

Remember the Alamo.
May I ask how you know they are a lie? To me Memes are jokes and don't have to be proven. I apologized as obviously I was wrong. Do you not accept the apology? Yes or No?

I posted pictures to their real houses, they are different than what is in a meme. That is how I know they are a lie. Did you see the pictures I posted?

Memes are a joke until they pretend to provide actual factual information.

We should not excuse lies just because they are in meme form.

I do

How do I know your pics are real? I had no idea that on this site Memes were considered "news". I have apologized. What else would you like me to do?

not a thing

Then why are you harping on it instead of stating. "Your bad, don't let it happen again"?

I am responding to your post. Seems the polite thing to do

Like 10x harping on the same thing over and over again. After I said "my bad" immediately.
These same rich Moon Bat Democrats that also say that guns are immoral are the same hypocritical shitheads that hire guards with guns to protect them.
Nancy Pelosi Says 'A Wall Is An Immorality.' James Woods Asks The Perfect Question.

Challenges Pelosi on Twitter about the Wall. Honestly if our border patrol agents want it why not build it for them?

And the answer is that hundreds and maybe even thousands of elected officials are receiving cash flow from the illegal cartel money that makes its way over the border on the backs of mules. The last time I checked the estimate the discovery on these packages with something like 5 to 10% they believe. They're discovering millions of dollars a week... How much of it is actually getting by?

Behind the scenes there aren't any elected officials that want a wall.

They have to lie to their own constituents to get elected.

Trump is a champion of the people not of the politicians.

Woods is a moron

To be relevant, he would have to point to a politician who owns thousands of acres and built a wall completely around them for security

A home with a couple hundred feet of wall does not match the challenge of thousands of miles of border

Because it’s a challenge to build a wall for border security it should be ignored? If not providing viable alternatives that achieve border security or willing to not address it at all, who is the moron?

No, because it makes zero sense to build walls in the middle of nowhere

It makes sense to build a wall around a quarter acre lot with a home on it

Makes no sense to build a wall around a country with a peaceful neighbor on the other side

Woods is a moron

To be relevant, he would have to point to a politician who owns thousands of acres and built a wall completely around them for security

A home with a couple hundred feet of wall does not match the challenge of thousands of miles of border

Because it’s a challenge to build a wall for border security it should be ignored? If not providing viable alternatives that achieve border security or willing to not address it at all, who is the moron?

No, because it makes zero sense to build walls in the middle of nowhere

It makes sense to build a wall around a quarter acre lot with a home on it

Makes no sense to build a wall around a country with a peaceful neighbor on the other side

If they are so peaceful why do we have border security guards there who are asking for a wall? You're a cretin who alleged that DJT molested his daughter. As a father of two girls I find that post and you vile.
We have never been invaded by Mexico

All we have is desperate people coming over to mow our lawns

Newsflash, dumbass: El Chapo does not hire "Peaceful, desperate neighbors coming to mow our lawn."

He hires violent killers to cross our unprotected border.
Woods is a moron

To be relevant, he would have to point to a politician who owns thousands of acres and built a wall completely around them for security

A home with a couple hundred feet of wall does not match the challenge of thousands of miles of border

Because it’s a challenge to build a wall for border security it should be ignored? If not providing viable alternatives that achieve border security or willing to not address it at all, who is the moron?

So you're saying it's alright to have a double standard. That's good.... Keep saying that.


This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.

This is Feinstein's house...looks nothing like your meme....did you bother to verify your meme or did you just do the sheep thing and blindly trust it?

You realize that most of those people have more than one house, right? It's like they're rich, or something.

Well, feel free to prove those houses in the meme belong to whom they say they do.

Well, Snopes already said - reluctantly - that the house identified as Pelosi's Napa Valley house was most likely genuine. I believe the link was in the OP.

Photos of Obama's house have been all over the Internet ever since Trump mentioned him having a wall in an attempt to "debunk" what he said. Of course, all those "debunking" pics forgot to mention that they were taken BEFORE he built a wall around it. Too bad for leftists that right after he moved there, there were a bunch of articles written about him doing construction on the house, INCLUDING THE WALL.

The picture of Clinton's house comes from an article in House Beautiful magazine. Do you figure they went to the house to do the interview and pics, and then photographed the neighbor's place?

About Waters' house, I couldn't tell you. That pic has too many trees for me to see it clearly.

And finally, your attempt to say the meme is lying by showing Feinstein's "real" house is dishonest in the extreme. Yes, she does own the house you showed . . . but she just bought it, and it's not her only one. The one pictured in the meme is her DC house, and can be seen in news reports of a fire that broke out there in 2013.


Well, except for the fact there is no wall...other than that it was a great question.

The house is built into a hill and the lower level is the garages.

Ummm....what the fuck do you call that big-ass thing looming over the sidewalk with a huge iron gate?

Like I said before.

One convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still

Proof don't mean shit to these people

James Woods has the type of face you just want to punch...




Some of us want to punch him in the face because of his abuse of women he’s dated. Sean Young for starters.

Woods has what can best be described as a “creepy” dating history.
Says someone that admires slick Willy

I don’t admire Bill Clinton. He did a good job as President but his treatment of his wife and family is despicable.
Bill Clinton was a fucked up president, And this fucking piece of shit wife is among the lowest of life forms.

Not as low as someone who sneaks around, lying about who he is and trying to destroy another country.
James Woods has the type of face you just want to punch...




Some of us want to punch him in the face because of his abuse of women he’s dated. Sean Young for starters.

Woods has what can best be described as a “creepy” dating history.
Says someone that admires slick Willy

I don’t admire Bill Clinton. He did a good job as President but his treatment of his wife and family is despicable.
Bill Clinton was a fucked up president, And this fucking piece of shit wife is among the lowest of life forms.

Not as low as someone who sneaks around, lying about who he is and trying to destroy another country.

You mean like Obama when when he bombed Libya, that didn't do a damn thing to the US?
James Woods has the type of face you just want to punch...




Some of us want to punch him in the face because of his abuse of women he’s dated. Sean Young for starters.

Woods has what can best be described as a “creepy” dating history.
Says someone that admires slick Willy

I don’t admire Bill Clinton. He did a good job as President but his treatment of his wife and family is despicable.
Bill Clinton was a fucked up president, And this fucking piece of shit wife is among the lowest of life forms.

Not as low as someone who sneaks around, lying about who he is and trying to destroy another country.
Not an Obama thread. Please stay on topic.
Well, except for the fact there is no wall...other than that it was a great question.

The house is built into a hill and the lower level is the garages.

Ummm....what the fuck do you call that big-ass thing looming over the sidewalk with a huge iron gate?

The garage. Did you notice the 4 car sized doors?

The house is built on a steep hill like many house in San Fran and as thus they use the slope for the garage under the house.

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